Jolly's posts
Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago
big boss man and regional boss man came in for day 2 and they poured in like 5 other corporate names with them. They looked like a mafia :vanora_xd:
Def possibly lost 1lb to running around in a 15 min time window to catch up on paperwork I didn't finish yesterday, before they come in. We had a slight heads up from their pilot who arrived first lmaoo
they're super nice people tho so the visit was fun
@Miss Sandman:
Yes, that is my intention <3 I'll see with my Dr if a non-hormonal pill might be a good option for me. Given that there aren't other causes to my weight gain
Yes, thanks for reminding me. I should definitely make sure there isn't something else causing this. ANd you're correct, there's nothing inherently wrong with being overweight. I dont look at myself and think "man I look unhealthy". I just recognize that somethings strange about this.
My biggest thing (aside from obv I wanna be sure that I'm healthy) is I start to feel my back starts to roll in places, in ways it never did before because I'm starting to flesh out there. I already roll a bit under my bra in the front if I sit or lean forward at all. Feeling my skin crease is distracting and massively uncomfortable to me, in a physical way. Like, not in a "how I look" way but like its uncomfortable feeeeeling it. If that makes sense? Its like how it is when a sock stitching bunches up under your pinky toe--its just real annoying.
I have already had to buy bigger bras and now I feel like I need to size up again cause of these rollllllss but I'd rather shave the excess off :vanora_sweat:
Hmm, yeah that makes sense about the muscle gain bit. I always relied on walking a lot cause I used to walk a TON before I could drive, and that was the only time in my life I had abs so I assumed I was doing something right lmaoo but maybe I can come up with some at-home exercises that can focus on my core, making that stronger. My abs are long gone and I feel like i slouch more cause my belly muscles are just not as strong as they used to be haha
Anyway, all this advice in here is super super helpful and motivating ;v;

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago
@Count Trashula:
Thank you for the suggestions!! Of course, I will absolutely take the medicine up with my doctor. I just found one that I could at least schedule an online consult with (so hard finding a Dr here that accepts new patients rn! kinda bonkers) so I'll be taking this subject with me for that. I'm excited to see what advice they may give!
But either way, it sounds like you have some healthy tips in there even without weight loss being a problem. I do think that a lot of this advice is doable in some shape or form, even just for the sake of delicious healthy lifestyle.
Althouuuugghh, maybe I'll have to follow up on whatever happens when I try to not add creamers to my coffee :vanora_xd: I might start making unique noises from how bitter it is
Only reason I haven't turned to the caffeinated sparking waters is because of how MUCH caffeine they have and the prices. I want a soda amount of caffeine, not an energy drink. the non-caffeinated ones (like Ice and a similar off brand one I also found) I drank for most of last year, but they're either too sweet or taste like sad water.

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago
Fun tidbit, my lady manager tried the nexplanon bc implant after learning about it from me, cause she now has 2 accident babies and she never wanted any kids. She wanted more guarantee.
Well, she got it, and it did her hormones like it does to mine and made her super depressed and anxious and she came to work a raging B a few times. She and I bumped heads two or three times before it got so overblown, we had to both sit in the office and talk it out. Like why the hell we keep fighting.
We realized its our implants and so she got her's removed :vanora_xd:
Once her body readjusted she sat with me like
"Holy crap, I've never felt depression before that happened. I'm so happy now. How do you do this"
For me it felt like a subtle change in mood cause I've always had depression so I just manage it in ways I always do. I just cry more easily lmao

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago
I appreciate your advice. I never knew what was considered normal or abnormal amount of weight gain. I am struggling big time with finding a Dr here in TX, but I managed to hook up a video meeting with one in april. I may ask them about this all at that time, since they agreed to combine a consultation with the care establishment in the same meeting. Perhaps it would be easier to obtain pills anyways if they also think this is a good idea.
I have called around every clinic within 20 miles of me cause my implant is actually due for a replacement. Everyone acts all sweet and friendly until I say the name "Nexplanon" and then they audibly gasp sometimes and the tones shift like "OH did you say.... nexplanon?? Oh that changes everything"
everyone's so stunned when I bring it up :vanora_xd:

