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Posted in Goodbye everyone! [Selling everything] Posted 6 years ago

@rainbowpanda: Alright, sending you the volts now. :)
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
After throwing his trash away, Honey comfortably sat atop his cousin's shoulders. It was probably strange to see someone as small as him in this prestigious school. He looked like he belonged in grade school but he wasn't picked on and that was probably because he was with Takashi all the time. It wasn't too long before they reached the club's doors. His feet touched the ground once more and the doors were opened there. Sure enough, there were both Tamaki and Kyoya going on about something for the new students. They only had two new students this year? Honey hopped into the club room and hopped all the way to an empty table where he set Usa-chan down on one of the chairs. "Wait here, I'm going to get some sweets." He told the bunny.

Mia had finished her lunch and threw away the trash then sat back down at the table and removed her glasses to clean them. They were a little scratched up from the times they had fallen but she didn't want to wear her new pair yet. She didn't think she needed to since she could still see just fine with the ones she had.


Hearing her surprised tone, the three of them looked at her as they walked towards the cafeteria. "She doesn't know." Kaoru commented. "Yes, looks like she doesn't know." Hikaru agreed. The group hurried off to the cafeteria after she told them she hadn't even eaten breakfast that morning. When they arrived, Haruhi grabbed herself some lunch and motioned for the others to do the same. "The club has always been there but it's not really accepting new members...not that I know of anyway." She explained quietly. "I don't think Alice wants to join, Haruhi." Hikaru answered, grabbing himself some lunch with his brother. "Well you can't be so sure. Either way, we'd have to check with Tamaki and Kyoya to see if there are any openings but I don't think there are." Haruhi replied.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Carefully, she took the teacups and set them down on the tray then took the tray and walked slowly to the coffee table where she set it down. Kaneko then walked back to the kitchen and would pick up their plates of food and bring them over so that they could eat by the fire. It had been a year, that was twelve months of living here and she had quickly adapted to the new place. It was cozy, she was very happy here yes. The only visitors she ever got were wild animals but they would only mind their own business and then leave which made her happy. As much as she liked seeing them, she'd be very afraid if they decided to stick around. Allen was much better now, he hadn't bit her since the first time and now they had a small garden which she tended to with Allen's help. They were both happy here, that was the conclusion she had come to after seeing how they adapted to the change over time. "Here's your plate of pancakes Allen, careful they're still hot." Kaneko carefully held out his plate of food to him.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
The customer seemed confused but only nodded and waited for Clint to finish checking the engine thoroughly. "So what was wrong with it exactly and what did you do?" He asked his co-worker. His co-worker then went into detail about what the problem was and what he had done in order to fix it. Clint nodded and went ahead and checked every part of the engine, cleaning out any grime he could find. By the time he had finished, he asked the customer to run it and when it did, it was purring smoothly. "Good, you did good." He told his co-worker then looked up when the boss whistled. "Oh, good the band. Yeah I'll replace it now!" He assured then looked at his co-worker. "Hey, don't get mad at me for being thorough." He muttered then went back to the car he had been fixing and started to replace the worn band.

During his lunch break he had to go buy something but at least he ate. He got back to work and for most of the day he was just cleaning the garage and rearranging the tools. At the end of the work day, he made his way to his car, hopped in and wondered how Maddie had been holding up while he was gone.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Seeing his cousin get up, the smaller boy quickly stood up and gathered his trash as well. They had time? For a moment, Honey's eyes looked at the other in confusion. "Time?" He repeated, then they widened as realization hit him. "Oh! Good! Maybe we could meet the others a-and maybe I could get more sweets before class starts." He said quietly to himself, holding Usa-chan close. "Let's go!" Honey cheered.

Mia glanced up hearing noise and noticed a tall male with black hair and a smaller boy with blonde hair. She wasn't sure who they were, she hadn't seen them before but the smaller one seemed excited about something. What? She didn't know but it was none of her business so she focused on just finishing her lunch and getting ready for the next class.


