Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
He felt bad.. She felt worse for making him feel bad. Maddie shook her head when he attempted to make her feel better by offering to buy the book for her. That wasn't the issue here! She wasn't some child.. No wait, he didn't mean it like that.. Why was she even crying? The attempt actually seemed to cheer her up, one way or another and she thankfully took the offered napkin and wiped her tears away. "Dummy.. Just don't going saying that stuff like is silly, or childish. Promise?" She said quietly, lowering her head to hide her blush.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi walked through the halls with ease, side stepping and avoiding any students that rushed by him. He blinked, and paused when someone actually did bump into him and glanced down at said student curiously. Had she been watching where she was going?
Alice couldn't help giggling at Kaoru's comment. "Hey, you make sound like I was away on vacation. This whole school is a brand new experience." She said to him cheerfully. As they walked the halls, she did find herself keeping close to the twins, as if acting like they were her body guards or something. "Haruhi, is this your first year?" She asked curiously, glancing at her classmate.
Alice couldn't help giggling at Kaoru's comment. "Hey, you make sound like I was away on vacation. This whole school is a brand new experience." She said to him cheerfully. As they walked the halls, she did find herself keeping close to the twins, as if acting like they were her body guards or something. "Haruhi, is this your first year?" She asked curiously, glancing at her classmate.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen easily followed her as she began to lead him out of the cabin. He shrugged lightly when she asked about the lake being frozen. "It's possible, but I don't really know how cold it has to be to freeze a lake." He answered, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand, then put that hand inside the comfort of the jacket pocket. It was chilly, but not too terribly cold. So long as they weren't out all day, they should be fine. He began to follow her once more as she led him away from the cabin, and they headed for the lake. Animals? He chuckled quietly. "Even if we do, I'm sure they'll just scurry off." He said, tying to make her feel better. It was doubtful that they'd run into anything dangerous this early in the morning. "Kaneko.. What do you see?" He asked curiously, raising his head some.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
She shrugged lightly. "It's really old, so not many people have." Maddie blinked. Corduroy? A book about a ready bear and a girl searching for friendship. She read that one as well, with her mother. An innocent smile formed in her lips, and she shook her head. "It's not silly.. Wanting to hold onto innocent memories isn't silly.. I wish I still my first book to read, to remember those days." She said to him, bringing her hands to cover her face. Great, now she was crying. He'd probably feel like crap.. One little comment had hit a tender subject for her without her even realizing it. "The only thing I've gotten to hold on to were my memories.. I've never had anything else." She murmured quietly, sniffling some.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie nodded lightly and took a small bite from her pasta. Yeah, it was a pretty good book. She was enjoying it. Maddie took a moment to think. First book she ever read.. Could she remember? Her first book was back when her mother was still alive. "The first book I ever read was The Velveteen Rabbit. My mother had brought it home for me as a birthday present." She told him casually. "What about you? " She asked curiously.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
(I wonder if they should bump into each other :p)
Takashi easily walked the halls with his cousin close by. He would've like to have left before lunch ended, that way the hall wasn't busy. After a moment, he picked up his cousin and put him.on top of his shoulders before he got hurt. Nothing like a an after lunch hallway rush.
Alice nodded lightly, lowering her head some. Kaoru and Tamaki needed to know.. They were very dear to her. The others though.. She'd only just met them. They weren't even friends yet, but they were friends with the twins and Tamaki, and that's what mattered. She glanced at Haruhi when she came out and nodded lightly. "I was just a little overwhelmed. We didn't have a club like this one back home." She said quietly, bowing apologetically before going and retrieving her school bag and throwing away her trash. She hadn't eaten all of her lunch, but oh well. She'd be alright until she got home. Toyota had taken Tamaki to class and now Alice was joining back with the twins and her classmate, Haruhi. "Let's get to class."
Takashi easily walked the halls with his cousin close by. He would've like to have left before lunch ended, that way the hall wasn't busy. After a moment, he picked up his cousin and put him.on top of his shoulders before he got hurt. Nothing like a an after lunch hallway rush.
Alice nodded lightly, lowering her head some. Kaoru and Tamaki needed to know.. They were very dear to her. The others though.. She'd only just met them. They weren't even friends yet, but they were friends with the twins and Tamaki, and that's what mattered. She glanced at Haruhi when she came out and nodded lightly. "I was just a little overwhelmed. We didn't have a club like this one back home." She said quietly, bowing apologetically before going and retrieving her school bag and throwing away her trash. She hadn't eaten all of her lunch, but oh well. She'd be alright until she got home. Toyota had taken Tamaki to class and now Alice was joining back with the twins and her classmate, Haruhi. "Let's get to class."

