Jolly's posts
Posted in aaaaaahhh is nowhere sacred anymore
Posted 3 years ago
These NF*Ts are popping up everywhere and its really grinding my gears :vanora_huff:
I just want a comfortable corner of the internet where I can just post my art, look at others' art, participate in fun art-related events and tags, and just ignore the money-starved rest of the internet and all its negativity! Although I had settled for the ever-so-negative twitter as my place to chill. Algorithms will always suck, but I can at least filter out my feeds enough that 99% of it is just exactly what I enjoy--art, cats, and video games.
Now even that is more noisy cause everyone is so angry about more NF*T pushing.
Nowhere is safe and chill anymore for the purpose of these gallery-based social websites. Its really quite sad!
DA was corrupt a long time ago, but there used to be a lot of alternatives. Now, everywhere is the same greedy story. Or absolutely dead of traffic and pointless to use anyway.
its very tempting to just delete all of my major social media accounts, because these companies really are not worth us using their platforms!
They ignore their users because outrage engagements are still engagements. All in all, they get paid either way, so they'll push all they want without consideration. Like "hey, you all dont like this? Lets shove it in your face more aggressively."

Posted in Simplify your Life
Posted 3 years ago
i had to look up who that was
ironically never heard of her but her method is kind of what i do already :vanora_xd:
except, gifts
i end up keeping those too long even if it isn't something i use or look at much, cause of the sentiment that they came from someone. like my mom gave me these microwave rice cookers. i have since been given a proper rice cooker machine that is more effective, so now I'm like what do i do with momsssss lmao
i donate things a lot but i should probably try to sell things sometimes too, when they're gently used ^^;;;

Posted in Simplify your Life
Posted 3 years ago
Yeah same! I'm trying to thin out my collections. I have a habit of clinging to items only because someone gifted them to me, but otherwise I dont use them or collect them for any other reason. I struggle to get rid of gifts but if they're a few years old I think I must ;v;
@Qiqi Agatha:
Yeah I have to have several things to focus on at once. But thats why Ill watch a show or something while I draw or craft. Keeps my brain busy while my hands are busy too!
Otherwise I start munching on snacks while I hobby XD
or do all three

Posted in What are you looking forward to in 2022? o wo
Posted 3 years ago
Yessss, I'm trying to reduce the amount of projects and events I involve myself with and just... draw for me. And draw more interactive art, which is what started me with drawing as a kid in the first place XD the desire to make comics and see my OCs interact!
although, cleaning rooms up does help the mind be more creative/relaxed lmao

Posted in Simplify your Life
Posted 3 years ago
I've been learning through the last half of 2021 that I have been over-indulging in a lot of things over the last several years. All except for food, that is, so I didn't really recognize it in myself until I took a step back and realized why I always felt so chaotic even when nothing was going "wrong" or "bad". Just never could feel satisfied, my days off from work felt wasted or like I didn't do anything. When, in fact, I just did too MUCH!
I'm sure a lot of religions and followings teach this in some shape or form, but it makes me think about a bhuddist teaching about simplifying things in your life, especially your possessions.
For me a big one was video games. I have been BIG on game hopping for like... most of my life actually. If I allow myself today, I could play through several games back to back until about 3am. But then I would go to bed feeling cruddy like... yeah the games are fun and I really enjoy myself in the moment, but I ended up doing so much that it feels like I did nothing at all or that I wasn't satisfied fully.
My partner has done this too, its something we both are super guilty of.
ANd like, NOTHING is wrong with playing games til 3am imo. But ever since he and I limited ourselves to a max of 2 games to play per month, we've felt so much happier! The hobby is getting more clear focus and more progress, and we feel like we have time for it.
Same extended to other hobbies. Limit one hobby at a time, rather than trying to make music then trying to draw then trying to crochet--stop! Just make music. Crochet next time. One project at a time.
One art piece at a time.
One show at a time.
This week I'll do this, next week maybe I'll do that. But until then, I'm just gonna do this one thing and be at peace!
My partner and I have been practicing simplifying our lives in pretty much every form (except, we aren't minimalists, we do enjoy our geek book shelves and such XD) and this has gone on for about 4 months! I think xmas season made it a little wonky cause work stress invaded personal life, but disregarding that, we've been absolutely enjoying life and appreciating what we have more.
It seems like such a common sense thing, to take things in moderation. But sometimes we get blind to what we're gorging ourselves with!
And this is a Jolly-thinking-out-loud thread, not sure it truly classifies as serious or what but... yeah
Hope this perspective helps someone else find some peace too

Posted in Insomnia
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in What are you looking forward to in 2022? o wo
Posted 3 years ago
My year started really great so far! Moved into a bigger apartment this week and my fiance got hired into a better job with more pay (today is day 1!)
So that was a lot of my excitement going into 2022
Now I'm tired
But I do really want to do more crafts and hobbies this year. Didn't get enough of that last year due to life being to hectic. So that's where most of my attention is directed now!