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago
Eating too close to bed time is another one I forgot to mention! I used to always have early dinners, but with this job, I dont get home until 830-9pm. We have to quickly cook dinner, scarf it down and be asleep by 1030p so we can wake up at 730a and do it all again. I loathe this lifestyle but I do love affording things lmao
I never did try the pill because I'm so insanely bad at keeping up with daily routines! I originally got my implant to help with pains, cause I knew if I missed a pill schedule that my pain would get way worse for a bit and with the implant I dont need to think about it. But now that I have a partner I'm hella paranoid about accident babies, cause every woman I know irl has one. I'm mad terrified of ever getting preg :vanora_stunned: Would you say that is much of a problem with the pills?
*edit I guess I should add that I trust condoms as well as I trust a piece of paper lmfao
maybe I'm overly paranoid

Posted in diet/health advice, I'm hopeless
Posted 3 years ago
I've been having some metabolism struggles over the last year. I blame much of it on a birth control implant in my arm since that causes weight gain for some, and I absolutely gained 20lbs in the first month I had it put in and that at the time was the heaviest that I'd ever been (3 years ago). By now I've gained another 15lbs.
I cant eliminate this medicine for health and no-babies reasons, so I'm trying to combat it! Idk if my diet is complete trash or what, but I cant get control over my weight.
I also just turned 30 so that also doesn't help.
One thing that might be problematic (?) is I eat a lot of rice/noodle/pasta as a staple for many of my meals.
I am not vegan or vegetarian but this past year its been increasingly difficult for me to stomach meats. I've always struggled with food aversions mostly due to textures, and quality of meat is plummeting here unless I buy really expensive slices :vanora_annoyed: So its all really gritty and fatty and gross for me. I used to LOVE chicken, and have this recent chicken salad recipe I made that was real good. But once my tooth hits that chewy grit, it takes all my muscle power to not vomit.
This makes me rely more on pasta/noodles/rice to pair with vegetable dishes or soups to make them filling.
I've cut soda mostly out of my diet cause that used to be an every day drink. (admittedly I broke that rule last week cause I had a mad case of "fuck its", trying to work on will power again) That probably contributed a lot to weight gains.
But I rely on caffeine for ADHD so much that I still drink coffee when I'm at work. Helps me do numbers with less mistakes, cause I'm brain dumb. Kureg coffees with a big ol chunk of creamer cause I drink em white. So maybe this isn't helping me either? Not even sure which is better or if I just traded one evil for another. :vanora_stunned:
I recently cut chips out of my diet and replaced them with crackers. Google said that crackers are pretty chill. Its easier for me to pace myself with eating crackers too because they're so salty, so I also have less volume that I snack on but feel a bit more fulfilled.
I am starting to replace bread (wheat, if I do eat bread, cause wheat is the best) with tortillas, which isn't a huge difference but like maybe that helps too dfkgjhdf
Am I just doing this all wrong or is there a way to still enjoy these foods that I love and not keep gaining or plateauing in weight??
I'm only 25lbs overweight so its not a lot but it feels almost impossible to shave it back off. I dropped 5 lbs last week and then I decided I wanted a chocolate bar. Right back up to where I started! The best I've ever been able to do in all these 3 years is plateau and then slowly gain an additional 5lbs by the end of the year. I miss my tummy man and my back not rolling from under my bra strap (but ngl thick thighs save lives, thats one happy takeaway from gaining weight lmaoo)
As for exercise, cause I know thats more important than any of this, its been really difficult keeping up with that too. I'll hit up the neighborhood gym once a week for about 30 min. But I can't do it every day because I'm gone 12 hours a day for my job :vanora_cry: At work I'll stretch and walk laps around the showroom but its not a place where I can really work out.
I REALLY miss the days when I could walk to my jobs in the past, cause I felt so energetic then and strong! And less muscle pains of course, cause working out is good for that sometimes. But I can't walk to work here. Its a 30 min drive~
I'm fully open for advice and pls don't feel cautious about offending me. Like my managers already saying "you gotta change your whole lifestyle" and pokes fun that I'm not making time for daily workouts because I would rather not wake up any earlier than I do already. I'm not offended if this is the truth of it, but just hopeful that maybe it IS just a matter of tweaking my diet in the right way that weekly workouts and daily indoor walks at my job might be enough if I combine the right efforts with it.
As someone who lived most my life underweight, I've never experienced this before. So any tips are appreciated <3
[disclaimer: Please dont take this as a "weight is not beauty" message!! I do not feel ugly or anything of that sort. This is really a preference for my own flesh, not for the sake of an image. A number on our scale does not determine our beauty]

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