Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
That recipe looks amazing. I'm saving it. o3o
I got my coffee, however, the kids are super in my bubble this morning.
@Purpsy: lol! I was that kid in school too. It was always about halfway through the school year when a teacher would remember I was there and call on me randomly, trying to get me to be more visible. XD
I got my coffee, however, the kids are super in my bubble this morning.
@Purpsy: lol! I was that kid in school too. It was always about halfway through the school year when a teacher would remember I was there and call on me randomly, trying to get me to be more visible. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
I had a good night.
I just woke up too early, my son just discovered he can leave my bedroom door open and the dogs get out of my room which makes me get up really fast.
//big yawn//
your questions today intrigue me, but I'm not awake yet. My coffee is brewing.
I just woke up too early, my son just discovered he can leave my bedroom door open and the dogs get out of my room which makes me get up really fast.
//big yawn//
your questions today intrigue me, but I'm not awake yet. My coffee is brewing.

Posted in How Many Sugar Cubes Do You Have?
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
My weekend yard project is now finished. and I ordered pizzaaaaa and now it's time to have a beverage and relax for the rest of today. c:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I wouldn't be surprised, I am the youngest by 10 years so.. I mean it's possible. [I would actually be surprised- lol! XD ]
I've never broken a bone either *knocks on wood* however I do have a missing toe. so I guess the bone did break when it got smashed off. o3o'
lol! You guys are reminding me that I need to do laundry too and I just dont wanna.
I did just re-pot my son's pepper plants though. so hopefully they'll continue growing now. :}
I've never broken a bone either *knocks on wood* however I do have a missing toe. so I guess the bone did break when it got smashed off. o3o'
lol! You guys are reminding me that I need to do laundry too and I just dont wanna.
I did just re-pot my son's pepper plants though. so hopefully they'll continue growing now. :}

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol! :} I love that we're kindred spirits. I really don't know how I survived some of my childhood either. //cringes on some of my quad riding experiences//
We're all decked out in shades of pinks. C: cheerful colors for a happy event. :}
We're all decked out in shades of pinks. C: cheerful colors for a happy event. :}

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
Gosh! Both of your avatars are so darn cute! I love the color combos from both. *o*

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I've only ever been in a kayak once and I think I was about 10-ish. My brother offered to sell me his fancy-rigged kayak, but he changed his mind as time went on. i think I'd prefer a kayak over the lake boat my husband just purchased. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: That is totally understandable. <3 I'm sure I'll start looking for further escapes as my small kids turn into tweens and teens.
I was telling my husband last night that I'd like to take my sketchbook out in the wilds somewhere and sketch my surroundings for practice. I think I'm pretty decent at drawing what I see. =o not great, but decent. :d I want to be a better artist, I have the practiced skill and I really don't utilize it much.
I grew up as the 5th daughter of a farming man. lol! He was really hoping for a boy when I was born. By the time I was 7, I was out shooting and fishing, quad riding, and camping, starting campfires, etc. [[My parents were divorced, so my mom really didn't know I was being taught all these skills until I was a teen lol!]] My mom raised me for the most part. When I did see my dad, he basically crash-coursed me with all the skills he wanted his kids to have. <3
I enjoy fishing. I don't like eating fish, buuuuut my husband does. C:
I was telling my husband last night that I'd like to take my sketchbook out in the wilds somewhere and sketch my surroundings for practice. I think I'm pretty decent at drawing what I see. =o not great, but decent. :d I want to be a better artist, I have the practiced skill and I really don't utilize it much.
I grew up as the 5th daughter of a farming man. lol! He was really hoping for a boy when I was born. By the time I was 7, I was out shooting and fishing, quad riding, and camping, starting campfires, etc. [[My parents were divorced, so my mom really didn't know I was being taught all these skills until I was a teen lol!]] My mom raised me for the most part. When I did see my dad, he basically crash-coursed me with all the skills he wanted his kids to have. <3
I enjoy fishing. I don't like eating fish, buuuuut my husband does. C:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
I disappeared to eat and start cleaning up the kitchen some. I need to get started on these little things. lol. c:
@Purpsy: My coffee cup is pretty small. so my 3 cups are probably equivalent to a cup and a half.
@Wildfire: My husband is the one in our relationship that needs to be outside to have downtime. Every once in a while he goes coyote hunting and I don't see him for about 12-24 hours.
I have had such a strong desire to go fishing lately. The weather is getting better, so we're almost there.
@Purpsy: My coffee cup is pretty small. so my 3 cups are probably equivalent to a cup and a half.
@Wildfire: My husband is the one in our relationship that needs to be outside to have downtime. Every once in a while he goes coyote hunting and I don't see him for about 12-24 hours.
I have had such a strong desire to go fishing lately. The weather is getting better, so we're almost there.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: You are a few hours ahead of me. :p It's about 9am here.
So far, today is relaxing. I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee. My kids just started their online school stuff. and I got some mild chores on the list for today.
How's your day going? :p
@Wildfire: I'm lucky I have a husband that shoves me in my art corner when I get ornery. I need my downtime of doing artsy-fartsy stuff or I get burnt out and flustered with the kids, husband, dogs. But I should work on doing art/hobby things without getting to that ornery point. <.<'
The daughter came in like a jealous wrecking ball. I kind of get it.. the landlord did put pictures of the staff employees and store owner up in his house. Kind of like a person would do to show off their kids. <3 He loved us and vice versa. He was a good human being. I got the vibe that his daughter felt replaced and protective of her father.
I did get rid of some clothes recently. I have another handful of clothes I'd like to get rid of, but I'd prefer to sell as they're super high-end brands. o3o
So far, today is relaxing. I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee. My kids just started their online school stuff. and I got some mild chores on the list for today.
How's your day going? :p
@Wildfire: I'm lucky I have a husband that shoves me in my art corner when I get ornery. I need my downtime of doing artsy-fartsy stuff or I get burnt out and flustered with the kids, husband, dogs. But I should work on doing art/hobby things without getting to that ornery point. <.<'
The daughter came in like a jealous wrecking ball. I kind of get it.. the landlord did put pictures of the staff employees and store owner up in his house. Kind of like a person would do to show off their kids. <3 He loved us and vice versa. He was a good human being. I got the vibe that his daughter felt replaced and protective of her father.
I did get rid of some clothes recently. I have another handful of clothes I'd like to get rid of, but I'd prefer to sell as they're super high-end brands. o3o

