Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 4 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: Glad to hear it! It was fun to work on.
Edit: I just noticed there was a spot on one of her eyes that wasn't colored in all the way lol I replaced the link with the fixed version.
Edit 2: I couldn't help myself playing around with the colors since I had it open, so I put up another version with slightly more muted colors (mostly the bg).
Not sure which you prefer, but feel free to take and use both as you see fit!
Edit: I just noticed there was a spot on one of her eyes that wasn't colored in all the way lol I replaced the link with the fixed version.
Edit 2: I couldn't help myself playing around with the colors since I had it open, so I put up another version with slightly more muted colors (mostly the bg).
Not sure which you prefer, but feel free to take and use both as you see fit!

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 4 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: I am SO sorry for the long wait! I added your art to the pick-up slot on the front page; let me know if you want any changes made!

Posted in driving is scary ;c
Posted 4 years ago

Driving is scary. You're going fast in a big metal box, partly having to rely on mirrors, and have to trust that not only do you know what you're doing, but that everyone else around you does, too.
The city I recently moved from was especially bad about it; people there were very selfish and aggressive drivers. There was at least one road I refused to drive on if I could avoid it because it was so bad. It got to the point where having to get behind the wheel gave me anxiety, and I'm still struggling to get over it now that I'm living in a safer area.
I'm glad they were OK and hope you are, too. Don't beat yourself up over it. I've had a few minor accidents because one car didn't see the other. Despite checking before backing out or changing lanes, sometimes it still happens. As long as you do your best to check carefully and use signals, you aren't doing anything wrong.
The city I recently moved from was especially bad about it; people there were very selfish and aggressive drivers. There was at least one road I refused to drive on if I could avoid it because it was so bad. It got to the point where having to get behind the wheel gave me anxiety, and I'm still struggling to get over it now that I'm living in a safer area.
I'm glad they were OK and hope you are, too. Don't beat yourself up over it. I've had a few minor accidents because one car didn't see the other. Despite checking before backing out or changing lanes, sometimes it still happens. As long as you do your best to check carefully and use signals, you aren't doing anything wrong.

Posted in Bundle vanished from inventory [edited]
Posted 4 years ago

There was some kind of error when I first got my orb bundle (it was labeled as 'orb' instead of 'bundle' and wouldn't allow me to open it in my inventory), but that resolved within a few minutes. I tried to open the bundle again, and this time it worked--but had nothing in it! I got the "You open your bundle and receive:" message, but it was blank, and no orbs or items show up in my inventory now, yet the bundle is also gone.
Edit: I just noticed the thing about bundles being fully added later today/tomorrow in the announcement. That explains some things...
Edit: I just noticed the thing about bundles being fully added later today/tomorrow in the announcement. That explains some things...

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, some people at my last job were driving 45 minutes to and from work every day. I don't know how they can stand it. Especially with the price of gas, no thank you...

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, that's admittedly the main reason I want that job. Most places pay about the same, and the ones that pay more are a pretty long drive. I feel like at least for now, the convenience (and time/money saved on driving) would be worth it. If I'm not dedicating as much time to work, I'll have more time to look into going back to school, or at least that's the plan.

Posted in Show me your pets!
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Kay: sent you a trade!
@Totalanimefan: That doesn't sound pleasant at all! There's a store right across the street from my neighborhood that's hiring, and a couple of others around town as well.
@Totalanimefan: That doesn't sound pleasant at all! There's a store right across the street from my neighborhood that's hiring, and a couple of others around town as well.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: As far as I know, they have plans to slowly increase their pay to 15$ over the next 3 years (as of December) but currently only pay around 10-11$/hr from what I'm seeing online. Which isn't really any different from the grocery stores around here, and the nearest one is about a half hour drive from where I live. They do have benefits though, so I'd at least consider it. I have tried to avoid restaurants; that's just not the kind of thing for me and I don't wanna have to rely on tips.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: It's fairly low, yeah. I think NC overall has a lower cost of living, and then the city I moved to is a bit lower than than the one I came from. Housing and rent are lower by a lot (unless you wanna get closer to the beach, then it gets ridiculously high). My car insurance also dropped after moving here, so that's good.
@Kairu: I don't think so, but I do have a Discord if that's easier for you. Beelzeboar#2812 Or you can message me on Volta; either way!
@Kay: Absolutely; how many volts are you looking for?
@Kairu: I don't think so, but I do have a Discord if that's easier for you. Beelzeboar#2812 Or you can message me on Volta; either way!
@Kay: Absolutely; how many volts are you looking for?

