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Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Yeah. I just wish we wouldn't make exceptions. Especially without a verifiable doctor's note. If you physically cannot take this kind of precaution, there are other options (like ordering online or having a friend/relative do your shopping, etc). And failing that, a doctor's note explaining the condition, plus strongly enforced social distancing. Once these people are in the store, they don't take any more precautions than anyone else. They're all over the place and most don't even use self checkout, bringing them right up to whoever's at the register as well.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

No... and I'm also p sure that severe of an anxiety/claustrophobia is exceptionally rare. Not "average of 10 customers a day at any given store".

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of Pie: EXACTLY. If something like a thin cloth mask makes you unable to breathe, you might wanna invest in an oxygen tank. I wanna hear from an actual doctor about what kinds of "medical conditions" would legitimately prohibit someone from wearing a mask.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago


So every day at my store we have people doing cart duty in shifts. We spray down carts as customers return them, and we also stop people without masks and let them know they're mandatory. I hate this, because a lot of the people without masks will bitch and whine about it, try to weasel out of it ("is it ReQuIrEd?? I think I left it in my car, can't I just come in real quick?"), or--most commonly of all--say "I have a medical condition" and just keep going. And we can't stop them if they say they have a medical condition. Had a family of four walk in yesterday, all without masks. I wasn't aware being stupid and selfish was a serious medical condition.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

My relatives are all scattered around within a few hours' drive of each other for the most part, but I don't really have anything to do with them (except the one, and I guess my grandma since I live here for the time being). tbh I look forward to moving even farther away from the majority of them. >n>

in that case, leftover noodles 'cause that's what I had for dinner last night and they're always good IMO. I'm only so-so on sandwiches...

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

yeah. the only one out of 5 siblings that I actually talk to and spend time with, but we live a couple hours apart so we don't get to hang out often ;v;

Hope you get some rest and feel better. squash soup squash soup squash soup

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

EH, *wiggly hand gesture*
I get one day off work and I gotta call my insurance company and doctors soon. On edge about grandma possibly returning with company and not knowing when. Was invited to hang out with my sibling today but felt like I'd have too much to do in too little time, so kind of bummed about that. But otherwise kind of just another boring day at home, which may or may not (but hopefully will) include squash soup later.

How have you been?

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

I guess you know what you gotta make for dindin today.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
Medications are processed in your liver and small intestine by a specialized group of proteins called cytochrome P450 (CYPs).

CYPs break down medications, reducing the blood levels of many of them.

Grapefruit and a few of its close relatives, such as Seville oranges, tangelos, pomelos, and Minneolas, contain a class of chemicals called furanocoumarins.

Furanocoumarins disrupt the normal function of CYPs. In fact, studies show that they increase the blood levels of over 85 medications (1).

By slowing the way in which CYPs normally break down medications in your gut and liver, grapefruit can increase the side effects of these drugs (1).

I wanted to know the answer to that too so i googled it and that's what I found.

Also +1 squash soup buddies I plan on making butternut squash soup today, unless something goes horribly wrong (aka if my grandma ends up having company over too late in the day and I am unable to access the kitchen)

Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 5 years ago

^ I have been wanting fireflies for so long :'^|

I would also like to suggest job-related items. I know a lot of people specifically come to these sites to make fantasy stuff, but I'd love to have the ability to recreate, well, non-fantasy stuff, too.
I want to see things like work vests, polos, work gloves/boots, stuff that shows wear and tear or has dirt/paint on it (and not in a cutesy or overly artistic way, just something that looks like you've been painting houses, tuning up cars, or digging in the garden). Nametags, tools (normal sized ones, that is), and various background items and environments/scenes. Store shelves, registers, offices, desks, repair shops, workshops, shopping carts, tool boxes, briefcases, restaurants, kitchens, construction sites, hospitals... the possibilities are endless!

And not just work/job things, but I'd like to see more real-life items and themes in general. Sure, I can make an avatar that looks like an anime or video game character with ease, but I still can't make one that looks like me.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 5 years ago

@Grid: Sure thing, I will send you a trade.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 5 years ago

@Mad Hatter: No problem. Trade has been accepted.

Updated OP with some of the new CIs for sale.

Posted in Shop changes when previewing colors Posted 5 years ago

Nice, seems to work normally now. Thanks!

Posted in Shop changes when previewing colors Posted 5 years ago

Side Swoop (every color)
Back Ponytail (every color)
Buzzed Fade (every color: Sunset switches back and forth)
Combover (every color: Sunset switches back and forth)
Shy Bob (every color: Sunset switches back and forth)
Foxy Ponytail (every color: Sunset switches back and forth)
Short Hair (every color: Sunset switches back and forth)
Bun Bangs (every color: Sunset switches back and forth)