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I respect you keep your aotw separate from your daily avi. I've noticed that as a problem on a different site a long time ago. e.e' The same person won over and over because people recognized them from the forums.
The consignment shop I worked was known for being high-end and vintage. I loved that place. However, the business ended when the landlord passed. We were all close to the landlord of the building. He loved the store, probably as much as we all did. But his daughter inherited the building and she disliked the closeness we had with her father. =o so she shut down the shop and tried to do other legal actions that fell through the cracks.
anyhow, I lost interest in the desire to sew my own costumes. My energy is lacking and uninterrupted time to do it would be rare.
I'm amazed you were able to grow tomatoes from your compost pile! That's awesome! <3
I just wandered off and checked on my seeds. My zucchini are sprouting now and I'm so excited. c:
//Flails// I'm Growing Things!!!! //happy dance//
@Purpsy: Hi! Good morning. C:
The consignment shop I worked was known for being high-end and vintage. I loved that place. However, the business ended when the landlord passed. We were all close to the landlord of the building. He loved the store, probably as much as we all did. But his daughter inherited the building and she disliked the closeness we had with her father. =o so she shut down the shop and tried to do other legal actions that fell through the cracks.
anyhow, I lost interest in the desire to sew my own costumes. My energy is lacking and uninterrupted time to do it would be rare.
I'm amazed you were able to grow tomatoes from your compost pile! That's awesome! <3
I just wandered off and checked on my seeds. My zucchini are sprouting now and I'm so excited. c:
//Flails// I'm Growing Things!!!! //happy dance//
@Purpsy: Hi! Good morning. C:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I used to do tons of thrifting and I worked a consignment shop for years as a manager.
So over the years I worked in clothing, I'd slowly collect outfits that went well with each other. I have a bin dedicated to leather jackets. e.e" and another bin of strictly Halloween cheaper clothing.
and another bin of more expensive, higher-end period clothing. In my closet, I hung up my expensive and could-pass as a daily-wear. oh and I hung up the Actual vintage old as heck stuff.
I even got into sewing, I bought all the supplies and that's where I left off before I began moving around like a lunatic. I got 2 bins of beautiful fabric, patterns and everything needed to sew. I'm not going to dwell on that. XD that's an expensive bin. lol!
So for the most part, all my costumes are bits and pieces collected over years of interest. All the clothing is in my size.
^Sorry for the long topic reply. XD
I feel you completely on finally feeling the relaxing part after stressful home/family life. e.e"
So over the years I worked in clothing, I'd slowly collect outfits that went well with each other. I have a bin dedicated to leather jackets. e.e" and another bin of strictly Halloween cheaper clothing.
and another bin of more expensive, higher-end period clothing. In my closet, I hung up my expensive and could-pass as a daily-wear. oh and I hung up the Actual vintage old as heck stuff.
I even got into sewing, I bought all the supplies and that's where I left off before I began moving around like a lunatic. I got 2 bins of beautiful fabric, patterns and everything needed to sew. I'm not going to dwell on that. XD that's an expensive bin. lol!
So for the most part, all my costumes are bits and pieces collected over years of interest. All the clothing is in my size.
^Sorry for the long topic reply. XD
I feel you completely on finally feeling the relaxing part after stressful home/family life. e.e"

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol, your studio is my computer/drawing space. I use the dining area and I take up 2 seats with all my stuff.
I've had creative ideas itching in my brain. I was an avid costume collector. I'm not a cosplayer, but I love period clothing. Since moving into the house, I've really realized I don't have the energy for my costumes anymore, as much as I love the idea of playing with the several bins of clothes.
So I was thinking I'd try to put a costume on, take a photo, and do figure painting with the image.
Last year, I focused my art skills on RL portraits. I'd like to focus on the full-body figures and clothing lines/wrinkles. I have a couple different full western outfits. They'd be fun to paint/draw. C:
You should do something with the beans! I'm having a great time planting food. I'm actually getting productive/successful results so far. :}
OH! I wanted to do the art template picture-perfect event thread. I was hoping to incorporate your avi into whatever I end up doing. :D
I've had creative ideas itching in my brain. I was an avid costume collector. I'm not a cosplayer, but I love period clothing. Since moving into the house, I've really realized I don't have the energy for my costumes anymore, as much as I love the idea of playing with the several bins of clothes.
So I was thinking I'd try to put a costume on, take a photo, and do figure painting with the image.
Last year, I focused my art skills on RL portraits. I'd like to focus on the full-body figures and clothing lines/wrinkles. I have a couple different full western outfits. They'd be fun to paint/draw. C:
You should do something with the beans! I'm having a great time planting food. I'm actually getting productive/successful results so far. :}
OH! I wanted to do the art template picture-perfect event thread. I was hoping to incorporate your avi into whatever I end up doing. :D