Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Still impressive. I've never made a font before.
Sorry for the late response, I was eating beef and veggies.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint knelt down beside Maddie and gently pat her shoulder. "Well...I don't know her personally but she said she wasn't a monster. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't think she'd actually hurt the little dude." He said to her. It was hard to tell though. Maybe that's what she wanted them to think, that she wouldn't hurt it. Maybe he was being selfish, but he didn't want her to go meet up with that woman. He wanted to keep her safe, he couldn't keep her safe if she just left. "If you want to go though, I won't stop you."

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko nodded and took hold of his hand carefully. "Okay...we'll do that then." She promised, starting to lead him back to the cabin. Occasionally, she would glance over her shoulder at the man, expecting him to sit up and shoot. But he never did. When they arrived back to the cabin, Kaneko opened up the door and helped him inside before she locked the door again behind them. "Alright, let's get you seated so that we can take a look at this wound." Kaneko led him to the armchair and helped him sit, then she slowly removed his scarf and unbuttoned his coat to see what they were dealing with. It looked like the man had tried to aim for the stomach but missed. He either had really bad aim, or Allen was too fast for him. Either way it wasn't good. "Well, he missed, so that's good.." Her hands absentmindedly worked on getting his coat off then his shirt. "Don't worry Allen, I'll clean your shirt and your coat. And I'll bring you a fresh shirt afterwards. D-does it hurt a lot?" She asked him.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint didn't like this, but he didn't want to do anything that might be seen as a bad move. When the woman was gone, he sighed and looked at Maddie. "Well that was a pleasant conversation. Are you actually going to go meet her?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest. There was no doubt in his mind that if she left, he'd probably not see her again. "I don't think she's going to be alone Mads. She might have her people waiting to...I don't know, hurt you and take you away somewhere. Maybe I'm wrong but I can't help but worry that if you go, it's not going to end well." Clint explained, but he knew he coudln't force her to stay put either.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
It wasn't hard to tell that Allen was having a difficult time with this. Kaneko's dark eyes drifted to the body of the man sent to take her home. Would her father keep sending people? Or would he finally realize that he had to let her live her own life however she wanted? "Allen..please let me help you. Let me get you to the hospital or..w-we can get back home and I can try to take care of you myself if you don't want to go to a hospital. It's okay. W-we'll do whatever you want. Just please, let's get you patched up...please." She bargained with him. How hard could it be to extract a bullet right?

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: A braille font? Interesting. :o
Must have taking you very long to do that. Even without the error page showing up.
I mean, making fonts doesn't sound easy.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Yeah, it was fun for the brief time that I played it. Heh
You made some font? :o That's really neat! May I see it?

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Oh wow, this had actually worked?! So this was Aurelie, the leader of the cult and now she was here. How had she found her? Clint didn't look too happy, but he remained calm. If this person just wanted to talk, then he would let them just talk. As long as no one was getting hurt, he wouldn't do anything stupid. Besides, she was outside, they were inside, and the door was locked. Even though the question was for Maddie, Clint had a question of his own to make. "What exactly do you want with Maddie anyway? I mean, you and your people won't leave her alone, so what is it exactly? Why do you feel the need to get her to submit? Submit to what?" He asked the woman.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago

Hello everyone! I haven't been here in a while so I decided to stop by and say hello.
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the event.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
When Allen said that he could see him, the man rolled his eyes. Clearly Allen was trying to scare him, well it wasn't working. He knew Allen couldn't see, Kaneko's father had told him this before sending him off on his way. "It's not for you to choose bloodsucker. Her father already said I'm to bring her home and keep an eye on her, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. She's a pretty little thing, shame you can't truly see her." He said with a sick laugh. "She's happy? She looked more scared than anything when I saw her. Stop lying to yourself and stop trying to make this more difficult than it has to be. So just stay still so that we can get this over with okay?"
The man smirked, glad he had managed to wound the vampire this time. "Oh don't you worry about that, I have plenty more where that came from." He assured, clicking the gun again and aiming for Allen's head this time. His plan was ended though when Allen moved quickly and kept him pinned down on the ground, preventing the man from shooting. "You kill me, and you'll prove me right. That you are a monster." The man warned, fear in his voice. This was not how it was supposed to go! The man screamed in fear and pain when he felt Allen's fangs sink into his neck.
Kaneko heard the gunshot and then the scream. She couldn't just stay there anymore. She had to see if Allen was okay! "Allen!" She called out and quickly started running in the direction of the screams. There he was, he was hurt and the man lay on the ground motionless. Was he really dead? Had Allen killed him? Surely it was an accident right? "A-allen?" Her voice wavered a bit as she got closer and saw the blood on his coat. "Oh my god, Allen!" Kaneko was quick to help him up again and looked at the stain. It wasn't huge, but it still had to be checked. "Come on, we need to get you to the hospital." She whispered, sniffling some. She shouldn't have stayed there, she should have protected Allen but instead he got hurt because of her again.
The man smirked, glad he had managed to wound the vampire this time. "Oh don't you worry about that, I have plenty more where that came from." He assured, clicking the gun again and aiming for Allen's head this time. His plan was ended though when Allen moved quickly and kept him pinned down on the ground, preventing the man from shooting. "You kill me, and you'll prove me right. That you are a monster." The man warned, fear in his voice. This was not how it was supposed to go! The man screamed in fear and pain when he felt Allen's fangs sink into his neck.
Kaneko heard the gunshot and then the scream. She couldn't just stay there anymore. She had to see if Allen was okay! "Allen!" She called out and quickly started running in the direction of the screams. There he was, he was hurt and the man lay on the ground motionless. Was he really dead? Had Allen killed him? Surely it was an accident right? "A-allen?" Her voice wavered a bit as she got closer and saw the blood on his coat. "Oh my god, Allen!" Kaneko was quick to help him up again and looked at the stain. It wasn't huge, but it still had to be checked. "Come on, we need to get you to the hospital." She whispered, sniffling some. She shouldn't have stayed there, she should have protected Allen but instead he got hurt because of her again.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
"I doubt you have anything to protect except yourself. I was told you were all alone. You have no one protecting you, no one to defend you right now. You can't even see right? You're the blind one. The one at a disadvantage here. Not me." The man said, glancing towards the gun. The smooth surface glistening whenever some light hit it. He shook his hand and cracked his knuckles, his eyes on Allen now. "We do this, to keep families safe. You may hunt animals for now leech, but soon enough you're going to want more, you're going to give in to your instincts. It's best to get rid of you now before you do." Kaneko dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, trying to keep herself from shaking. She had heard gunshots but now she heard nothing. Part of her wanted to go see what happened but she also just wanted to trust Allen and wait here instead.
The man's eyes went wide when Allen suddenly launched at him and kicked him, causing him to fall over in pain. He laughed though, "Oh my, seems like we struck a nerve. Relax. I said I'd take her home, I didn't even tell you what I'd do to her afterwards. Though if you want her so bad, I'll be sure to kill her when I'm done with her and then I'll tell her father it was your doing. He won't ever know." The man said scrambling over to get the gun again. "I will do whatever I want with her and you won't be around to stop me." The man said with a sickening grin. His hand grabbed the cold handle of the gun and quickly he aimed at Allen and shot at him again.
The man's eyes went wide when Allen suddenly launched at him and kicked him, causing him to fall over in pain. He laughed though, "Oh my, seems like we struck a nerve. Relax. I said I'd take her home, I didn't even tell you what I'd do to her afterwards. Though if you want her so bad, I'll be sure to kill her when I'm done with her and then I'll tell her father it was your doing. He won't ever know." The man said scrambling over to get the gun again. "I will do whatever I want with her and you won't be around to stop me." The man said with a sickening grin. His hand grabbed the cold handle of the gun and quickly he aimed at Allen and shot at him again.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The man listened to Allen, this was true yes. "What you say is true, I'm not going to say it isn't. Of course you'll see it your way, and we will see it our way. You're not human, you wouldn't understand why we do what we do. You all hunt as well, not just us. You kill people, we kill the killers." The man countered, keeping his eyes on Allen only to lose him again. Damn, he was fast! If he could kill him, he could focus on looking for Kaneko and bringing her home as he was instructed to do. Allen wasn't the priority here, but he had just become it now. The man was getting frustrated with this game of cat and mouse. Where had he run off to now? "Oh, I'm a coward am I?" He asked and smirked. "Says the leech who keeps hiding!" Just then, he felt the gun be kicked from his hand, causing it to fall to the floor a bit far from where they were. Swiftly, he turned to land a punch on Allen's face. "You don't want to tell me? Fine. When I'm done with you, I'll look for her myself and when I find her, I'll drag her back to my car by her hair if I have to!" The man yelled, clearly angry now.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"He's so tiny. We should bring him inside and see if he'll eat anything." Clint suggested but he didn't need to since it looked like Maddie was already thinking ahead. She had even managed to pick the kitten up, which was more than Clint had done. Who could have left it here though? And why? It was much too young, probably still needed to be with it's mother and instead it was here, lost, confused and scared. When the kitten managed to break free and run off, Clint only looked confused, why had it run off? That's when he heard a voice and quickly rose to his feet to see a person standing nearby. Well now, this couldn't be good. What to do? Without really thinking, he pulled Maddie back inside the house and closed the front door, locking it. "Well shite..." He muttered and looked out the window. "If you want to talk, we can talk but you stay out there, and we'll stay in here and we'll talk. If you don't want to talk, then don't waste our time. We're very busy right now and I'd rather not bug the cops with a phone call." Clint warned, although he had a feeling this wasn't going to work.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Mia nodded. "After school." She agreed and stepped inside the classroom. "Thanks for helping me find the right class." She thanked them and bowed her head nervously then quickly rushed off to take a seat at an empty desk near the window. Mitsukini and Takashi. Strange names, but they probably thought her name odd as well. Mia looked at the pair, so they were cousins? No wonder they seemed so close.
Honey was happy that Mia had agreed to come to the club after school All the sweets were his now! He just needed to make it through the rest of the day in order to claim his reward but he trusted his cousin to keep him attentive on the class.
"I'm surprised you didn't know. Though to be fair, I would have fallen for it too." Haruhi admitted. It was a classic prank, almost everyone fell for it at least once. Alice said she wanted to be friends and Haruhi smiled, "Yes, let's be friends too." She said and shook Alice's hand. "That's...four down, three more to go." She told her as the bell rang, signaling the start of class.
Honey was happy that Mia had agreed to come to the club after school All the sweets were his now! He just needed to make it through the rest of the day in order to claim his reward but he trusted his cousin to keep him attentive on the class.
"I'm surprised you didn't know. Though to be fair, I would have fallen for it too." Haruhi admitted. It was a classic prank, almost everyone fell for it at least once. Alice said she wanted to be friends and Haruhi smiled, "Yes, let's be friends too." She said and shook Alice's hand. "That's...four down, three more to go." She told her as the bell rang, signaling the start of class.