Posted in Insomnia
Posted 3 years ago
I've had a seriously bad case of insomnia over this month and it's on full blast tonight.
Like I just woke up at 2am feeling intense from work related stress, couldn't get back to sleep. took a sleep pill which somehow relaxed my sneezy sinuses but did not make me tired. Normally I fall asleep fine at night but I'll wake up quickly like this, within 2-4 hours, and then I'm stuck awake.
I work another 11 hour shift tomorrow so this really sucks!!
I've been laying with my eyes forced shut for an hour
How the heck do you unwind from long work shifts where you only have two hours at home to quickly cook dinner, watch a show and clean up for bed just to rinse and repeat. So hard to maintain a clear head day after day. If it isn't work related stress, it's weather, or sickness, or sometimes for no dang reason. I just cant sleeeeep anymore!
My cat is super sweet though, she sleeps above my pillow and when i wake up from insomnia she gets super cuddly. ;;;; luv her

Posted in Christmas was so niiiiiice
Posted 3 years ago
I read something vague about they're trying to make the vaccine in a pill form o;
I hope that is true!
Health is definitely on my todo list! I've started to let myself go a lot and now I'm 20lbs overweight. I consume too much sugar and my soda addiction is back full force ;v; I let stress affect my eating habits! Even though I'm not excessive in quantity, my choices could definitely be better!
Relative is making a point to run a treadmill every monday, since Ill have access to a gym
in my next apartment <3
I wanna improve my stamina again with all this.
Of course I have art goals too, always stuff I wanna make XD

Posted in Christmas was so niiiiiice
Posted 3 years ago
It was soooo nice having the day off with my partner. We wanted to simplify the holiday cause we dont like how people make it so stressful and expensive. We each had a $50 limit for each other and no specific plans for how to spend the day. Just the simple rule of, dont go out anywhere. Dont spend money on anything. Just be!
Also I'm really proud of what I got for my family. especially these crochet kitties I found on etsy and got one each for my sisters.
The artist was amazing and added little BOWS on their heads, which made them look so friggin cute! My sisters died over these <3
It was a little worrisome to shop online for christmas because my family is across the country, so I couldnt really check the items myself before wrapping them. But everything ended up perfect and on time! Even one that I thought would be late :D
So all in all
Christmas was the most stress-free day of my year probably lmao
as it should be~!
How did your's go? <33
Happy New Years as well! Tell me, is there anything you wanna do in 2022 before the year completes? I like setting up plans and ideas, even if its hobby related :D

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in new move new move
Posted 3 years ago
I had the same reaction when I first saw the painting. Immediate MUST. NEED.
I can't wait to see him crack up when he unwraps it :vanora_xd:
Thank you! :D
Had to look up what that is--and YES! I love bath bombs <3
Our bills are gonna go up so much cause we haven't been able to enjoy baths in a long while. Both of us looove a nice hot bath to sit and meditate.
Current tub is too small and moldy :vanora_sweat:

Posted in My christmas tree
Posted 3 years ago
Of course <3 I always include my animals. Def one of those pet ladies who has stockings for each one, including my bird XD
Thats cute c:
Yeah my mom didn't care about themes. What will probably happen is Ill start with a theme and then over the years it will quickly be lost to a random chaos of interests haha
Ahh thats so cute :D I'm a big fan of the tiny trees! Simple and sweet
Aww I'm sorry for your loss D: I have lost a couple of cats in my childhood cause my parents wouldnt stop tossing them outside, and snakes would get to them (back when I lived in FL). I'll never have an outdoor cat again~
I will definitely give her many hugs and cuddles <3
once she gets down from atop the cupboards
@Count Trashula:
Hahaha cats are so pleasantly frustrating aren't they XD
My kitty will play with anything and gets the daily after-poop zoomies where she flies all over the home and jumps on whatever obstacle she claims. So I definitely need to be careful with how I decorate! I'll need all plastic or wooden ornaments lmao
My mom has those same blue ornament set that you have on that tree! With the white trees painted on them. They're so prettyyy

Posted in My christmas tree
Posted 3 years ago
That sounds like fun actually. My family always had some random themes going on, but it worked somehow! We're all just chaotic adhd people so XD
One year I did try to theme cause I had a purple christmas tree.
Let me see....
This is the only picture I have of it. HA

It looked kinda cool with silver and black on it. THen my mom gave me some white doves to toss in too, and they worked great. But that star was something lmao
I think if I do a tree again sometime, I'll probably theme it. idk
LOL like, the car air fresheners? That's really funny actually.
They make half trees? O: that actually sounds pretty space efficient.