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Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

update: 150 ohms for sale for 3000 volts
Posted in Zuzu's Quest for ALL THE THINGS! Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: my orb extras did help me get some items ovo
the day before the other day i traded a dancer de glace for a festively fab and toy soldier. o3o
Posted in Zuzu's Quest for ALL THE THINGS! Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: it's going well. ovo
i got most of the items from the winter orbs.
tho i should save up and start actively questing other items.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: oi shall try to remember to take care of myself ^u^

ah congratz on first post on page 60.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: no worries, i'll probably be around for another decade at least :vanora_xd:
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: yeah i am not a healthy person :vanora_sweat:
i'll eat better tomorow. gunna have rice and egg for breakfast. ovo

also maybe monday i will try egg and oatmeal.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: not that hungry, probably cause i stayed up till after 7am and slept in till 5pm.
i probably won't be that hungry till later tonight XD
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: haven't had breakfast, lunch, nor dinner.

i did have a coffee, some snack cakes, and candy/puff snacks. tho
tho those aren't really a meal XD
Posted in THATS IT---GOING TO STARBUCKS!! Posted 6 years ago

I just had starbucks today XD
oi got myself a egg nog latte, grande.

usually i just buy myself some cheap gas station coffee,
but i felt like going to save-on and buying some snacks or bread. i got snacks.
and since save-on-foods has a starbucks inside, i got starbucks o3o
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

thank you for the trades @strawberry: and @hachi: ^u^
i'm looking forward to participating.
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

Username: zuzu
Sample: here's my deviantart
and some recent samples:

I will NOT draw: nsfw, mecha, overly complicated stuff, prefer avatars as reference.
willing to draw non-humans.
Wishlist: anything from my avatar closet? i have over a hundred avatars to chose from so plenty of choice. XD
Pinch Hitter: yes
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: that sounds good o .o
i've never had savoury oatmeal before.

i had fried egg on rice for breakfast today.
with a spoonful of 'beef & brocollii sauce flavour' powder mixed in a bit of hot water and poured on top.
Posted in Do your bones tell you... Posted 6 years ago

@Mousy: i'll try to see if i spy a pattern but maybe don't send rain cause it'd freeze into ice,
my bones would really creak if i slipped and fell XD