Count Trashula's posts
Posted in This election coming up got me concerned
Posted 5 years ago

Watch out, personal opinion ahead:
Y'all I really thought Bernie was gonna do it this time but now I'm getting nervous. Biden has all the backers and he's taking the lead. I worry this is gonna be a repeat of 2016, you know? Where he got so much support, but in the end it all went to the less progressive candidate, and we know what happened from there.
Thoughts? Predictions? Experiences from 2016? Feel free to disagree about your candidate(s) of choice, just don't start no shit, please.
Y'all I really thought Bernie was gonna do it this time but now I'm getting nervous. Biden has all the backers and he's taking the lead. I worry this is gonna be a repeat of 2016, you know? Where he got so much support, but in the end it all went to the less progressive candidate, and we know what happened from there.
Thoughts? Predictions? Experiences from 2016? Feel free to disagree about your candidate(s) of choice, just don't start no shit, please.

Posted in What are Some "Dumb" or "Weird" Things you Were Scared of as a Child?
Posted 5 years ago

ALF, the Muppet Show, and the "fuzzy fur feet" page in Dr. Seuss's The Foot Book. Basically, I was afraid of hairy monsters.

Posted in Daylight Savings.
Posted 5 years ago

just what i need when i've been struggling to sleep all week: to lose another hour.

Posted in Considering a new tablet. [Art people please chime in]
Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of Pie: sounds pretty good. I'm slowly getting the hang of Krita, but I'll have to give that one a look. Sai's line stabilizers were perfect. Krita has stabilizers, but they're a bit fiddly and the line-drawing experience is just not as smooth (at least from what I've done so far, though I'm getting a better handle on which settings work best for me).

Posted in Considering a new tablet. [Art people please chime in]
Posted 5 years ago

@Scribartz: I really appreciate your detailed experiences, thank you! One thing I don't like about the Wacom is the lack of buttons; I use keyboard controls with my current tablet, but if I'm gonna be drawing on the screen, it's gonna be a lot more convenient to have the buttons actually on the device. Considering that and the price, the Wacom is p much at the bottom of my list rn. I'm hearing a lot more feedback about Huion here, which is helpful 'cause it was the one I saw the fewest reviews for in my online search and comparisons. I probably won't feel very strongly about my decision at any point tbh; without having used either brand before, I can only go on other people's experiences and hope for the best. In terms of price, overall review ratings, and features, Huion and XP-Pen come out about the same so far.
At this point I'd probably go with the Huion. Searching for more reviews online puts that and XP-Pen side by side, with Huion coming out on top slightly more often. And you have a good point: worst case, I can always make a return and try again.
At this point I'd probably go with the Huion. Searching for more reviews online puts that and XP-Pen side by side, with Huion coming out on top slightly more often. And you have a good point: worst case, I can always make a return and try again.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

updated my seeking section. now looking for a year of the rat and ohms in any amount.

Posted in The moment.
Posted 5 years ago

That one is a little tougher, I suppose. I think being friends with someone is the most important thing, and if mutual romantic feelings blossom out of that while spending time together, then things would just kinda happen naturally. Spend time with them, let them know you care, and make it known that you value them as a friend and as a person. I wouldn't say that requires any particular moment or special wording. If they share your interest, you'll probably know it before too long.
that's my take on it, anyway.. ymmv
that's my take on it, anyway.. ymmv

Posted in Funny.
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, pretty much. If I didn't have my sense of humor, I'd be pretty easy to ignore.

Posted in The moment.
Posted 5 years ago

a liking in what way? if I like people i just show it by talking to them more than once. and if i wanna say so, i will just tell them "i like you, you're a pretty cool dude" or something to that effect.

Posted in Volts
Posted 5 years ago

honestly I don't get much volts from conversing with people on here. And if a conversation is boring me or I just don't have anything worthwhile to add, I'm not gonna waste my time and energy dragging it out. I'm gonna skedaddle. If I really want volts, catch me in the Exchange. The only exception is intentionally spammy threads like "how many ___ do you have right now" when I need a small amount very quickly.

Posted in People should dress according to their bodytype. [rant]
Posted 5 years ago

As someone whose clothes are usually too big I feel called out rn :U
I can't say I understand your discomfort, OP. Other people's clothes are their own business. There is no universal goal to look a certain way, so what you're saying about trying to give the appearance of a healthy weight doesn't make much sense to me. Most people just wanna go about their day and wear clothes so as not to be arrested. Maybe they pick different-looking ones based on personal taste, or different sizes/materials/styles based on comfort. That's pretty much it. Clothes aren't "supposed" to do anything except protect us from the elements and maintain public safety to some extent... and, you know, get us service at grocery stores where we might otherwise be kicked out.
Is it possible your discomfort is with these people's body types after all, and not their clothes? Not saying that's necessarily the case, but you do only point out presumably unhealthy body types as being the issue. Regardless, I think considering why it bothers you so much would be a good place to start.
I can't say I understand your discomfort, OP. Other people's clothes are their own business. There is no universal goal to look a certain way, so what you're saying about trying to give the appearance of a healthy weight doesn't make much sense to me. Most people just wanna go about their day and wear clothes so as not to be arrested. Maybe they pick different-looking ones based on personal taste, or different sizes/materials/styles based on comfort. That's pretty much it. Clothes aren't "supposed" to do anything except protect us from the elements and maintain public safety to some extent... and, you know, get us service at grocery stores where we might otherwise be kicked out.
Is it possible your discomfort is with these people's body types after all, and not their clothes? Not saying that's necessarily the case, but you do only point out presumably unhealthy body types as being the issue. Regardless, I think considering why it bothers you so much would be a good place to start.