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

Sorry everyone for the delay! Been busy lately with IRL stuff.
@Totalanimefan: Nah, I'm on the opposite side, on the east coast lol. I live in NC. As far as jobs, I'm probably just gonna apply to the grocery store across the street. Doesn't have as good of pay/benefits as my last job, but it's probably the quickest/easiest place to get hired right now.
@Kairu: I like the look of your cell shading style! I'll send you a trade for the items; if you're still interested, we can work out details for the art.
@Rayon Declaire: Sorry for the wait; sending you the item in trade now.
@Totalanimefan: Nah, I'm on the opposite side, on the east coast lol. I live in NC. As far as jobs, I'm probably just gonna apply to the grocery store across the street. Doesn't have as good of pay/benefits as my last job, but it's probably the quickest/easiest place to get hired right now.
@Kairu: I like the look of your cell shading style! I'll send you a trade for the items; if you're still interested, we can work out details for the art.
@Rayon Declaire: Sorry for the wait; sending you the item in trade now.

Posted in Having a passion
Posted 4 years ago

Being stuck with retail as my only career prospect has, as you can probably guess, made me pretty miserable. Everyone is all "Oh, just go to school and get a better job!" without stopping to consider that 1, I may not have the time or energy to juggle school with full-time work; 2, I sure as heck don't make that kind of money; and 3, I have no idea what I'd go to school for in the first place. And nobody has any answers for that last one, not even people who've known me for decades. If I'm gonna go through the trouble of trying to make time for school, it better be for something I can not only reasonably make a living off of, but actually enjoy doing--or at least not hate. Otherwise, I feel like I'd be better off making less but being at least somewhat comfortable in my work. Don't get me wrong, I hate working in the grocery store, but at least I know how to do it and have the experience to maintain some degree of job security with it, and I can think of several things I'd hate a whole lot more. That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to be doing something different, but how am I supposed to know what that is?
Feels like everybody has their "one thing" that they love, that they dedicate all their talent and free time to, that they either are pursuing as a career or would if given the chance. Everybody seems to have a passion, but I don't.
I know I like creative pursuits, but aside from drawing and writing, it's not like I've had the opportunity to try my hand at much to see what I enjoy or to develop any sort of talent. I'm only OK at drawing despite doing it all my life, and writing takes so much time and concentration I can't even keep up with an online roleplay, much less find something marketable to write and build up a portfolio. I like working with my hands, but "craft artist" isn't a realistic, sustainable standalone career for most people--especially people like me--to consider. And most hobbies seem to require an awful lot of time and money...
I like being outdoors, animals, stuff like that. But jobs involving these things all seem pretty unappealing to me for one reason or another. Like, sure I enjoy animals, but being a veterinarian sounds like a nightmare. I also like food, baking, cake decorating. And for a long time I considered going to school for it, but it never worked out and I lost the interest and motivation after a while. I was never that great at it anyway.
IDK. I just feel like I like a lot of things, but don't love any one thing enough to dedicate my life to it and basically forfeit any hope of doing something else. If I pick a career path, I feel like I'll be stuck with it. Because again, time and money are things I do not have to spare. I also don't wanna bet on having a long enough life to just "try something else later". Especially since everything that's not retail or fast food, basically, requires thousands of dollars and years of schooling to even start.
Things would be so much simpler if I just had a passion I could follow. I hate feeling like I'm spread thinly over all these areas of interest with no realistic means of doing anything worthwhile with them. And I am tired of settling for something I hate just because it has to be "something".
How do you find (or follow) your passion? How do you even know what it is or if you have one?
Feels like everybody has their "one thing" that they love, that they dedicate all their talent and free time to, that they either are pursuing as a career or would if given the chance. Everybody seems to have a passion, but I don't.
I know I like creative pursuits, but aside from drawing and writing, it's not like I've had the opportunity to try my hand at much to see what I enjoy or to develop any sort of talent. I'm only OK at drawing despite doing it all my life, and writing takes so much time and concentration I can't even keep up with an online roleplay, much less find something marketable to write and build up a portfolio. I like working with my hands, but "craft artist" isn't a realistic, sustainable standalone career for most people--especially people like me--to consider. And most hobbies seem to require an awful lot of time and money...
I like being outdoors, animals, stuff like that. But jobs involving these things all seem pretty unappealing to me for one reason or another. Like, sure I enjoy animals, but being a veterinarian sounds like a nightmare. I also like food, baking, cake decorating. And for a long time I considered going to school for it, but it never worked out and I lost the interest and motivation after a while. I was never that great at it anyway.
IDK. I just feel like I like a lot of things, but don't love any one thing enough to dedicate my life to it and basically forfeit any hope of doing something else. If I pick a career path, I feel like I'll be stuck with it. Because again, time and money are things I do not have to spare. I also don't wanna bet on having a long enough life to just "try something else later". Especially since everything that's not retail or fast food, basically, requires thousands of dollars and years of schooling to even start.
Things would be so much simpler if I just had a passion I could follow. I hate feeling like I'm spread thinly over all these areas of interest with no realistic means of doing anything worthwhile with them. And I am tired of settling for something I hate just because it has to be "something".
How do you find (or follow) your passion? How do you even know what it is or if you have one?

