Count Trashula's posts
Posted in You asked for it...
Posted 4 years ago

@MaxIsConfused: there, there... at least after your harrowing adventure, you can come inside and curl up for a well-deserved nap! that's what the cat did, anyway. he thinks he's earned it.

Posted in You asked for it...
Posted 4 years ago

My cat is always trying to squeeze past us and run out the door whenever we open it, so today I figured I'd carry him with me to the mailbox and let him get a little taste of outside. I thought it would make him happy. As usual, all I had to do was go over to the door to get his attention and he came running. Picked him up--which he tends to enjoy btw, so I know being held wasn't the problem--and walked out to the parking lot with him.
As soon as we got a good distance from the front door, he started crying. Then he saw a car sitting idle in the parking lot and cried even louder, trying to squirm away. I checked the mail real quick and turned around, and he whined until we got back to the door. I guess actually being outside was a little more than he bargained for!
Your pets (or kids, friends, whoever) ever REALLY INSIST THEY NEED THIS THING, only to find out it's not what they wanted at all? It's kind of hilarious.
As soon as we got a good distance from the front door, he started crying. Then he saw a car sitting idle in the parking lot and cried even louder, trying to squirm away. I checked the mail real quick and turned around, and he whined until we got back to the door. I guess actually being outside was a little more than he bargained for!
Your pets (or kids, friends, whoever) ever REALLY INSIST THEY NEED THIS THING, only to find out it's not what they wanted at all? It's kind of hilarious.

Posted in I have 4k in volts...
Posted 4 years ago

I accumulate volts so I can spend them, but it's so hard to find/get what I'm after, I end up hoarding it all anyway. That said, I do like to see my balance stay around a certain level. Never know when you'll need that

Posted in Trashy Art Request
Posted 4 years ago

Some profiles have been updated and new ones added.
Some profiles have been updated and new ones added.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

Updated with new CIs for sale.

Posted in I'm just really gay, yknow?
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: i see we had similar ideas lol

Posted in I'm just really gay, yknow?
Posted 4 years ago

It's pretty neat. I like the sparkly ones. Always happy to have more bgs on here.

Posted in Finally divorced!
Posted 4 years ago

heck yeah
plus i can add one more normie thing to my list of life experiences lol
plus i can add one more normie thing to my list of life experiences lol

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

Added a few On Guard! that I forgot I had extras of~

Posted in Finally divorced!
Posted 4 years ago

@sunny: ty! You'd think the process would be simpler, given how easy it is to get married, but apparently not. Even with neither party contesting anything, no children, no split resources, etc, there were multiple steps of filing paperwork back and forth and long waiting periods for rejection and approval.
@Totalanimefan: Not having to worry about it for paperwork and benefits any more. Couldn't get any financial aid or qualify for lower insurance payments because I was married, regardless of having completely separate households. Was always a source of confusion/stress when trying to fill out paperwork. Now I can do whatever I want/need to do without having to wonder if it's gonna be affected (or blocked entirely) by a person I don't even live with.
@Totalanimefan: Not having to worry about it for paperwork and benefits any more. Couldn't get any financial aid or qualify for lower insurance payments because I was married, regardless of having completely separate households. Was always a source of confusion/stress when trying to fill out paperwork. Now I can do whatever I want/need to do without having to wonder if it's gonna be affected (or blocked entirely) by a person I don't even live with.

Posted in Finally divorced!
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Thanks; we've been waiting for this for a looong time lol

Posted in Finally divorced!
Posted 4 years ago

My spouse and I broke up years ago. Around eight years, in fact, but we stayed married for most of that time because I needed insurance in order to get my medication, and didn't make enough through my job (especially with me being in and out of work for several years due to illness) to afford it on my own.
Around the time I did finally get insurance through my job, we started the process of divorce, but because we live in different states nowhere near each other, it all had to be done online and through the mail, which was an extremely slow process that only got slower thanks to Covid. We got more rejection notices than I care to count, for one reason or another, most amounting to "technical difficulties". We were given date estimations, only to have them pushed back or dropped entirely, and had to start over at one point.
Let's take a moment now to reflect on how insanely easy it was to get married in the first place...
But at long last, we've finally gotten a letter titled "DECREE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE".
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the marriage relationship existing between Petitioner and Respondent is hereby
dissolved and terminated. Each party is restored to all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of an unmarried
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the marriage relationship existing between Petitioner and Respondent is hereby
dissolved and terminated. Each party is restored to all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of an unmarried
What beautiful words! I was beginning to think I'd never see the day. We're still waiting to find out whether we will need to make a court appearance online/over the phone to ensure everything is finalized, but it looks like it's gonna be over at last. No more confusion about what status to claim on forms, no more being unable to even consider getting remarried, and best of all, no more being blocked from financial aid because I have a spouse that I don't even get any money from or share a home with (much less a bank account). Maybe now I can finally get that Obamacare (since I lost my insurance yet again when I had to leave my job).
One step closer to getting my life on track. Better late than never.