Posted in Considering a new tablet. [Art people please chime in]
Posted 5 years ago

i'mma be honest with y'all i HATE watching video reviews. I don't have the patience for 'em and find 99% really irritating and draining to watch, so I end up missing the more valuable information. I prefer written reviews that utilize charts or bullet points and make easy-to-follow comparisons. Things that get right to the point.
I've read a fair amount of those already so far, which is what led me to the 3 models mentioned in my post; I'm just at that point where further reviews aren't gonna do me much good and I rather get a wider variety of people's personal experiences and see if there are any major suggestions/options that I'm missing.
For instance, y'all talking about Huion has bumped it up higher on the list. Its reviews are about even with the other two, and the comparisons I've read are all very similar at the end of the day. So this is the kind of feedback that's most helpful to me, and thanks for sharing your experiences.
I will have to look into clip studio; I've known about it for a while, but don't know anyone who has used it. How does it compare with Sai?
As for ipads, I'm pretty iffy on those and anything else that starts with a lowercase i. Especially since I'd only want it for drawing.
I've read a fair amount of those already so far, which is what led me to the 3 models mentioned in my post; I'm just at that point where further reviews aren't gonna do me much good and I rather get a wider variety of people's personal experiences and see if there are any major suggestions/options that I'm missing.
For instance, y'all talking about Huion has bumped it up higher on the list. Its reviews are about even with the other two, and the comparisons I've read are all very similar at the end of the day. So this is the kind of feedback that's most helpful to me, and thanks for sharing your experiences.
I will have to look into clip studio; I've known about it for a while, but don't know anyone who has used it. How does it compare with Sai?
As for ipads, I'm pretty iffy on those and anything else that starts with a lowercase i. Especially since I'd only want it for drawing.

Posted in Considering a new tablet. [Art people please chime in]
Posted 5 years ago

And by that I mean a pen display tablet for digital drawing. I've been using a Wacom Bamboo for countless millennia now, always putting off an upgrade due to the cost and the fact that my crappy old computer made any such move not really worth it because it could barely handle digital drawing at all. But now that my computer has finally kicked the bucket and been replaced, along with a shiny new 4k monitor, I think the time for a new tablet is upon me.
I have always wanted a display tablet, because the disconnect when drawing on a tablet while looking at my computer screen has always been my biggest complaint and the main reason why I don't draw nearly as much as I'd like. It's just really awkward for me, and I never totally got used to it even so I've been using a tablet for over a decade. So now that I actually have the option of drawing and looking at the same surface, I am gonna take it.
The problem is, I don't know enough about tablets to pick the best one for me. I do know that my budget is not as uh, flexible as it used to be. I need to keep it as far under $1k as possible... but I also don't wanna sacrifice a good experience and quality. It's not worth the (potentially) hundreds of dollars if it's not a significant upgrade from my current tablet.
So far the ones I hear most about are XP-Pen 15.6, Cintiq 16, and Huion Kamvas GT-191. But I have, of course, never used any of them or anything remotely like them.
This is where you art people come in:
Do you have any experience with these models? Recommendations either out of those or for something else entirely?
What will give me the most "drawing on paper" like experience?
What will give me the smoothest lines with the best control?
And as an aside, do you have any recommendations for (preferably either free or low-cost) drawing software? I'm used to Sai; it's all I've had in the past decade, but I lost it along with my computer and it isn't compatible with my new setup. I downloaded Krita, but I'm still keeping my eyes open for things to try.
I have always wanted a display tablet, because the disconnect when drawing on a tablet while looking at my computer screen has always been my biggest complaint and the main reason why I don't draw nearly as much as I'd like. It's just really awkward for me, and I never totally got used to it even so I've been using a tablet for over a decade. So now that I actually have the option of drawing and looking at the same surface, I am gonna take it.
The problem is, I don't know enough about tablets to pick the best one for me. I do know that my budget is not as uh, flexible as it used to be. I need to keep it as far under $1k as possible... but I also don't wanna sacrifice a good experience and quality. It's not worth the (potentially) hundreds of dollars if it's not a significant upgrade from my current tablet.
So far the ones I hear most about are XP-Pen 15.6, Cintiq 16, and Huion Kamvas GT-191. But I have, of course, never used any of them or anything remotely like them.
This is where you art people come in:
Do you have any experience with these models? Recommendations either out of those or for something else entirely?
What will give me the most "drawing on paper" like experience?
What will give me the smoothest lines with the best control?
And as an aside, do you have any recommendations for (preferably either free or low-cost) drawing software? I'm used to Sai; it's all I've had in the past decade, but I lost it along with my computer and it isn't compatible with my new setup. I downloaded Krita, but I'm still keeping my eyes open for things to try.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@Pisces: you can! trade sent~