"The others must be at the club. Where else would they be?" Kaoru commented with a shrug. This was true, they always liked to hang out there even when it wasn't club hours. Haruhi thought about this. "Well...we can grab our lunch and go over there to check if they are there. I'm hungry though so I really want some lunch and I'm sure Alice here would like some lunch as well. After the scare you both gave her, at least give her a chance to eat." she instructed with a smile. Hikaru and Kaoru shared a look, "We were going to let her eat you know Haruhi." Kaoru began, "Yeah, we're not that cruel. But we can always eat on the way to the club. Alright it's settled then!" Hikaru said with a nod of his head.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint gave the car a much needed oil change then checked the air in the tires as well. Under the man's request, he checked the engine since the man said the car made strange noises whenever he was driving it. Upon close enough inspection, he noticed the belt looked worn. "Need a new timing belt." Clint motioned the man to get closer. "See how it's really worn? That can cause some friction which could be the noises you're hearing when you're driving it." He told the man. The man asked if they had new ones he could purchase and Clint nodded. "We got some inside. Boss will show you." Clint answered and informed his boss about the situation. The older man nodded and led the customer inside the actual shop to get the belt he needed. During this time, Clint went to check on the engine once his co-worker had finished. "Let's see what we got. Don't run it yet." He told the customer.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
"That's right." Kaneko agreed. "Cinnamon pancakes with powdered sugar on top. Also made us some herbal tea. Chamomile. I was thinking about making peppermint tea but I thought that the flavors would be too contrasting and they wouldn't go well together. Perhaps I'll make some later just to enjoy and warm up a bit." She informed and glanced in his direction. "It's cold isn't it?" She asked him, seeing he was still wrapped up in the blankets. "I've started a fire. Would you like to have breakfast near the fireplace instead? I don't mind." Kaneko really didn't, she just wanted Allen to be comfortable.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey didn't look too convinced but he dropped the subject. He was more interested in his other friends and finding out where they were. Perhaps they weren't hungry and were probably hanging out elsewhere without them. How rude. At least his cousin seemed to be enjoying his lunch. Honey looked at his now empty plate and empty teacup with a frown. It was good while it lasted but at least he had the club to look forward to. He could eat all the sweets he wanted there!


"Well at least you're here. Even if it's just for a week, we'll make it a great week." Hikaru promised. He knew she was sick and every day was a blessing for her, so he wanted her to enjoy her stay here however long or short it might be. Scaring her wasn't very smart but at least she was fine. Haruhi glanced over her shoulder at the three and smiled at them as she led them towards the cafeteria to get lunch. "I wonder where the others are at. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Kyoya or Tamaki or the others so far today. I've been stuck babysitting." She teased, looking back at the twins who stuck their tongues out at her and pulled down on one of their eyes each.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
The scent of cinnamon filled the air as Kaneko busied herself making cinnamon swirl pancakes. It was something she had learned to make from work and she thought they were pretty good. She wondered if this would work as well with homemade waffles. "Hmm, that's something to try for next time." She said to herself, flipping over a pancake on the pan. Lowering the flames, she set the table carefully. Two plates were set down with teacups, a knife, fork and napkin. Perfect. Kaneko walked back to finish up the pancakes. Each time one was done, she'd set it down on one plate. She did this until they each had three pancakes. "Oh, good morning Allen. How did you sleep?" She asked softly, setting the pan and spatula in the sink then she set the teapot with boiling water on a tray. In the water she tossed in a herbal teabag, letting it really seep there. Picking up the small container of powdered sugar, she sprinkled some on their pancakes then carefully poured them each some tea.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
The co-worker was still a little hesitant but agreed and got to work. Knowing his co-worker was actually going to let him check it made Clint relax a little more. At least now he could prevent the job from going bad. Clint went back to work on the car he was in charge of taking a look at. "Needs an oil change." He told the man who had brought in the car. It was a simple thing, but many people always forgot to do an oil check on their cars until the car started to act funny.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Mia took a bite of her sandwich and turned her notebook page, her light blue eyes reading the neat little writing on the lined pages. She could have done her homework right now, get some of it out of the way but it was too late now. She thought so anyway. Mia's problem was that she liked to overthink everything. She was stubborn. If she didn't think of something right away, then she wouldn't change her plans halfway through what she was doing.

