Count Trashula's posts
Posted in "So what's your favorite..."
Posted 4 years ago

there's too many cool things out there to limit yourself to just one.
there's too many cool things out there to limit yourself to just one.
and same with the colors; I don't think there's any color I dislike on its own, but how they're used/the surrounding context can make a difference in how good they look.
It always kinda weirds me out when I hear some people only listen to one kind of music. Like.. how do you not get bored?

Posted in "So what's your favorite..."
Posted 4 years ago

I'd bet money on getting rainbow entries lol
Trying to think of if there's anything where I actually do have a definite, singular favorite... but I don't think there is. o_o
Trying to think of if there's anything where I actually do have a definite, singular favorite... but I don't think there is. o_o

Posted in "So what's your favorite..."
Posted 4 years ago

Anyone else find these kinds of questions impossible to answer?
Twice in the past few weeks (and plenty of times before), someone has asked me "What kind of music do you like" and I'm just like... idk, the kind that sounds good? If I were to try answering that question, we'd be here all day! Then, scrambling for a way to keep the small talk going, they sometimes try to narrow it down by asking if I have a favorite band. "No, not really." And that's around when they tend to give up lmao. I guess I could have tried harder to be conversational; I could have said "I like things from most genres, but I somewhat favor metal", but that just gets us to the "So what's your favorite band" question all over again. :^P And let's not even get started on subgenres...
The avatar theme being "Your favorite color" got me thinking about this, as I realized I don't have a favorite color. I have a long list of favorites that are in constant flux, just like with pretty much everything else.
I can't really imagine liking just one that much more than every other one. Whether it's food, music, colors, animals, whatever... Is it really so rare to not have a limited number of preferences or to be unable to pick a singular favorite anything?
Twice in the past few weeks (and plenty of times before), someone has asked me "What kind of music do you like" and I'm just like... idk, the kind that sounds good? If I were to try answering that question, we'd be here all day! Then, scrambling for a way to keep the small talk going, they sometimes try to narrow it down by asking if I have a favorite band. "No, not really." And that's around when they tend to give up lmao. I guess I could have tried harder to be conversational; I could have said "I like things from most genres, but I somewhat favor metal", but that just gets us to the "So what's your favorite band" question all over again. :^P And let's not even get started on subgenres...
The avatar theme being "Your favorite color" got me thinking about this, as I realized I don't have a favorite color. I have a long list of favorites that are in constant flux, just like with pretty much everything else.
I can't really imagine liking just one that much more than every other one. Whether it's food, music, colors, animals, whatever... Is it really so rare to not have a limited number of preferences or to be unable to pick a singular favorite anything?

Posted in I found this at the store
Posted 4 years ago

i love these guys; i have a big plush one for xmas. not all in black, though, that's a first.
...i also thought they were boobs when i first opened the thread tho
...i also thought they were boobs when i first opened the thread tho

Posted in Apartment View Jackpot
Posted 4 years ago

Congratulations on your move! The question is, do they actually have a tennis court?

Posted in Do you have any tattoos?
Posted 4 years ago

I have one tattoo because I can't afford more and would never have the time to go get them right now. I'd love to get more when possible, though, and I'm considering having my existing one changed or covered up when I do. It's not terrible, but it's not really what I wanted (I was too shy/awkward at the time to explain it better) and doesn't really speak to me. I also don't care for the placement of it. But as I'm not in any kind of place to worry about tattoos at the moment, I haven't put much thought into exactly what I'd do. Maybe someday...

Posted in [PWYW] Sketch Shop
Posted 4 years ago

@Kairu: yeah, let me pm it to you real quick.

Posted in [PWYW] Sketch Shop
Posted 4 years ago

@Kairu: Would you be interested in drawing anyone from here for 20k volts + Bearly Cute + Fallin for You + Sheepish?

Posted in Do u ever miss ur old (toxic) friends?
Posted 4 years ago

I never really had toxic friends, just kinda selfish ones who sucked at maintaining their end of the relationship, thus communication died out when I had enough of always having to be the one to initiate contact. If they can't be assed to talk to me on their own, they didn't care that much to begin with. I can think back fondly on the good times we had without particularly missing them as people.
Similarly, I sometimes miss the good moments in my relationships with my family, who very much is toxic and who I don't plan on keeping in touch with once I finally move out. Jokes they made, little traditions around holidays, etc... I can keep those things without keeping those people, but it will always sting just a little bit.
It sucks having no family and very few friends. I can see why you'd sort of miss even the bad ones, especially if you do have at least some fond memories with them. That only seems natural. But hopefully you can make some new memories with better people in the future.
Similarly, I sometimes miss the good moments in my relationships with my family, who very much is toxic and who I don't plan on keeping in touch with once I finally move out. Jokes they made, little traditions around holidays, etc... I can keep those things without keeping those people, but it will always sting just a little bit.
It sucks having no family and very few friends. I can see why you'd sort of miss even the bad ones, especially if you do have at least some fond memories with them. That only seems natural. But hopefully you can make some new memories with better people in the future.

Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 4 years ago

last night was inventory night, wherein everyone who's signed up for it stays several hours late to count everything in the store. i was asked a few days ago if i was able to stay, but i didn't give them a yes. i was not scheduled for inventory, only my regular schedule. imagine my surprise and frustration when they gave me a counting task at the very last minute anyway! something that would have taken me, oh so conveniently, until the time i'd have been scheduled to leave if i HAD said yes to inventory. i got 1/3 of it done and said i needed to leave because i shouldn't have been tasked with that anyway. especially without anyone to help me. i watched 2-3 other people who had the same schedule as me go home at their normal time, so why was i given the expectation of extra work? why am i the only one who is expected to just do more than i was signed on for? they couldn't possibly have thought that counting every chapstick and pack of gum at the registers would take me less than half an hour. i am still mad about it and now i have to leave for work again. i was tempted to call in just bc i was so damn mad. but at least inventory is done, so i won't have to worry about getting saddled with last-minute extra tasks... i hope.

Posted in Trashy Art Request
Posted 4 years ago

Still seeking art! New pics and characters have been added, and profiles are constantly being updated. Whatever character type you're in the mood to draw, we probably have something for you!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Merynia: you got it!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Starlight: Thanks for buying!
Trades sent!
Trades sent!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Starlight: Sure thing; i'll send you a trade!