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Posted in I spent an hour talking to Dell.. Posted 3 years ago

Just trying to get a warranty replacement for the fusion unit in the printer at work
It was the most ridiculous call where I'm mostly sitting in silence listening to this guy type for miles. Then he'll ask me stupid questions like "exactly in what way is the printer bending the corners of all your papers?"
And I'm like
"in the way that the FUSION UNIT has its cover all bunched up on one side and its causing ink to smear and collect and the papers snag on the texture"
"how much would you say the paper is bending?"
like dude it doesn't matter, the fusion unit is fucked :vanora_xd:
This went on so long it felt like he was trying to find a reason not to issue the warranty. Asking if we misused it and such.

After an hour of repeating myself and then sitting in silence, he finally agreed it looks like the fusion unit just needs to be replaced. Then he asks me if I can install it myself lmao
Like sure if you wanna tell me how but really you should just send someone out...

But at last, got it scheduled!

Anyway, nothing else has happened at work today. I'm pretty bored.
How're you guys this week? c;

Posted in I spy with my little eye... Posted 3 years ago

Ohhh did I actually manage to log on at the beginning of a new event O:
How exciting

Posted in T E X A S Posted 3 years ago

DC sounds so amazing ~!
I absolutely LOVE museums and dinner dates. Going out for a stroll
Yesterday we went to Austin to check it out for the first time. Visited the downtown/2nd street area where they have this bat bridge (but it was morning so bats were hiding, we could hear them chirping though) and an outdoor shopping mall thing. But it was sooooo dirty, like a mini LA. Had more tweaker zombies than normal people walking around. One got thrown out of a shop right in front of us because he kept standing there yelling. So he continued yelling on the sidewalk so loud we could still hear him blocks away.
So not the BEST date spot but it was still fun exploring and we took funny photos. After that we went to Austin's indoor mall to feel safer and got a buncha candy.

He really is doing so much better <3
Makes me really proud

Posted in T E X A S Posted 3 years ago

Oh and I quote my manager, "I've been married to my wife for 25 years because we DIDN'T spend time together"

Of course I had to snip back "My parents have been married for 35 years and counting because they made sure to value each other more than their jobs"

And to that he just said Nope.
Like wtf dude go sit down :vanora_xd: you ain't gonna change my mind

Good thing he doesn't matter much in the large scale. Our Regional manager is who I look up toward as a leader more than those within my store, cause he's really the one in charge. He has normal human values XD

Posted in T E X A S Posted 3 years ago

Yeah driving is so dang terrifying for me, I wish I could walk to work again.
I'm not good at going over 50 mph so when the interstate is a 75mph road (normally 85 but its a construction) I get really panicky. So my fiance ends up driving for me ;;;n;
I can do it in emergency situations where I have like full adrenaline going, but then I cry when I get to my destination. just so phobic of being in a car it makes me crazy

But anyway, thank you! I'm glad my rambles can spread some joy :D

Thank you! I love when I have good updates to share <3
and seeing my fiance doing so much better with his mental health, that just fills me <3
I know we're where we are meant to be

ALso yes! And fuck people who are like "well I married my job, why can't you be like me because I set the standard for norm, yknow"
Like, no you can't make me lol

Posted in Nail wrap thingssss Posted 3 years ago

It was worth it for the shits and giggles! XD I had a friend in highschool who had longer toenails so she could paint them, which looked fine cause like... she kept up with keeping them clean under the nail.
But I cant imagine for most... Like, especially as adults, our feet are much more worn out lookin lmaoo

Hopefully you can try them out :D You'll have to show me if you do!

Posted in T E X A S Posted 3 years ago

Man, what a year this has been! I got stuck thinking yesterday about how much different things are now and how much I've changed too. My life is coming together and I'm finding a new sense of peace that I haven't felt in so long, that I keep getting massive dejavu at random moments. Like something just suddenly feels nostalgic but I can't put my finger on what it is, but I just feel randomly happy.

I seriously cannot believe that exactly one year ago, I was scrounging for art commission work just to afford packs of ramen. But now, I can literally afford to buy a HOUSE! I mean, I just have to wait one more year for my wage to be recognized since I'm commission based. But its totally a thing that financially I can do with mine own two hands!

I shared on here my journey down to the south this year. How much everything exploded in every direction, but how the move itself fell in my lap so easily. I've wanted to come here for a decade. Every fiber of my soul felt that this is where I needed to go and I couldn't make Colorado feel like home, no matter how hard I tried. And I tried.
My fiance and I had some hiccups when we came here. We had to change our lives entirely and the habits from before, and work ourselves into a new lifestyle that is healthier. It was harder on him, that with his family issues and trying to shake addictive habits that he had to numb the pain from dealing with them all his life, but he's come a really long way already. He's singing again and working hard, developing new goals and ideals for himself. Enjoying the newfound freedom that he has in this household. He left for work this morning feeling so dang happy, he kept picking me up and getting all giddy. Nothing new happened, we were just talking about our current lives this morning. I think its just feeling like we're free and alive to do whatever we want, make choices and goals that seem so possible.

Like his dream of having his perfect little music corner in a room where is half designated to my arts and crafts so we could work on our projects together on our days off. Those are moments where we feel fully ourselves and the happiest we can be!