Honey enjoyed his cake, it was gone in the blink of an eye. His large brown eyes looked around, where were the others? Looking at his cousin, he caught him glancing in the direction of the stranger. The girl from before. "Takashi, you really like looking at her. Maybe you should offer her cake. But not mine because I finished it and now I want more but I don't think there's any more for me to eat." A small pout appeared on the smaller boy's face and he sipped at his tea. " you think we will see her again after school?" He asked, looking up at his cousin.


Both twins hugged her back, "Hmm, seems we didn't scare her too bad." Kaoru noted, looking at his dear brother. "It would seem that way but we still got her which is what matters." He answered and looked at Alice. "Is it permanent? Or will you be leaving us again? It's really lonely when you leave you know. Haruhi is no fun." Hikaru whined. "H-hey! That's not true." Haruhi said. "Oh...I think it is Haruhi." Kaoru said and chuckled. "You're plenty fun though, don't feel sad." He added. Haruhi rolled her eyes, "Come on you three, let's get some lunch." She suggested. "Oh! Alice you can sit with us!" Kaoru said happily. His brother nodded, "Yes you have to sit with us Alice!"
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey let out a playful laugh as he was now perched up on Takashi's shoulders. He could see the entire cafeteria from here! Okay, maybe he was exaggerating, but his cousin was very tall! He watched as the other students moved out of the way and would look up at him as Takashi walked past them. "Hello everyone!" He said in his cheerful tone that was so normal for him. It was pretty rare to see him upset but usually when he was, his cousin was the only one who could help calm him down. If he couldn't, then it was up to the other members of the club to try their hand at it. "Thank-you Takashi!" Honey happily sat down on the chair he was placed on and stared at the cake set down before him in awe, it looked delicious!


Haruhi could only give Alice an apologetic smile after the can was opened and the snakes sprung out to surprise her. Laughter was heard as each twin came out of their hiding spots and rested an elbow on Haruhi's shoulders. One on each side of her. "Well done Haruhi! We knew you could do it!" Kaoru said. "I was a little worried you wouldn't be able to pull it off, but you did! Good job!" Hikaru chimed in. All three of them looked at Alice before Haruhi began to gather the snakes and put them back in the can, quickly closing it tightly. "Welcome back Alice! It's so good to see you again!" Kaoru greeted her, resting his elbow on her shoulder now while Hikaru did the same on the other side. "Are you okay? Did we get you too bad?" Hikaru asked.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
~Timeskip 1 year later~

Kaneko woke up to a chilly morning, right away she knew she had to get a fire going but she was too comfortable in bed right now. Groaning, she forced herself to slip out of bed and carefully tucked Allen in to keep him warm while she walked to the living room and tossed some logs into the fireplace to start a nice fire. Hopefully it would warm up the house quickly. It was getting cold out, she knew that the people would be wearing warm coats out now. It was nice, living here just the two of them. It was pretty far from the town but nothing a simple drive couldn't fix. She'd be lying if she said she didn't sometimes think back to her father. What could have happened to him? Was he out yet? "Let's get some breakfast going Kaneko." She said to herself, yawning softly and making her way to the kitchen in her little slippers and warm pajamas. Her hair was a mess but it didn't matter, she'd fix it up later. Right now food was important. "Breakfast and some hot tea." She said to herself, getting some water in the kettle to boil.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
As Clint suspected, it was a slow day. He kept his mind on the jobs he had but didn't forget about what Maddie had told him. An engine, he had to check an engine before running it. He knew it wouldn't be any of the cars he got, it was one of the cars his co-workers got, but which one? Every time a car was brought in to be seen by one of his co-workers, Clint had to listen in on the conversation. If they didn't say it was the engine, then he could relax a little bit. The moment when the engine was mentioned, he remembered and looked at his co-worker. "Let me check it out when you're done yeah? Just don't run it until I check it." He instructed. His co-worker looked surprised. "Don't trust me?" He asked. Clint chuckled. "No it's not that man, I just want to use that as a chance to learn something new is all." Clint answered honestly.