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Posted in Anyone have cool hobbies or side hustles? Posted 3 years ago

I'd love to get into resin too but its very expensive! And tricky to work with from what I've been told.
The materials are toxic so be sure to get a respirator mask so you dont breathe it while you work, and be near an open window or outside for proper ventilation :D

I also like to consider what sort of side hobbies I can do. I draw of course, but sometimes its nice to do something more traditional. I have some miniature crafts like a mini wooden ramen stand to build, but I need to find a way to keep them without my kitten breaking them so they;re in a box unfinished right now. Still training her to keep off my book shelves XD

Posted in Anyone got extra seeds? Posted 3 years ago

I have 99 but I only really want one item anyway
if anyone has some to spare I'd appreciate!

*edit* I got it and then some! Thank you everyone <33
Posted in I've gone all antisocial again. Let's chat Posted 3 years ago

@Amber Lynne:
Not bad, just livin! Went to work today only to be sent home to come in tomorrow instead. So yayy, rest :D
How've things been for you?

Posted in O LAWD NO Posted 3 years ago

Ugh yeah, dont even get me started! It drives me crazy that people are so comfortable not working at all. I can enjoy about a month of no work kinda, but after that I get so depressed if I'm not out doing productive work and making income o:
I dont get how people do it

The company would probably never reduce the store hours, they'd rather us work every day before they consider that Lol
They can be a bit cutthroat sometimes!
We're trying hard to hire someone, but no one can pass the audit interviews so far because of felons or drugs

Posted in I've gone all antisocial again. Let's chat Posted 3 years ago

Yes, but at the same time, reconnecting with people on here make me happy too
its been nice trying to come back again :vanora_icon:

Posted in O LAWD NO Posted 3 years ago

Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I feel like this is just such an issue right now D:
We're in a similar place with having no one in our warehouse staff at all, so even though we're supposed to be commission-based sales associates who dont commonly leave the floor, we very often have to spend much of our shifts in the back warehouse to do trucks or inventory. Its a long process and we lose customer opportunities. ANd those of us who remain on the floor are overwhelmed with customers and phone calls. Its a mess!

Hope we both find some non-felon people to hire soon D:
We've turned away so many of those too, from domestic abusers, sexual abusers and child porn records... its sometimes disturbing to interview them

Posted in I've gone all antisocial again. Let's chat Posted 3 years ago

worklife makes me incredibly antisocial :'D
Like I spend 11 hours talking to customers so when I come home, I just wanna zone out or do something quiet

I'm semi-not-adulting by making buttered noodles instead of cooking something proper tonight :D

Oh, but there are actual snacks that are like what you describe. They're soooooooo tasty!

Posted in Behold Posted 3 years ago

Yeah I'm learning that now. I've had a TON of cats in my childhood, but never from a shelter so I didn't experience their sickness as much.
I guess its something with having a bunch of cats in a room together, they can catch airborne virus/bacteria from each other or from the kennels

Posted in O LAWD NO Posted 3 years ago

I hope so too :'D
To make things harder we have a remodel going on simultaneously so we cant hear anything
I dont exactly blame the guy for quitting, just wish there was at least a week of notice

Posted in O LAWD NO Posted 3 years ago

We've been trying to hire someone for months!!
There's a process where we'll interview a ton of people, pick out a handful to do a second audit-style interview with our regional manager. But then he would reject all of them. He's rejecting SO MANY people that we like and then he blames us because no one's been hired yet.
Our regional manager is a great guy but I think he might be setting the bar way too high for his standards... That, or it might be the drug policy getting in the way. Our company goes off of federal standards, where things like pot are still not legal on federal level. So employees cant use it at all or risk their job if ever given a drug test and fail. Many candidates get turned away by this cause its kinda stupid. People should be judged by performance... >>

Posted in Eastward chucklefish game Posted 3 years ago

I wanna talk about this game here to distract myself from buying it yet
waiting for some bills to pass
Any of you heard of it? :D Just came out last week. I hear good feedbacks from it but I'm still curious if its something that'll like... entertain me for a couple hours and then never touch it again. Or if I'll step into it and then emerge again in 3 months cause its gooooooood
Like what stardew was like for me.

There are some art directions with this that are a bit odd to me, like I'm not sure I particularly like the style of the cover art and feel like it clashes with what the pixel sprites look like. A little jarring I guess, but thats just personal preference O:

Other than that I mean... I wonder how much depth the game has! Looks pretty sweet

Posted in O LAWD NO Posted 3 years ago

My job is already under staffed. We have 2 women on maternity leave (one week apart from each other xD ), one of them is highly unlikely to ever come back. The other one visits us often and communicates a lot so I know she's coming back, but not yet cause her husband also deployed rn.

So there's been 4 of us. Store manager, asst manager, me and this dude who just quit on the spot yesterday.
So now there's 3 of us. I'm not in a key holding position so that means one of the 2 managers needs to be there open and close. We all normally work open-close shifts anyways, myself included. Just normal practice cause we're on commission. But now there's more pressure cause we lose days off, and normally we would get 1 half-day shift and 1 short (but not half) shift every week, with 2 days off. Now we lose all short/half days D: and one week we lose days off too

Its not too terrible, 45 hour weeks (and a 50 hour one coming up, cause one of the managers is required to go on a business related trip for a week so we'll be down to 1 keyholder and me sdjhfgsdj)

LAWD GIVE ME STRENGTH until that maternity leave ends and we get another set of hands back in!
and big ass sales to put more funds in my pocket over this >:0
thats almost a given though

Posted in New Addition Posted 3 years ago

Oh so precious <33