Posted in [Request] looking for 1x1's
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
He still blushed when she kissed his forehead, but only cause it sent warmth through him. He always felt warm afterwards. Allen nodded to her words and smiled. "As ready as I can be." He answered casually, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Both excited, and nervous about being out somewhere new. He knew there was a lake somewhere nearby, making they could go there? Even if it was frozen, he was sure Kaneko would've like the sight. "Let's find the lake that's nearby." He suggested, not really knowing what else they could see around here, without going too terribly far from the cabin.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie nodded when he spoke, and grinned. "I'm half way through with one of the books you lent me. The Valley of the Wolves." She said happily, slowly eating her pasta. "I kind of got an early start." She murmured sheepishly, poking at her food a little. Weird.. She hasn't eaten since that morning, but she wasn't really hungry.. Even with slowly eating. She'd eat anyway though, just cause she knew she needed to.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi seemed content with Mitsukuni's response and picked up their bags as the bell sounded. It was time to go back to class. He glanced down at his younger cousin and motioned him to follow as he began to leave the club.
Alice was swimming with guilt as the older twin spoke to her. She already knew that! What could she do though? Her mother hated doctors, and refused to let them examine her. Unless her step father got involved, which she wasn't willing to put on his shoulders. As long as her mother kept acting like she, there wasn't anything she could do about her situation. As the bell sounded, she slowly slipped out of Hikaru's hold and stood. "I'm sorry I've made you keep my secret so long.. I'll definitely tell Kaoru myself, after school. I'll tell the others too, soon." She said, managing a small smile. He was the only one who knew, even after all this time. . He never told a soul. Sure, she liked Tamaki, but maybe a prince charming wasn't who she was looking for.
Alice was swimming with guilt as the older twin spoke to her. She already knew that! What could she do though? Her mother hated doctors, and refused to let them examine her. Unless her step father got involved, which she wasn't willing to put on his shoulders. As long as her mother kept acting like she, there wasn't anything she could do about her situation. As the bell sounded, she slowly slipped out of Hikaru's hold and stood. "I'm sorry I've made you keep my secret so long.. I'll definitely tell Kaoru myself, after school. I'll tell the others too, soon." She said, managing a small smile. He was the only one who knew, even after all this time. . He never told a soul. Sure, she liked Tamaki, but maybe a prince charming wasn't who she was looking for.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen easily followed her through the wooden cabin, and back into their bedroom all while listening to her words and smiling. He really did love this woman. She was kind, patient, and even protective of him a couple of time. Not to mention her sweet scent, it always put his mind to ease. He began to zone out partially as Kaneko searched for his coat and scarf. It was like, distant memories were trying to surface. He didn't understand. Had someone else, before Kaneko, help dress him.before going outside into the cold. Shaking his head lightly to clear the thoughts from his head, and nodded some to her question. "I should be alright like this, thank you." He said, lightly taking her hand and kissing the top of it. He wasn't embarrassed to do so anymore, in the occasion he was affectionate. She already knew how he felt, well he hoped any way. Having said and tried showing it.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie found herself sitting up and picking up the book once more. She'd read more.if the book for the time being. She only managed to read about two chapters before she heard Clint's voice, and began smelling the food he had heated. Mostly the leftovers from.last night. She really likes shrimp, as long as it was cooked right. "Coming!" She called to him, setting the book down on the side of the bed and got. up. She headed for the kitchen and sat down at the table, and nodded to his question. "Water's fine." She said casually, happily taking a bit from her plate of.leftovers.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen nodded to her as she spoke and stayed right there by the fire, kind of like a dog or a cat. Listening to crackle and pop occasionally as the fire are away at the firewood. Firewood! How were they on firewood? Maybe he could chop some.up later if they needed it, otherwise he wouldn't worry about it.
After a short while he heard Kaneko asking him if he was ready to dress warm and he nodded. Allen stood and turned to her. He needed his coat..and a scarf. Where were they again? He didn't really use them, so he'd forget where they were. "I don't remember where.my.coat is.." He. murmured quietly, his cheeks flushing a bit.
After a short while he heard Kaneko asking him if he was ready to dress warm and he nodded. Allen stood and turned to her. He needed his coat..and a scarf. Where were they again? He didn't really use them, so he'd forget where they were. "I don't remember where.my.coat is.." He. murmured quietly, his cheeks flushing a bit.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi offered his cousin a reassuring smile. Even if she rejected him, at least he went out of his way to ask her. "It'll be alright." He said calmly, hoping to give little Mitsukuni a boost.
Alice offered him a small smile. "A few years ago, and around the time my mother remarried." She answered calmly. She shook her head lightly and raised her hands to her chest again. At least it was subsiding.. "I'm a minor.. Without mom's consent I can't have the operation." She explained quietly. "I don't even know if it's an option anymore.. Arrhythmia's aren't my only problem anymore.. It's turned into much more than that - I just don't know what." She murmured quietly. Without a proper examination, she wouldn't know either. Only that she didn't have much time left, and mother didn't seem to care.
Alice offered him a small smile. "A few years ago, and around the time my mother remarried." She answered calmly. She shook her head lightly and raised her hands to her chest again. At least it was subsiding.. "I'm a minor.. Without mom's consent I can't have the operation." She explained quietly. "I don't even know if it's an option anymore.. Arrhythmia's aren't my only problem anymore.. It's turned into much more than that - I just don't know what." She murmured quietly. Without a proper examination, she wouldn't know either. Only that she didn't have much time left, and mother didn't seem to care.