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Same time zone, at least. Was living with a family member, so I've been trying to move out for years. As for why this area in particular, I wanted to be farther away from the city and closer to the beach. My partner's job was also pressuring her to move this way (she works in insurance, and they have a lot of members/potential members out here). We're about 12 miles from the beach now, so that's cool.
I worked at a grocery store, though, so there was no way to work remotely and I couldn't transfer because the nearest location had no openings. There was a store in this town, but it got shut down and they sent everyone from there to the next closest one, so that location is full indefinitely.
I'm also worried about finding new work bc this place, while pretty laid back, has a LOT of conservative-type people. It's right up on a military base, so that's pretty much to be expected, but I'm always lowkey nervous about what kind of environment I'm gonna wind up in.
I worked at a grocery store, though, so there was no way to work remotely and I couldn't transfer because the nearest location had no openings. There was a store in this town, but it got shut down and they sent everyone from there to the next closest one, so that location is full indefinitely.
I'm still mad because my work lied to me about being able to transfer and I basically got screwed out of a job; by the time they told me "actually you CAN'T get the transfer" (after telling me that I could, several times), we were already under contract and preparing to move. We had to fight hard to get the place we did, and this house wasn't our first choice. People are snatching up houses as soon as they hit the market around here. So once we got it, we couldn't let it go, especially with the huge pressure my friend's job was putting on her to move and start working remotely. If we had known from the start that I wouldn't be able to transfer, we could have looked into moving to other locations. Too late now--and to top it all off, the district manager threw me under the bus and actually said I didn't do my "due diligence" in asking for a transfer, when I had not only been asking for MONTHS in advance and getting the same answer each time, but had a 'yes' answer IN WRITING from my store manager, which is exactly what I was supposed to do. If there was anything else I should have done, it was on the managers for not telling me when I asked. I will never not be mad about this :'^)
I'm also worried about finding new work bc this place, while pretty laid back, has a LOT of conservative-type people. It's right up on a military base, so that's pretty much to be expected, but I'm always lowkey nervous about what kind of environment I'm gonna wind up in.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Nothing quite that far! Same state, just 5-6 hours away. Far enough that I had to leave my job and spend a lot of money getting my stuff moved, which has been the cause of a lot of my stress about the move... but it's not a bad place, quieter than where I'm from, so I'll probably be much happier once I get my stuff sorted out. I am dreading going back to work and basically starting all over again, though.