Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Jury Duty
Posted 4 years ago

I recall getting a paper in the mail for it once, but wasn't selected and didn't actually have to go anywhere for it.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Rayon Declaire: Aye, I prefer to sell them for my listed price. If you're still interested, I'll send you a trade!
@Totalanimefan: Mostly just busy dealing with all the stuff I have to do now that I've moved. Way too much to keep up with tbh. Hopefully next time we move it'll be easier since it won't be so far away and we won't be starting off without so many things...
@Lina: Sure, I'll send you a trade if that amount is good with you!
@Totalanimefan: Mostly just busy dealing with all the stuff I have to do now that I've moved. Way too much to keep up with tbh. Hopefully next time we move it'll be easier since it won't be so far away and we won't be starting off without so many things...
@Lina: Sure, I'll send you a trade if that amount is good with you!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I'm doing all right. How about you?

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Anarchist Beauty: Trade accepted on my end. Thanks!

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 4 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: Just wanted to pop in and say sorry for the delay! I've started on your art but been busier than expected and haven't had much time to work on it. I should be able to get it done this week, though!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Anarchist Beauty: sent you a trade!

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 4 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: she so cute ;v; Lemme add you to the list and I'll get working on it tonight.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 4 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: Yes and yes! Just fill out the form and I'll add you to the list!

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 4 years ago

Gonna give this a try again. *quietly raises art shop from the dead*

Posted in I feel guilty about my price for my art and I need advice
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah, you're definitely undervaluing your work!
Whenever I open for commissions, I use other artists' prices as a model and adjust based on the style and quality I think I can offer. That may not be the best system, but the more I look at other artists' prices, especially those who do use art as a main source of income, the better an idea of value I can get for my own work and for art in general. If nothing else, it helps in determining what kind of prices would usually be expected for something similar to what I'm offering.
But especially if you're a freelancer looking to make a living (or even just a substantial amount of extra income) from your art, I think the by-the-hour model in that link is a handy thing to keep in mind and use when determining your prices.
Sorry to hear people stopped responding to your commissions after you gave your prices; that's sadly a thing many if not most artists will experience. People do not understand how much time, effort, and skill go into making art--even when they know they couldn't do it, themselves. Art, especially digital, is highly undervalued by society as a whole, and the fact that there are so many artists out there selling (and undercharging) makes things harder.
You have a skill that takes years to develop, and you create a product that takes hours of your time and effort to make, using that specialized skill. Don't feel bad about valuing your work (and your time) more highly and charging accordingly. The less you value your art, the less potential customers will value it, and that just feeds the cycle.
It's also true that a lot of people just don't have much money right now. Times are tough! I know there are a lot of artists I'd love to commission right now, but I've been holding off since I lost my job. So at least in some cases, it may not be that people think your art isn't worth the price; it could just be that your followers/potential clients don't have enough for art right now, period. Hang in there, keep networking and advertising, and look/ask around to see who's buying.
I don't think it's unusual to see a stall in commissions when you change prices, but that doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong or overcharging.
Whenever I open for commissions, I use other artists' prices as a model and adjust based on the style and quality I think I can offer. That may not be the best system, but the more I look at other artists' prices, especially those who do use art as a main source of income, the better an idea of value I can get for my own work and for art in general. If nothing else, it helps in determining what kind of prices would usually be expected for something similar to what I'm offering.
But especially if you're a freelancer looking to make a living (or even just a substantial amount of extra income) from your art, I think the by-the-hour model in that link is a handy thing to keep in mind and use when determining your prices.
Sorry to hear people stopped responding to your commissions after you gave your prices; that's sadly a thing many if not most artists will experience. People do not understand how much time, effort, and skill go into making art--even when they know they couldn't do it, themselves. Art, especially digital, is highly undervalued by society as a whole, and the fact that there are so many artists out there selling (and undercharging) makes things harder.
You have a skill that takes years to develop, and you create a product that takes hours of your time and effort to make, using that specialized skill. Don't feel bad about valuing your work (and your time) more highly and charging accordingly. The less you value your art, the less potential customers will value it, and that just feeds the cycle.
It's also true that a lot of people just don't have much money right now. Times are tough! I know there are a lot of artists I'd love to commission right now, but I've been holding off since I lost my job. So at least in some cases, it may not be that people think your art isn't worth the price; it could just be that your followers/potential clients don't have enough for art right now, period. Hang in there, keep networking and advertising, and look/ask around to see who's buying.
I don't think it's unusual to see a stall in commissions when you change prices, but that doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong or overcharging.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

No problem!
No problem!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Sent you a trade!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@dragoness129: Sent you a trade :^)

Posted in We're about to become (pet) parents
Posted 4 years ago

;v; spent all morning cleaning up the mess they made of their litter. this is why i didn't want babies... but they're sweet, and i guess it'll get easier as they get older. can't be mad at em when they do that "mrrp" thing and rub their face all over you.