Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
"For your information, we do. But we like to go after all vampires. We like to be even. We don't have a favorite kind that we allow to wander and live. No, that wouldn't be right. We'd be putting innocent people in danger if we did that." He said and smirked. "Aww, is the little leech getting angry now? Can't handle to hear the truth?" The man asked. The moment Allen moved, the man shot at Allen but missed. Now he had to be careful, he didn't want to accidentally shoot Kaneko. He cursed under his breath and started to chase after the vampire. Kaneko shook in Allen's arms but she didn't know if it was from the cold or from fear. She held on tightly to him so she wouldn't fall, but she didn't know what he was planning on doing, and she didn't like the idea of leaving him alone. What if he got hurt? Or worse? She needed to be there to protect him too. Looking over his shoulder behind them, she didn't see the man right away. Maybe they had managed to get away?
"Allen w-what are you-" Kaneko couldn't finish her question. Instead she nodded and remained still right where he left her. The kiss on the forehead did little to comfort her nerves. All she could do was wait and hope that he would be okay.
"Where did you go coward?" The man's voice echoed in the woods as he continued to search for him. Now he didn't see the vampire or Kaneko anywhere. This was bad. At least he was armed. He kept walking until he reached a large lake. He saw footprints on the ground but they sort of vanished from here. Looking around, he aimed his gun, thinking he saw some movement and shot in the direction he saw it. However, he missed and the bullet grazed a tree instead. "I see you, where did you hide Miss Boa!" He ordered, taking aim again.
"Allen w-what are you-" Kaneko couldn't finish her question. Instead she nodded and remained still right where he left her. The kiss on the forehead did little to comfort her nerves. All she could do was wait and hope that he would be okay.
"Where did you go coward?" The man's voice echoed in the woods as he continued to search for him. Now he didn't see the vampire or Kaneko anywhere. This was bad. At least he was armed. He kept walking until he reached a large lake. He saw footprints on the ground but they sort of vanished from here. Looking around, he aimed his gun, thinking he saw some movement and shot in the direction he saw it. However, he missed and the bullet grazed a tree instead. "I see you, where did you hide Miss Boa!" He ordered, taking aim again.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint resumed eating his wrap until he finished it, drowning it down with water. A kitten? At first, he didn't hear anything but if he focused long enough, he heard a faint sound. "I hear it now too." He said, getting up from the table. "Guess we should go look and see. Probably a stray." He said, headed right for the front door. Instead of opening the door though, Clint looked out through the window to see if he saw a kitten somewhere but they were so small so it would be hard to spot them. "I hear it more now, definitely something out there." He said to her, looking back at her for a second then looking at the door. "Well let's see what we find." Opening the door, there it was, a tiny little kitten. Looking around, he saw no other cat nearby. "Hey little dude." Clint knelt down and slowly reached out to lightly pat it's head. It was a dark gray color with some white. It was a cute little thing but he wondered if it was a stray or if it had an owner.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Honey caught the look of disapproval and pouted. Had he messed up? Mia looked at the tall male when he spoke. A club? What sort of club? Regardless of the type of club it was, it wouldn't hurt to take a peek. Besides, visiting it didn't mean she was joining it. She wasn't sure if she would be able to join a club anyway, would she have enough free time to dedicate to it? "Your club?" She repeated quietly, her feet continuing to follow the pair. What could they be putting together? Maybe the club was some sort of welcoming committee. It would make sense that they'd want to welcome the new students and make them feel comfortable in this new school atmosphere. What's the worst that could happen right? Heck, maybe she'd even make more friends...maybe. "Alright, sounds like fun. I'll go." Mia answered with a warm smile.
Haruhi chuckled and watched Alice's reaction to her observation earlier. "Those two are pretty fun to hang around with, little plotters though. You never know what they're thinking. So..I apologize for the little prank in the morning. I only helped because we're friends, I wouldn't have done that though. Would have just said hello instead of probably give you a heart attack." Haruhi shook her head. "They meant well though." Hopefully Alice wasn't upset about that.
Haruhi chuckled and watched Alice's reaction to her observation earlier. "Those two are pretty fun to hang around with, little plotters though. You never know what they're thinking. So..I apologize for the little prank in the morning. I only helped because we're friends, I wouldn't have done that though. Would have just said hello instead of probably give you a heart attack." Haruhi shook her head. "They meant well though." Hopefully Alice wasn't upset about that.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
"Oh but of course, couldn't forget about your little friend. Don't worry bloodsucker, you should have been dead long time ago. You should be grateful that you've been able to stick around for as long as you did. And I get it, you wanted a friend, so you managed to lure in the miss, but for how long before you turn on her and make her your next meal?" The man asked, stepping out from the woods so that he could see them and they could see him. The man had black wavy shoulder length hair and held a gun in one hand. Kaneko's eyes widened when she saw the weapon. "Don't you d-dare hurt him!" She warned the man. The man laughed, "Miss Boa, you should be back home where you belong. Where you'll be safe. Where this monster won't ever hurt you. We're just doing our job miss, you need to understand that." He told her then aimed the gun at Allen's head. "Please, going through you will be easy." The man told Allen, smirking as he got the gun ready and put his finger on the trigger, ready to pull. Kaneko couldn't let this guy hurt Allen, but if she stepped in front of Allen, he'd get upset with her wouldn't he? She didn't want him getting hurt again though, they ran to be safe and yet it seemed that they had been tracked down somehow.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint was glad to hear she was okay. "Maybe talking about books brought back some memories and it's normal for people to get nostalgic and cry like that. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't need to apologize. Remember, that pinky promise is unbreakable." He looked back at his wrap and took another bite. He should have put some hot sauce on it. Oh well. He shook his head, "I'm home free for the remainder of the day. If I have to work extra hours, I'll be sure to call the house and let you know. Usually I work these set hours, but sometimes the boss likes to keep us a little longer if it's a busy day." He explained calmly.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
They were in the first class together? Oh, she felt bad because she hadn't noticed them. She wasn't really looking at the people in her classroom though, instead she was more focused on the lecture. "Oh...w-well that's nice to know." Mia answered, nervously following after them.
"So does this mean we're friends now?" Honey asked, looking down at the female student who looked worried still. Mia snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the smaller boy. He really wanted to be friends even though they had just met? Well, it would be helpful to have at least one friend here. "It does." She answered, nodding her head. The boy was glowing, he had completed his mission! Well..sort of. " should come with us after school to hang out and...stuff." He said. "Right Takashi? She should follow us after school?" He asked, wanting his cousin's help.
"Follow you where exactly?" Mia asked.
Haruhi fell silent, listening to Alice's story. "How nice. I hear France is beautiful but I've never been there. Well..I hope you like your stay here at the Academy. I know it's a little...overwhelming when you first arrive. It's a lot to take in and it can be a little intimidating but then you make some pretty nice friends and nothing else matters anymore. Looks to me like you, the twins, and Tamaki are pretty close." Haruhi noted with a smile.
"So does this mean we're friends now?" Honey asked, looking down at the female student who looked worried still. Mia snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the smaller boy. He really wanted to be friends even though they had just met? Well, it would be helpful to have at least one friend here. "It does." She answered, nodding her head. The boy was glowing, he had completed his mission! Well..sort of. " should come with us after school to hang out and...stuff." He said. "Right Takashi? She should follow us after school?" He asked, wanting his cousin's help.
"Follow you where exactly?" Mia asked.
Haruhi fell silent, listening to Alice's story. "How nice. I hear France is beautiful but I've never been there. Well..I hope you like your stay here at the Academy. I know it's a little...overwhelming when you first arrive. It's a lot to take in and it can be a little intimidating but then you make some pretty nice friends and nothing else matters anymore. Looks to me like you, the twins, and Tamaki are pretty close." Haruhi noted with a smile.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Injured? It was too far to tell if it was or wasn't but maybe he was right since it wasn't climbing the tree as they continued to walk. "O-okay then." Now she was scared because something or someone had hurt the poor thing. There was a snap of a branch and Kaneko jumped, that sounded close, but where? She didn't see any movement around her. Her hand gently squeezed Allen's hand to make sure he was still there. "You heard that right?" She asked Allen quietly. "My, my... Miss Boa, you sure know how to hide even if just for a while. A whole year to be exact. Never once did you visit your father. Didn't defend him. He called, didn't you get his calls? I went to your house and imagine my surprise when I see you're no longer there." A male's voice started. Kaneko's eyes widened when she heard him and she stopped in her tracks. "You had me running around for all this time, it was very difficult tracking you down. But you can't hide forever Miss." He said with a chuckle.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
"All the trees. They look like uhh...pine trees? They remind me of the Christmas trees people buy except that these don't have any lights or ornaments on them. Ooooh if they did it would be soooo pretty! Gah! I'm sorry, I just really love Christmas, it's such a nice time of year. We can have hot cocoa and sit by the fire and I can read you stories or we can just talk and stuff oh! And then I can bake cookies!" Kaneko squealed and practically bounced in joy. "Okay, I'll calm down." She said, chuckling. How embarrassing. "It's pretty cloudy out. Maybe it will snow sometime soon...or sometime this week. If that's the case, our garden will need extra care." She said thoughtfully. There were a few fallen leaves here and there, some little weeds as well. It was chilly out, but she wasn't freezing as of yet. "Oh!" Kaneko gasped seeing a grey squirrel on one of the tree branches. "A grey squirrel." She whispered to Allen.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
"T-thanks." Mia said to the tall male who helped her to her feet. She dusted herself off and nodded at his question. "Yes, that's me. Mia Warren. It's nice to meet you..both." She said, offering them both a friendly smile. "I it alright if I just follow you guys? I'm new here and I don't really know where I'm going." She admitted nervously.
Honey nodded. "Of course you can! We should be friends Mia, you seem like a nice person. My name is Mitsukini and this is my cousin Takashi. He doesn't talk much but he has his moments. You should hang out with us all the time!" He said cheerfully. This was how it had to be done. All in the name of sweets!
The twins snickered and casually strolled into the classroom. They sat right next to each other like they always did. Haruhi took her seat and motioned for Alice to sit next to her. "So you're new here huh?" She asked quietly and ran her hand through her hair. It was easy to look like a boy thanks to the lack of chest she had. "How are you liking it so far?"
Honey nodded. "Of course you can! We should be friends Mia, you seem like a nice person. My name is Mitsukini and this is my cousin Takashi. He doesn't talk much but he has his moments. You should hang out with us all the time!" He said cheerfully. This was how it had to be done. All in the name of sweets!
The twins snickered and casually strolled into the classroom. They sat right next to each other like they always did. Haruhi took her seat and motioned for Alice to sit next to her. "So you're new here huh?" She asked quietly and ran her hand through her hair. It was easy to look like a boy thanks to the lack of chest she had. "How are you liking it so far?"

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint relaxed some when Maddie took the napkin for her tears. "Alright, I promise I won't say anything like that again." He said, holding out his pinky finger to her. "Here, a pinky promise to make it official." He said and smiled. At least she had calmed down a bit. Maybe talking about anything regarding childhood memories was not the best idea. Clint knew he'd have to keep that in mind for the future. "Are you a little better now? You sure you don't want me to get it for you. I will you know and it won't be a problem."

Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve
Posted 6 years ago

@Shadami: Here you go!

Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve
Posted 6 years ago

watches and eats candy
That was a close one. D:

Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve
Posted 6 years ago

Saeyra has it? Oh, okay cool.

Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve
Posted 6 years ago

@kent: Here you go.