There are still annoying things, as life will always have. Like having to take an interstate to get to work every day. The drive TO work isn't bad, but the drive home is horrendous with the way one particular road merges into the other, the angles are weird and there is. ALWAYS. an accident. Or two. Plus, its always dark going home, and I get bad night blindness paired with driving anxiety. My fiance and I end up carpooling cause luckily, his job is 2 doors down from mine and work him very similar hours.
Working 11 hours a day is rough, and having managers who mock me when I want to share ONE day each week with my family as my day off. As if I'm spoiled and my values are misdirected, because THEY don't care to spend time with their wives. Why would I WANT to spend any time with my fiance, over being at work. Like fuck you guys, ain't changing my ways! I miss being home. This home I worked so hard to make cozy and full of snacks! XD Nobody really likes being at work~

Anyway, I'm certainly having an ADHD squirrel moment cause I was meant to start organizing our things to pack up. We're moving soonish (either locally or, if I get this promotion I applied for in Wichita Falls, might go there even sooner) so fiance asked me if I could go through and make donation piles, for things we wouldn't miss. To make moving lighter of course.
But then I ended up looking at our finances cause I need to write all the numbers down from my brain so we can budget either move.
But then I thought it'd be a good time to learn how to use excel.
But then I thought it'd help to look up templates for excel.
But then I thought I should update the pixels in my post format.
But then I remembered my thread about nail wraps,
But then....


Posted in Nail wrap thingssss Posted 3 years ago

Thank you! :D I think more than anything I just need to straighten my cuticles, then these would look a lot more fancy.
But after they set for a couple of days honestly I grew to like them even more. THey're still holding strong

I dont know where people normally get them, but I've chosen to risk some low cost ones on etsy. I got these pumpkin ones from this seller and aside from smelling like pool floaties, I really like them! I bought another set to use in december and then bought from another seller to try out different qualities. Maybe Ill find a favorite go-to artist eventually xD

Yeah thats fair. I'm usually pretty lazy so if I paint my nails, stuff stays put until it eventually chips off all the way cause I cant be bothered to redo them. So these are perfect XD

Eugh, I also cant handle fake nails. I did try them one time as a joke, got these claw-like halloween things from walmart..

I lost my dang mind trying to function. It was an intentional challenge, like I dared myself, but by the end of the day I pulled them off XD
(funny enough I stuck them on my toe nails and it looked super gross but funny, so I took a photo and sent them to my new date-at-the-time for giggles. He's my fiance now. A+ flirt over here lmfao)

But yeah! I recommend these :D By using a clear top coat, they last a good amount of time. Just make sure to take breaks in between them cause they do suffocate the nails a bit (like anything would of course)

Posted in Nail wrap thingssss Posted 3 years ago

I'm momentarily obsessed with these things!
A coworker told me about them and how they're apparently way easier than painting nails, if you're like us and just dont have the downtime for that

ALthough, these probably took me the same amount of time that I take painting my nails because I'm beyond dumb when it comes to navigating beauty products. But once I figured it out I can see how they're easier.

Ignore crooked cuticles cause Im also dumb about figuring those out
but I got these cute pumpkin style~

My skin might be too pale for white to work, but I like them anyways xD
Now I feel like I need to learn how to make them myself! How cool would that beee

Posted in HELP I forgot this book's title Posted 3 years ago

Ohhh thanks for the suggestion! I never understood how to navigate reddit so I dont think to try there XD

Posted in HELP I forgot this book's title Posted 3 years ago

It's an old fantasy book that I found in a shop called 2nd and Charles in colorado
for like $2
It was written in the 90's if I remember right, so its not anything like big name or whatever

But anyway its about this gypsy girl who plays a lute
and then some weird drama jazz happens and she's given this magic lute that like talks to her sorta, and it's a super secret important message for The Queen
and so she's given this quest to go to said Queen and give her the lute to receive this message and save humanity from weird demon things.
Lots of grim stuff, and the last portion of the book I really didn't like. Touched on too much r*pe subjects and resolved it in a very untasteful manner, imo.

BUT I got on a subject and can't remember the book's title!! I already donated it a few weeks ago lmao

The cover is like browns/oranges and made all sorta elegant looking
with a big lute on the cover and a little lady and dude riding on a horse, she's playing a little lute

If this rings a bell for any of you, Help :vanora_xd: This book sucked but I gotta knowwwww

also happy halloween lmao

I FOUND IT thanks voltra for letting me scream here for a second
Now i can compare my doodle from memory--


dont read this, the ending sucks :D

Posted in nano cat toy best cat toy Posted 3 years ago

This is the best cat toy ever, my kitten absolutely loves it!
She gets so excited when I bring it out
It distracts her for HOURS
so I can get things done and---


she also body slammed the water bowl before this, hence the rag in place

Posted in engagement rings arrived :DDD Posted 3 years ago

Funny side bit
My fiance--I'll just call him Jellymoth since that's his twitter name--was at work the other day prepping meat or something. He has this teen coworker who was in the kitchen prepping something also, and he sees the ring on Jelly's hand under his glove. This baffled the guy and he was like "what is that? is that like.. are you married or something?"
Jelly's like sorta I'm engaged
and this kid couldn't really figure out what it meant and was just asking such silly questions like "what is engagement? isn't that the same thing?" and trying to work through his stoned-out confusion while my fiance just watches in amusement :vanora_xd:

He tells me about all the reactions he gets at work and its hilarious and adorable. We keep forgetting that people are way more friendly here than where we came from. So it really makes us happy when even our coworkers talk to us.

Posted in Job Interviews Are Scary Posted 3 years ago

I always avoid over preparing because I want things to flow naturally. But sometimes there are questions asked that I really don't know the answers to, even if I studied ahead. Like not normal interview questions or something I never knew of. Like my last interview was for a promotion and she asked me 3 questions that would show how well I can handle customer service issues. But they were HARD questions like... I flunked all 3.

But I didn't fail the interview for it (and she helped me learn from those questions). Keep in mind that everyone knows that interviews are uncomfortable for people, and being asked something on the spot can be troubling. They expect nervousness and its OK to pause and think for a second. I will do that sometimes and as I pause, I take a deep breathe while I think, and somehow i always find SOMETHING to say ^^;