Jolly's posts
Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago
A bit of both! :D
The story has all to do with magic, hexes and some version of the underworld. In a short story version, the girl struggles with being possessed, and the guy feels responsible because he's literally a walking curse (a "gateway" more like, so people he touches get possessed by monsters and eventually die). So he's trying to rid himself of this curse and save her from it too. But she keeps having episodes where she turns on him and he has to defend himself but also try and snap her out of it.

Posted in Russia has officially invaded Ukraine
Posted 3 years ago
Something.. I could make up all sorts of theories. But I guess the reason doesn't matter much. Just that its horrible and needs to end.
I used to have a friend who lives in Kazan in Russia. I haven't spoken to him for 3 years so who knows what he's like now. But I hope that he is safe and not involved. Not sure by miles if Kazan is truly close to the borders, but it looks close :vanora_sad:

Posted in extreme pain, and tmi body stuff
Posted 3 years ago
That is probably because planned parenthood is supportive of womens' health and abortions stuffs! I wont get into my personal opinions on those matters, but the place does offer some peace of mind when I need birth control. That I'm not gonna have some old white dude stand over me and tell me "tough luck" lol
Or perhaps I've only been to the bad locations :vanora_xd:

Posted in Russia has officially invaded Ukraine
Posted 3 years ago
I see everyone asking the same thing I keep asking, what is he even thinking?
Putin is starving his own people, hurting his own country. For what? I heard a lot of murmurs at the start about "why" is he even attacking ukraine, but none of the theories make sense??
Im not sure anyone knows at this point? (forgive my ignorance if otherwise)

Posted in extreme pain, and tmi body stuff
Posted 3 years ago
Planned parenthood has a pretty bad reputation for incompetence, actually. And in some places, very concerning "inventory" of aborted body parts. I mean, that's kinda why abortions keep getting restricted to how long into pregnancy, cause when the fetus gets big enough, it has to be removed in pieces. and in some cases it could survive on its own otherwise, or something like that.
But with the way this state, and maybe country, keeps going when it comes to womens' health/ect. I can appreciate having a place to go where I know whoever I talk to in their clinic is not going to be against me. (although I CAN expect people in the parking lot to call me a murderer lmao)
Outside of planned parenthood, I cannot even find a female doctor, let alone anyone who will see me in-person until August. I struck lucky with a video chat to prescribe my implant, but even that wont be until april T___T my implant is going to expire before I even get a new one prescribed. I hate this side of texas sm

Posted in ❀ Voltie's Favorite Recipes -- Tell me yours!!
Posted 3 years ago
I love winging it when it comes to cooking!
sometimes to my fiance's demise
Tonight is one of my SOUPS!!
So I take some ground beef (1 lb cause its only two of us) and brown it in the pot. Toss some garlic powder or fresh minced garlic in there, cause it smells good.
Once that's good, I toss in a bunch of veggies. Never exactly the same every time.
Tonight its onions, carrots, peas, cauliflower.
Then I always toss in about two cans of stewed tomatoes.
Then I'll add enough water until I feel satisfied that it looks like a properly balanced soup.
Thennn toss in at least 2 beef bouillon cubes, maybe more if the flavors need it.
Let it all simmer for a while until the veggies begin to soften.
From there, I'll add in chili powder until the flavors explode deliciously
The last thing I do is cook some egg noodles. I dont' like soggy leftovers so I cook these in a separate pot and I'll add them to the bowls rather than adding them into the pot.
I'll add a photo once its done, if I remember to >v<
currently in the simmering process~

Posted in extreme pain, and tmi body stuff
Posted 3 years ago
Yeah, gosh, I'm so glad that didn't last much longer!
I'm finding it weird now that this morning I intended to call the clinic where I had the procedure done (planned parenthood--not the best choice but I had reason for timing, finding a doctor within a year is really hard in this town Dx ) because I had forgotten to cancel an appointment with them to remove the implant I had before all this IUD stuff. Cause at this point, now I need to get a prescription to replace that fucking texas but I shouldn't remove it beforehand, of course.
But anyway, couldnt call cause they were closed. Weird, I had an appointment scheduled. Turns out that they're now only open 2 days a week.
Either some political nonsense happened in texas that I didn't hear about yet, or maybe they're losing business??? XD''

Posted in Russia has officially invaded Ukraine
Posted 3 years ago
I primarily use twitter to post art and whatnot. I had not realized how many artists I follow are in ukraine, and it has been incredibly hard seeing what they're going through. One of them has made it to Poland, and is rushing around trying to get medicines for other refugees. Another seems to still be in a very dangerous place, and its really painful when I see them post. Like I'm relieved that they're still okay, but I hope they can find peace again.
I try not to consume too much of the news since its really angering and depressing. But at the same time I am constantly worried :vanora_cry:

Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in carrrrssss
Posted 3 years ago
So last week I went to the dealership and thought I was looking at a pretty sweet deal for a used car. They had JUST gotten it and it still needed to go through inspections and detailing, ect.
So I go to work the next day like HI BOSS LOOK AT THIS DEAL
and he sees the deal and is like
wtf that's a terrible deal, they're scamming you
and I'm like well shit
good thing I didn't put any money towards it.
Fast forward, today, my boss takes me and my fiance to a different dealership that he's worked with before and trusts. He works some word magic, scares them with his meticulous german mother, and instructs me on what to say at what point and how to play with my down payments and trade in values so I dont get jipped. He ended up getting me in a NEW car, freshly made, only 6 miles on it. Super good deal (according to my mom who knows car stuff quite well, I just.. never paid attention so I'm car dumb), and almost half the amount on financing that I was expecting from that used car before.

got this thing!
Although my real takeaway from all this is that I don't think I could ever willingly let anyone else drive me around again, except for my fiance and my mother. Because holy HELL my boss almost killed us so many times, and somehow the dealership guy--who was ONLY going around the parking lot with us--almost got into a nasty head-on with us in the vehicle (not the one I purchased, another one he was just giving us a ride from one building to another, cause its cold af today). Idk why he was even driving so fast in a LOT!
and like on the way home with my boss, we almost rear end every person in front of us at every stop because for some reason he's always looking BEHIND HIM ON A ONE WAY ROAD
I was so scared, I got home with a headache and shaky arms :'''' )
But I'm alive
cannot wait to pick up the new car tomorrow (just came in also, they're gonna detail it and stuff before releasing it to me)

Posted in Oh boy i haven't been here in a while!
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Oh boy i haven't been here in a while!
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in my cat fears the clouds
Posted 3 years ago
It doesn't make much noise, she doesn't notice that. it's not until she sees the clouds and then she suddenly explodes
it cracks me up!
later i tried making tiny clouds in front of her and she is less afraid of that. just very, very confused lmao
i only use this thing when i have exceptional pain or like infections, so it's pretty rare xd

Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago