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Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
"So this club...what do you guys do exactly?" Mia asked curiously. Honey looked down at her and grinned. "I can't tell you Mia. You're going to have to wait and see like the other new student but it will be fun I promise!" He assured. Mia nodded and continued walking with them to the club. When they got there, she noticed a group of students had arrived. She looked at them then nervously followed Takashi inside.

Her eyes widened when she saw how beautifully decorated it was! fancy! Everything in here probably cost a fortune. She looked to the blonde male who had spoken her name. "Host Club?" She repeated quietly. What was a host club, she had never heard of anything like that before.

"Come on Takashi! We have to go get changed!"


The twins and Haruhi walked inside the room after the cousins and Mia had, Hikaru leading Alice inside. "This is the plan except neither of us planned it." He said and looked at his brother then let go of her. "Have to go change but we'll be baaaaack!" He said, running off with Kaoru to get changed. Haruhi rubbed the side of her head and shook her head. "They are so strange those two." She looked back at Alice and smiled. "Make yourself at home Alice. We'll be right back shortly." She said. Haruhi bowed lowly before excusing herself to go change.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko nodded, "Yes sir." she said softly, holding on to the rag as she was instructed to do. She watched him get to work on removing the bullet and when he had, she pressed the rag to the bleeding wound, applying pressure to it as he said for her to do. It wasn't a big bullet, it looked pretty small but it didn't look like a regular bullet. "Strange. It's rather small and it looks like it has something on it." She said to him, keeping the rag on his wound. "I'll take a closer look at it right now, but first I want to patch you up okay?" She suggested. Kaneko took the tweezers and the bullet from him with one hand and carefully set them down on a small plate to look at later. "Alright, let's clean you up first. Then we will patch you up, get you a clean shirt, and then we'll look at this bullet." She instructed quietly. She probably should have gone back to school for nursing, but it was too late now and too dangerous.
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 6 years ago

rolls thru the thread Weee!
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint smiled seeing her hold out her pinky for him to wrap his around. And so he did. His pinky wrapped around hers then pulled his hand back. "Alright Mads, you pinky promised so you can't take it back. Or like we said when were were kids, no take backsies." He said and chuckled. His thoughts went to the kitten, hopefully it was okay. "Do you think she'll come back?" He asked her after a while. There was no need to live in fear though, they had to go on with their lives. He'd make them dinner in a few and then maybe they'd be able to get some sleep later.
Posted in Act 12: Breaking the Barrier Posted 6 years ago

Oh man, I can't do this at all. It moves too fast.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko looked at her supplies and picked up some tweezers. "Okay, here are the tweezers." She said, placing them in his hand. She picked up a simple white rag and folded it in half then handed it to Allen as well. "Are you sure you'll be able to do this Allen?" She asked quietly. She didn't want him to end up hurting himself by trying to do this. She wasn't sure how it was done but she did know it would probably be really painful.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey nodded. He had to relax, he had to keep quiet and not ruin the surprise. Hopefully Tamaki kept his promise. He huffed, wondering if he had been lied to. But he trusted that Tamaki wouldn't lie to him like this.
Mia approached them and smiled, tucking the loose hair strand behind her ear. "Okay, I'm ready. Lead the way." She told them. A club, she wondered what the club looked like and what sort of people she would meet there. Would the people be nice or rude? She wondered how many people were in this club and what sort of things they did.


"Yes, let's go!" Hikaru agreed, practically dragging her out of the classroom. "Lead the way Haruhi!" Hikaru commanded with a laugh. Haruhi laughed and shook her head. "Come on you three. Let's not keep the others waiting." She said and started to lead the group towards the club's location. Hopefully everything was getting finished up in there.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint wrapped his arms around her in a hug, "I'm sorry if I seem clingy. It's just.." He sighed and leaned back against the wall. "I just don't want you getting hurt." He explained, looking at her. He knew she wanted the kitten though, it gave him another idea. He woudln't say anything though, it would be a surprise. "Alright, but if anything happens I want you to call me alright? I'll write my cell number down for you and you can call me from the house phone whenever you want. I'll always answer it okay?"
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
It had been a long day. Her hand hurt a little from all the writing she had done, but now the day was over and she could relax for a little while. Gathering her things, Mia smoothed out her clothes and quickly made her way out of the classroom to follow both Mitsukini and Takashi. Mitsukini looked very happy, he was bouncing where he stood but he was quiet. "I want to tell her but I want it to be a surprise too!" He told his cousin while they waited for Mia to join them.


Classes were finished for the day. It was time to focus on the surprise Tamaki and Kyoya had prepared for Alice and the other new student. Alice had caught on to their plan though. The twins looked at her and blinked innocently. "It's nothing. We have planned nothing." Kaoru replied, gathering his things along with his brother and walking out of the classroom with them. "Really Alice, do you think we are scheming all of the time?" Hikaru asked her. Haruhi chuckled. "Well can you blame her? You both are known to be the ultimate pranksters in this academy." She told them. "Now come on, let's head to the club, I really want tea." She said.
Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!) Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: I'll either have fun or get stressed. lmao
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Oh good, she wouldn't go. As much as he wanted to hug her in joy, he didn't. He didn't think it was a good idea to be happy right now. "I just hope we didn't make a big mistake." He voiced quietly. Would that woman come back if Maddie didn't go to see her? Would she be back later today? Or would she come tomorrow? What if she were here while he was at work? "Maddie, does that woman break into houses to get to you?" He asked nervously. "I can take a sick day tomorrow if you want. It's okay. I can stay or...I can come home early tomorrow if you'd like. You know...just to...make sure .." He frowned, he sounded clingy didn't he? She'd probably think he was being just that.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Of course it hurt, she was an idiot for even asking. "Right..s-sorry for asking." She whispered, folding up his scarf and setting it down on the couch nearby. She couldn't think of what to say, hearing him apologize. She knew he didn't mean to, she knew he was only trying to keep her safe from harm. She shook her head and gathered the bloody shirt and bloody coat. "It's okay Allen. I'm the one who's sorry for getting you hurt all the time. I.. I'll go and put these in the wash and then come back with a few things we'll need to get this done." She said and quickly left to do as she said she would. She started up the washing machine and threw his bloodied clothes in there along with soap and fabric softener then closed the lid and ran off to get the first aid kit. She looked inside the kit to make sure they had everything, then gathered a few extra things just to be on the safe side. When she had everything, Kaneko walked back to the living room and set the things on the coffee table. "Alright, what would you like first?" She asked him.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Mia opened up her notebook after the bell had rung. It was time to pay attention and take notes. Although history was a fairly easy class, so she didn't think that she'd need to take many notes. Maybe she should have sat near her new friend, but she didn't want to look clingy either. He was so short though, she couldn't believe he was in high school. He looked like he belonged in Elementary. How old was he even?

Honey squirmed in his seat, setting his doll on his lap and opening his notebook. He held his pencil in his hand and waited for the teacher to start talking about whatever they thought would be important enough to teach.


Haruhi laughed softly at Alice's reaction. "Why not? Kyoya-senpai, Mori-senpai, and Honey-senpai aren't bad people. Although Mori-senpai...he doesn't talk very much. He can be a little intimidating but he's a nice guy." She explained, turning her attention to the teacher after glancing towards the twins to make sure they were paying attention. Kaoru already had Hikaru paying attention to the lecture though.
Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!) Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: I'll have to give it a try. It sounds pretty interesting. :3
I forgot to roll last time so I'm rolling now before I forget again.