Posted in Job advice?
Posted 4 years ago

@koneko: I have kinda tried that, though it's hard to search for because the results always end up including a bunch of things that aren't relevant/don't actually train. But I can always look again.
Florist sounds nice; I've looked for that a few times, myself. Just haven't been able to find any so far. Good luck in your search!
@Mousy: I definitely don't have any degrees or college credits, but I'm curious what's on that assessment...
I have looked at a few front desk openings, but most don't suit my schedule (another reason I've been looking for work-from-home jobs; my partner works evenings and the only way we can get anything done is to both be on an evening schedule... plus that's what I've been doing for years, and I don't think I could switch to day shift now even if I wanted to) and are really... strict about appearances, and/or still require certain experience. But I still look from time to time.
Haven't thought much about libraries. Probably at least worth a look.
Edit: I looked. Only one library-related job anywhere near me and it requires a degree ;v;
Florist sounds nice; I've looked for that a few times, myself. Just haven't been able to find any so far. Good luck in your search!
@Mousy: I definitely don't have any degrees or college credits, but I'm curious what's on that assessment...
I have looked at a few front desk openings, but most don't suit my schedule (another reason I've been looking for work-from-home jobs; my partner works evenings and the only way we can get anything done is to both be on an evening schedule... plus that's what I've been doing for years, and I don't think I could switch to day shift now even if I wanted to) and are really... strict about appearances, and/or still require certain experience. But I still look from time to time.
Haven't thought much about libraries. Probably at least worth a look.
Edit: I looked. Only one library-related job anywhere near me and it requires a degree ;v;

Posted in Job advice?
Posted 4 years ago

I put this here instead of serious discussion bc I don't think it's that deep of an issue and kinda just want some quick insights, but understandable if it gets moved
Long story short, I have been out of work for a few months now because my job didn't transfer when we moved. My partner makes enough for us to get by for now, but obviously that's not gonna cut it long term and I'm not at all comfortable with not contributing financially. So I've been looking for work, but I feel kind of stuck. The only kind of job I've had before is retail. Not management, just regular grocery store type jobs. I don't have degrees or education beyond high school, so I'm not qualified for anything that requires those things, and getting those things would take more time and money than I have to spare right now, so "Just go back to school to get a better job" is not a realistic answer (I say this because that's what my relatives love to tell me all the time, not that they'd ever help me do it).
Applying to the nearest grocery store seems like the obvious answer, but despite that being what I've done for years, it was never as easy for me as it should have been due to various health issues I have. I get mentally and physically worn out very easily, among other things, and it's not actually a very good fit for me. I had to leave one of my previous jobs because the stress was making my symptoms ramp up so bad that I almost ended up in the hospital. I have a lot of other hangups about getting back into this line of work, but it's also the only thing I know.
My current home situation isn't suited for a phone-related job; my partner works from home doing this, but we're going to have to look into getting ethernet installed upstairs because the current setup of having a long cable connecting the computer to the hookup downstairs isn't cutting it and her connection goes out every time it rains. So at least for now, anything that would have me making/taking phone calls all day (which is pretty much ALL the regular-employment, full-time work-from-home jobs) is not an option for me.
That pretty much just leaves me with freelancing and gig type jobs, which I've never done before. I'd be very afraid of not making enough money, and having to spread myself too thin across multiple sites/jobs just to make the same amount I'd have gotten from working at the grocery store. I don't know anyone who's ever done this kind of work, especially not as their main/only source of income rather than just a side gig on top of regular employment, and of course all the places like this that are hiring will just throw numbers out there to try and attract people. "Our top so-and-sos make up to X amount per year" means nothing to me. All I see is "You could get X fraction of a cent per word for writing this" and "You choose how much you make!" and it's really off-putting.
I'd love to go back to school or get some kind of certification at least and have a "real" job that isn't working in the grocery store, but never mind having no idea what I'd go to school for, I still need something I can do right now--preferably something that won't kill me, but I feel like my chances of finding something like that are pretty slim.
Anyway, I thought maybe some of you guys would have more experience with this than I do, and/or could offer me some insight from a different perspective. What would you do in my shoes?
Long story short, I have been out of work for a few months now because my job didn't transfer when we moved. My partner makes enough for us to get by for now, but obviously that's not gonna cut it long term and I'm not at all comfortable with not contributing financially. So I've been looking for work, but I feel kind of stuck. The only kind of job I've had before is retail. Not management, just regular grocery store type jobs. I don't have degrees or education beyond high school, so I'm not qualified for anything that requires those things, and getting those things would take more time and money than I have to spare right now, so "Just go back to school to get a better job" is not a realistic answer (I say this because that's what my relatives love to tell me all the time, not that they'd ever help me do it).
Applying to the nearest grocery store seems like the obvious answer, but despite that being what I've done for years, it was never as easy for me as it should have been due to various health issues I have. I get mentally and physically worn out very easily, among other things, and it's not actually a very good fit for me. I had to leave one of my previous jobs because the stress was making my symptoms ramp up so bad that I almost ended up in the hospital. I have a lot of other hangups about getting back into this line of work, but it's also the only thing I know.
My current home situation isn't suited for a phone-related job; my partner works from home doing this, but we're going to have to look into getting ethernet installed upstairs because the current setup of having a long cable connecting the computer to the hookup downstairs isn't cutting it and her connection goes out every time it rains. So at least for now, anything that would have me making/taking phone calls all day (which is pretty much ALL the regular-employment, full-time work-from-home jobs) is not an option for me.
That pretty much just leaves me with freelancing and gig type jobs, which I've never done before. I'd be very afraid of not making enough money, and having to spread myself too thin across multiple sites/jobs just to make the same amount I'd have gotten from working at the grocery store. I don't know anyone who's ever done this kind of work, especially not as their main/only source of income rather than just a side gig on top of regular employment, and of course all the places like this that are hiring will just throw numbers out there to try and attract people. "Our top so-and-sos make up to X amount per year" means nothing to me. All I see is "You could get X fraction of a cent per word for writing this" and "You choose how much you make!" and it's really off-putting.
I'd love to go back to school or get some kind of certification at least and have a "real" job that isn't working in the grocery store, but never mind having no idea what I'd go to school for, I still need something I can do right now--preferably something that won't kill me, but I feel like my chances of finding something like that are pretty slim.
Anyway, I thought maybe some of you guys would have more experience with this than I do, and/or could offer me some insight from a different perspective. What would you do in my shoes?