Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I guess having my dogs outside most of the day with me yesterday and a couple of friends over, the dogs are as tired as I am. lol
oh yeah, it's the dogs that dictate my sleep schedule. XD lol. The kids have each other in the morning.
I'm tempted to go get a snake for drain clogs before I call a plumber. But. I'm kinda lazy. :T
oh yeah, it's the dogs that dictate my sleep schedule. XD lol. The kids have each other in the morning.
I'm tempted to go get a snake for drain clogs before I call a plumber. But. I'm kinda lazy. :T

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I love fun facts. <3
Good morning. I guess my dogs let me sleep in. I woke up like "what year is it?.." kind of feeling.
I'm making coffee and calling a plumber soon.
I took a shower yesterday morning and the toilet began to bubble and then I took note that the shower drain wasn't swallowing water like normal.
A few hours later [after garden stuff was done], there was .. toilet back-up in the shower. e.e
Good morning. I guess my dogs let me sleep in. I woke up like "what year is it?.." kind of feeling.
I'm making coffee and calling a plumber soon.
I took a shower yesterday morning and the toilet began to bubble and then I took note that the shower drain wasn't swallowing water like normal.
A few hours later [after garden stuff was done], there was .. toilet back-up in the shower. e.e

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Oh I bet that's beautiful!
My apple trees are full of white flowers right now.
I think I spent most of my time outside just standing around admiring different things. lol. I got a few things done that needed done.
Kids are coolin' their jets now. They went outside and played and the sun was maybe too much.
My apple trees are full of white flowers right now.
I think I spent most of my time outside just standing around admiring different things. lol. I got a few things done that needed done.
Kids are coolin' their jets now. They went outside and played and the sun was maybe too much.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Oh your new avi is wonderful. :3
I'm inside now. I'm nearing the point of burning and my kids are starting to get all rambunctious.
My little garden is coming along nicely, and my yard is mowed, and I laid a blanket out and some-what napped in the sun like a cat. c:
I'm inside now. I'm nearing the point of burning and my kids are starting to get all rambunctious.
My little garden is coming along nicely, and my yard is mowed, and I laid a blanket out and some-what napped in the sun like a cat. c:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
I got carried away in the garden. c: I'm still working on stuff outside. I got the mower out and brought all my indoor plants, outside since it's beautiful out. c:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Ping me when you get back. :3 I enjoy our chats.
Same with you
@Purpsy: <3
Since you both are running off to be productive, I feel I should do the same. I finally got some correct-sized pots for my seedlings. So I'm off to the garden.
Same with you
@Purpsy: <3
Since you both are running off to be productive, I feel I should do the same. I finally got some correct-sized pots for my seedlings. So I'm off to the garden.

Posted in Koah's Art Spot
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: And coffee tends to make anxiety worse. So I'm glad you have self-control on coffee. :3
Background music definitely makes me feel like I'm in my own little cafe area with a self-serve coffee table. My house is still new to me; so it still feels a little bit foreign. My table with my computer is a breakfast nook and my chair is a bench. lol. //cafe vibes// :p
I never got into reddit. or tumblr. Those sites went over my head.
Background music definitely makes me feel like I'm in my own little cafe area with a self-serve coffee table. My house is still new to me; so it still feels a little bit foreign. My table with my computer is a breakfast nook and my chair is a bench. lol. //cafe vibes// :p
I never got into reddit. or tumblr. Those sites went over my head.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Oh! Congrats on the new vehicle! Definitely makes sense to have a truck for hauling kayaks and whatnot. About 3 years ago, we got an '08 chevy avalanche. Make sure you stay on top of maintenance. lol. [we did not, but we're still young and dumb and learning from our mistakes]
You are on the dot with your timeline trivia. :p Sometimes I have to look up facts to give them an accurate reply. Nasa being established back in 1958. OH and then the kids will get into asking space questions "which is closer to the sun? " etc . Then jump from space questions to authors. "What's older, Dr Suess or Berenstain bears." e.e' omgoodness.
I listen to dubstep or chillstep in the morning. Depending on the mood. Unfortunately, I'm a person that gets too distracted with lyric music if I'm doing something that requires my attention.
You are on the dot with your timeline trivia. :p Sometimes I have to look up facts to give them an accurate reply. Nasa being established back in 1958. OH and then the kids will get into asking space questions "which is closer to the sun? " etc . Then jump from space questions to authors. "What's older, Dr Suess or Berenstain bears." e.e' omgoodness.
I listen to dubstep or chillstep in the morning. Depending on the mood. Unfortunately, I'm a person that gets too distracted with lyric music if I'm doing something that requires my attention.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: I put some music on this morning as well. I got a mood like that going for myself. c: Be careful with coffee, once you start doing second cups a day, you eventually dive into 3. lol <3 That's why I bought a tea-cup sized coffee cup. lol! it helps control my portions in the morning. XD 3 cups = 1 1/2 cups.
@Wildfire: Star wars for sure. Then they go on more questions when I start answering them. They basically give me timeline trivia. "what's older Titanic? or Nasa?" XD These are just 2 examples out of hundreds. =0
I just refilled my cup of coffee.. it is pretty dang close to the Monsters Inc coffee sludge. =3=
Sounds like your truck doesn't have anything too seriously wrong. <3 I hope you can pick it up soon.
@Wildfire: Star wars for sure. Then they go on more questions when I start answering them. They basically give me timeline trivia. "what's older Titanic? or Nasa?" XD These are just 2 examples out of hundreds. =0
I just refilled my cup of coffee.. it is pretty dang close to the Monsters Inc coffee sludge. =3=
Sounds like your truck doesn't have anything too seriously wrong. <3 I hope you can pick it up soon.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Good morning. <3 The truck got fixed, so later today I need to go get it from the shop. They fixed it a lot faster than we expected.
I can relate to you. I got one husky out of my 3 that happens to be the largest, she's so ornery that if she decides it's time to snuggle, I can't refuse. She jumped up for petting this morning, stretched across me with all her weight, and then she does a 'freak out' from too much attention.
My kids decided they wanted to be nice to me this morning and they made my coffee. It's so rich. o_e' I'm not complaining.. but dang.. wow.
Once I got my cup in my hand, they both had a lot of ridiculous questions to ask. "What came first- Pokemon or star wars?" =3=
I can relate to you. I got one husky out of my 3 that happens to be the largest, she's so ornery that if she decides it's time to snuggle, I can't refuse. She jumped up for petting this morning, stretched across me with all her weight, and then she does a 'freak out' from too much attention.
My kids decided they wanted to be nice to me this morning and they made my coffee. It's so rich. o_e' I'm not complaining.. but dang.. wow.
Once I got my cup in my hand, they both had a lot of ridiculous questions to ask. "What came first- Pokemon or star wars?" =3=

Posted in Picture Perfect: Art Contest
Posted 4 years ago
@Ruby: Tehehehe <3 I'm glad you think so. C:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I'm glad you like it. c: I didn't want to take the art contest too seriously. :p
Our truck has really been a problem since we got it. e.e' Not much we can do until it's paid off. I got a feeling by the time it's paid off, we'll want to destroy it. lol. XD
Our truck has really been a problem since we got it. e.e' Not much we can do until it's paid off. I got a feeling by the time it's paid off, we'll want to destroy it. lol. XD

Posted in Picture Perfect: Art Contest
Posted 4 years ago
Here is my entry. <3 Thank you for the templates, that's what got me motivated to participate. <3 They're SO fun! :D