Jolly's posts
Posted in how DARE we
Posted 3 years ago
how very very dare we
here at my job, schedule a delivery service from 10am-1pm
but show up at 930am.
we tried to call to say we are ahead of schedule
but he gave us a business number so we didn't know what to think.
so we knock on his door thinking it's better to try than to not show up, most people don't answer their phones anyways.
oh but this wakes him up and now he's so angry he has to harass the store with like 3 phone calls to repeat himself about how he absolutely can't wrap his mind around why we would come early and he wants to just cancel everything he ordered because we inconvenienced him so badly.
like i get it's inconvenient but why do customers act like such babies over things sometimes. people mess up! There's no point in dragging it on when we're literally already refunding delivery, apologizing and rescheduling.
i don't get people!

Posted in I miss when these sites were busier
Posted 3 years ago
I agree <3
Like I dont want to come off like I'm dumping the site and gonna go find something more ~active~
just.. more like I wanna think about how can I help contribute to this site? Doesn't have to be bustling but there's gotta be something to hold attention a little longer.
One thing I notice on dappervolk is they have an event going on rn thats a little on the grindy side, but has a gift exchange concept. I.. actually quite like grindy concepts if there's a good reward, yknow? There's a way to balance that and make it fun to work for something. Maybe it would be cool to have something more to do on here to hold peoples' attention, outside of just events. I cant put my finger on a specific idea though XD imnotgoodatthis

Posted in Freeze warning tonight
Posted 3 years ago
Thats probably what it is, honestly. I was appalled by it at first, but my mom talked me down and explained how these things work and how very expensive it is to get the equipment to spread the salts. And they dont have a long shelf life or soemthing, so its like millions of dollars the city would pour out for something "just in case". Because this weather is unusual and all, there's no reason they would've had it before last year.
I think I've played enough age of empires to understand how balancing resources works and it can take a long time to work up to a concept. XD
But yeah, it was a pretty bad one. I dont think my partner has seen me have a panic attack before, and there's nowhere to pull over or turn around on these roads (poor design, and pullover spots are just ice af) so I kinda feel bad for making him worry but he kept me safe! Haha my darn driving phobia just gave a big ass kick today! I'm fine though

Posted in Freeze warning tonight
Posted 3 years ago
Funny thing about that, my cat is obsessed with water. So leaving the faucets to drip at night has had her so hyper focused that she hasn't been pestering me in my sleep as much this week :vanora_xd:
(she's still a kitten, always wants to play)
That has been real nice lmao
Yeah, I'm glad we didn't try it yesterday. Cause my job didn't actually close, for some reason, even though the rest of the city did (we are obv not "essential" workers, and even then no one should be out in that!) but my manager offered me to stay in so I said YUP
Today we were to be back to normal hours, running like "normal" even though the ice has not gone away at all, if anything its more solid today. Texas doesn't salt the roads here or anything, probably dont have any equipment on hand for this. So it lingers.
I tried going to work while forgetting this detail, and had a good ol panic attack (partner was driving thank goodness), turned around and gave up. So... at home day 2. The city is extra closed today but my job is extra open. Why? DONT KNOW! lol
@Q t e a p o n:
Oh boy, stay safe there! I know canada is bound to be more prepared than texas, but still!
By the forecast it should let up after today. The sun just came out too, so maybe it'll get a little warmer than predicted! I hope the rest of the state is doing ok though, I'm certainly not in the worst area

Posted in Jury Duty
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Hairs like mine
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in I miss when these sites were busier
Posted 3 years ago
ohh I forgot dappervolk existed lmao
I always thought it was an interesting concept, but idk id always get too distracted to get past the initial tutorial.
I'm trying it again tho, seems like it works decently on mobile O:
something to do at work!
Still, I do prefer the pixel avis we have here. Something so cute about them

Posted in Freeze warning tonight
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in I miss when these sites were busier
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in What is something you have too much of?
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in I miss when these sites were busier
Posted 3 years ago
@Count Trashula:
You're absolutely right, those things stood out to me a lot too, even if I didn't participate in all of it. It created such an atmosphere. Like, standing in a school yard where everyone is just hanging out in their own unique corners of the lot, doing various things and engagements.
This site is great for having events popping up frequently that can be pretty fun, and I love the heart that goes into their NPCs especially as of late. But there's still some kinda thing that is missing?
Thats also whats bringing me back to here. I guess i"m chasing a nostalgic feeling, the old fun and innocent joys that internet USED to provide me. I've been much less inspired even in my artwork these days. Avi site engagements kept me motivated and busy when I wasn't at work or dealing with life.

Posted in Hairs like mine
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Freeze warning tonight
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Freeze warning tonight
Posted 3 years ago
Everyone is having a panic after what happened with Texas last year around this time. We have a freeze warning in place tonight, and I know there are winter storms hitting my family back in Colorado already.
Right now it's pouring rain and well... unlike in Colorado where rain would dry up in 4 minutes and become an irrelevant event, here in Texas we get puddles for weeks! Those will be ice tonight.
I'm mainly scared about the drive home tonight. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little concerned for the pipes at home and living in an apartment on the ground floor. I hope no bursts or floods come of this! ono
Good thing my warm comforter came in already that I ordered. lol