Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Languages!
Posted 5 years ago

The only language I really know is English. I took French in school, but only got the first year of it and had to take that twice, thanks to moving partway through the year. Forgot most of what I learned by now, but still remember bits and pieces... enough that I could ask for the nearest library I guess but not enough to hold a conversation :^P
I know even less of Spanish and German, just enough I can pick out some key words/phrases and maybe even get the gist of what someone is talking about if I'm lucky. I'd like to eventually learn enough of those to be able to communicate/get by. I don't have to be totally fluent, but "not helpless" would be nice.
And I don't know hardly any ASL, but I think that would probably be ...handy... to learn.
I know even less of Spanish and German, just enough I can pick out some key words/phrases and maybe even get the gist of what someone is talking about if I'm lucky. I'd like to eventually learn enough of those to be able to communicate/get by. I don't have to be totally fluent, but "not helpless" would be nice.
And I don't know hardly any ASL, but I think that would probably be ...handy... to learn.

Posted in sleep check !!!
Posted 5 years ago

My sleep pattern is pretty wack; I can never get to bed on time because I'm just not tired enough/not ready yet, and I frequently wake up about an hour to a half hour before I'm supposed to for some reason (maybe my dumb brain is anticipating having to get up?). I almost always wake up once in the middle of the night, but afaik that's normal... though sometimes it's a problem because I have trouble getting back to sleep, or my "middle of the night" is too close to the time I'm supposed to get up so I just have to stay up. The worst nights are the ones where I wake up often, usually every 2 hours. A single day of staying up too late or sleeping too late in the day for whatever reason will be enough to throw off my sleep schedule for the rest of the month. I have a seriously hard time fixing it, probably because I've been on either a night or evening shift for most of the past decade but everything besides my job requires getting up super early.
My dreams are never anything worth remembering, with few exceptions, but this morning I woke up after dreaming I got into a car accident. Nice. It's usually garbled nonsense, like you'd expect from dreams, or equally stereotypical "nightmare" scenarios that are so overdone I'm even bored of them in my dreams. The last time I remember actually having a pleasant dream, I was jerked out of it by some kind of really bad pain for which there was no explanation, but it lasted several minutes and then never happened again. P sure at this point that I'm just cursed.
That said, I've been sleeping better the past couple of days while my grandma has been out of town. So she's probably (unsurprisingly) been a contributing factor, along with my job, neighbors, and general stress. Maybe I won't hate bedtime so much when I'm finally able to move away.
tl;dr: I wish I didn't have to sleep but it's a necessary evil.
My dreams are never anything worth remembering, with few exceptions, but this morning I woke up after dreaming I got into a car accident. Nice. It's usually garbled nonsense, like you'd expect from dreams, or equally stereotypical "nightmare" scenarios that are so overdone I'm even bored of them in my dreams. The last time I remember actually having a pleasant dream, I was jerked out of it by some kind of really bad pain for which there was no explanation, but it lasted several minutes and then never happened again. P sure at this point that I'm just cursed.
That said, I've been sleeping better the past couple of days while my grandma has been out of town. So she's probably (unsurprisingly) been a contributing factor, along with my job, neighbors, and general stress. Maybe I won't hate bedtime so much when I'm finally able to move away.
tl;dr: I wish I didn't have to sleep but it's a necessary evil.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@Starlight: you got it, let me know if any issues with the trade since I'm on mobile

Posted in Coffee buzz!
Posted 5 years ago

I can't do my day without coffee. I mean, I probably can, but I prefer not to. I either take it black or with a little bit of syrup (agave or maple) and oat milk. Depends on my mood and whether or not the rest of breakfast also has sugar in it. A friend recently sent me some Death Wish coffee; I wasn't sure if the higher caffeine content would bother me since I'm a little sensitive to caffeine, but it's not too much. Pretty good.

Posted in Oh yikes, I didn't realize there was a stranger in my house...
Posted 5 years ago

aye, I'm stuck living with my grandma and I feel like I have to hide out in my room whenever she has company, which is a lot more often than I'd like. I'm too old for this shit. But I can't even count how many times I've been surprised to find people in the house when I'm barely decent, just trying to go about my business. At least a warning would be nice. I live here, too, you know.

Posted in I'm so tired of job rejections
Posted 5 years ago

@Lilykin: SAME. How much experience does one need to get hired there? I guess moving from one job type to another comes with the same annoying problems, but hopefully it's just a matter of time and persistence. I don't recommend retail to anyone who's able to avoid it lol

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

Updated the OP with a full list of items I'm currently interested in buying.

Posted in I'm so tired of job rejections
Posted 5 years ago

You think that stings, I spent months and years at a time getting rejected by retail and fast food places. I had one place call me and tell me I was their second choice, as if that was supposed to make me feel better instead of worse. But I guess I'd rather be told no than left waiting.
Good luck. Finding any kind of job is hard these days. Everybody wants only the most experienced candidates, yet no one wants to be the one to give them that experience.
Good luck. Finding any kind of job is hard these days. Everybody wants only the most experienced candidates, yet no one wants to be the one to give them that experience.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@Wildfire: trade complete, thank you!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@Wildfire: aye aye, take your time. I tend to just pop in and out throughout the day myself.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@Wildfire: you got it! trade sent

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

Updated with new CIs for sale.

Posted in Grandma has coronavirus
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: tbh I'm kind of in the mindset of "If they're gonna charge me, they're gonna charge me and calling to find out how much it'll be ahead of time won't change it" ...i guess I'm just burnt out lol it's one thing like this after another
@Pyuukin: tbh she's never been easy to talk to; she takes any suggestion from me as some kind of "disrespect". So I just try to stay out of her way as much as I can. I am glad you've got your own space, though. Hope things are looking up for you!
On the bright side, grandma just got cleared today to go back to work, and I got my test results (negative) today as well, so I am also clear to go back. Just waiting to see what my schedule will be, since the one I had only went up to today.
@Pyuukin: tbh she's never been easy to talk to; she takes any suggestion from me as some kind of "disrespect". So I just try to stay out of her way as much as I can. I am glad you've got your own space, though. Hope things are looking up for you!
On the bright side, grandma just got cleared today to go back to work, and I got my test results (negative) today as well, so I am also clear to go back. Just waiting to see what my schedule will be, since the one I had only went up to today.

Posted in Guess who almost cooked a spider for dinner? :)))
Posted 5 years ago

RIP Mr. Spider.
At least you didn't notice him there after having dinner.
At least you didn't notice him there after having dinner.