Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Am I the only one not playing Animal Crossing? XD
Posted 5 years ago

I'm not... though if it was for PC I'd probably try it. >n>

Posted in Let it all out and move on with your day. COVID-19 Pandemic
Posted 5 years ago

What I thought was a cold or bad allergies has some weird symptoms and basically I've never experienced anything like this before. So I'm concerned that it might be you-know-what, but because I haven't had a severe cough, trouble breathing, or a fever, I feel like it's gonna be brushed off. Already made the mistake of talking to my grandma about it and that's exactly what she did. She even tried to claim that I probably felt dizzy because I'd been "laying around in bed", but I've been slightly dizzy off and on for the past few days and it's worse when I move around more. I tried to call my doctor, but it's Sunday so they're closed. So I guess I'll just have to call work and ask for their opinion, which I'm not really jazzed about. I'd like to wait a little longer and see how I'm feeling today so I have more to report, but I have to call at least 2 hours ahead of my scheduled shift in case they need to find someone to take my place for that day. So at most, I've got about 30 minutes to decide if I feel sick today, and I'm scared that if I don't feel particularly bad today, they'll tell me to come on back to work. Not that I like staying home and missing out on getting paid, but if I do have something and I go back this soon, it's guaranteed I'll be giving it to coworkers and customers today. Never mind risking making my own problems worse.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@ghost: PICKUP AT LONG LAST i got a little weird with the coloring oof
@Valefor: It's looking great so far! I really like the expression. If I were to make any suggestions, it'd be to make her a little rounder/chubbier ;v;
sorry for the slow responses again... would you believe the moment I finally get days off, I get sick. Wonderful. But at least I got one more done...
@Valefor: It's looking great so far! I really like the expression. If I were to make any suggestions, it'd be to make her a little rounder/chubbier ;v;
sorry for the slow responses again... would you believe the moment I finally get days off, I get sick. Wonderful. But at least I got one more done...

Posted in motivation
Posted 5 years ago

gimme some of that motivation pls i need a big cup of it. I have people waiting on art :^(

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

illness log, day 4: aside from lingering tiredness and mild signs of headache, my symptoms seem to have gone. No more sore throat, no more aches and chills. No idea what that was. I may never know. I have work tomorrow.

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: my kinda woman UwU too bad i gotta venture into the downtown area to find those

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

Well I'm feeling worse today instead of better, so I called in to work to tell them I'm not coming in tomorrow. Went to the store, still totally out of oat milk. And because I'm currently fed up and have no energy to keep experimenting making my own rn, I gave in and got soy milk. y u c k. At least they had my bread, and it was discounted, at that.

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@koneko: it's there but it costs a few cents more and would take longer to get here than if i just got off my butt and went to the store X^(
at least my throat is slightly better. still hurts, but not as much as last night. sore throat is always the first thing to come and go when i get sick though so no knowing what will follow.
at least my throat is slightly better. still hurts, but not as much as last night. sore throat is always the first thing to come and go when i get sick though so no knowing what will follow.

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@Xanthan: omg that's exactly what i needed ty i am saved
@Eruca: always watching... but never helping >:^(
we will see what tomorrow brings.. hopefully it's not more sore throat
@Eruca: always watching... but never helping >:^(
we will see what tomorrow brings.. hopefully it's not more sore throat

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: i did not. stayed in, took a bath, didn't wanna go out because my throat still hurts... send reinforcements
@PurpdaBurpPurp: tell them to wait til tomorrow ;n; maybe i'll be better enough by then to get out of the house
@PurpdaBurpPurp: tell them to wait til tomorrow ;n; maybe i'll be better enough by then to get out of the house

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: that sounds like it'd be expensive, though :'^| and take longer than just going to the store and hoping for the best

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: I live with my grandma, but we don't really have a good relationship. Alas, I can only rely on myself... guess I'll die
@Totalanimefan: eh, the nearest one is like a half-hour drive. I'd sooner just try making my own again if the food lion doesn't have any ;v;
@Totalanimefan: eh, the nearest one is like a half-hour drive. I'd sooner just try making my own again if the food lion doesn't have any ;v;

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: they're listening, but they never step in. lazy >:^(
@inatlaka: ty, i need it ;v;
@Totalanimefan: me too, this shortage has gone on LONG ENOUGH
now if i can just muster the energy to actually get dressed and go out before the store closes... [feeble coughing]
@inatlaka: ty, i need it ;v;
@Totalanimefan: me too, this shortage has gone on LONG ENOUGH
now if i can just muster the energy to actually get dressed and go out before the store closes... [feeble coughing]

Posted in pray 4 me
Posted 5 years ago

i'm sick AGAIN and i have to go to the store AGAIN and they'll probably be out of the 2 things i have to get (bread and milk)
my life is out of control send help
my life is out of control send help