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Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, that's probably a good plan. Pick one thing to start with, compartmentalize it. Should probably do that with everything tbh; it's easy to get overwhelmed lately..

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: not terrible.. i also have cleaning to do; i've just been putting it off cause it's such a pain :^P

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Good to hear! And late happy birthday :^)
@Koen: no problem!
@Koen: no problem!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: been a lil under the weather but not too bad; how have you been?

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Koen: Yeah, that's fine. I'll send you a trade!

Posted in *noms on candy*
Posted 4 years ago

@ArsenicAttitude: Yes! I discovered on accident that I actually prefer them a little softer and slightly warm lol. Better mouthfeel, and brings out the flavor more. Now I leave em in the car on purpose.

Posted in got my first covid shot
Posted 4 years ago

Was hoping I'd be over the fatigue and whatnot after yesterday, but I feel the same today. So much for doing my yardwork...

Posted in got my first covid shot
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: yeah, they gave us a date and said we could show up any time on that day. which I'm glad they did it that way, cause I'm both very forgetful and prone to running late lol

Posted in got my first covid shot
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: dang, I hope I can get that lucky the second time around. ;v; I wish they didn't have to be so far apart; I'm ready to have this stuff over with. p sure we're the only people in town who still wear masks...

Posted in *noms on candy*
Posted 4 years ago

Ugh I love gummies, especially the colas and anything sour. Hadn't had them in a long time since they tend to be made out of things I try to avoid (and getting ones that aren't costs more than they're worth) but lately I started giving in and getting those dollar bags of gummy worms when we go grocery shopping. They're just so good, especially after they've been warming in the car for a little while. >_>

Posted in got my first covid shot
Posted 4 years ago

aye, I've been a little sore and fatigued but luckily no headaches. My friend got hers same day and didn't fare as well (headaches, fever, etc). I have heard the second one is more likely to cause issues than the first. I guess we'll see how that one goes...

Posted in got my first covid shot
Posted 4 years ago

So far, so good. Not we wait a month for the second dose, then I think it's supposed to be another 2 weeks after that before you're considered "fully vaccinated". Glad I'm finally getting it out of the way, but dang now my arm hurts.

Posted in I have 4k in volts...
Posted 4 years ago

@vengeance: g o a l s also i really dig your avatar

Posted in You asked for it...
Posted 4 years ago

They do have harnesses; we just haven't spent much time trying to get them used to those since the first attempt. We took the cats in the back yard, since the gaps in the fence are wide enough they could easily escape, and they didn't really care for the harnesses but liked being in the yard. I've been cutting down vines and spraying grass killer to try and prep the yard so we can start decorating/planting, and when that's done we'll probably just staple some chicken wire or something around the bottom half of the fence so the cats can go out there and explore. Would still like to try taking them on walks at some point, though I don't know if they'd enjoy being out around the neighborhood if our parking lot test is any indication lol.
I wouldn't want them roaming around the neighborhood on their own, though; lots of stray cats, kids, and dogs around here.
I wouldn't want them roaming around the neighborhood on their own, though; lots of stray cats, kids, and dogs around here.