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Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
"I'll wash the dishes then and then I"ll go get dressed properly. I won't be long. Just wait here if you'd like." Carefully, Kaneko gathered the dishes and walked to the kitchen sink where she began to wash up the dishes and set them down on the rack to dry. How cold was it out there exactly? Well, touching the window she felt it was really cold so she decided on being extra careful. Kaneko made her way to their room and grabbed some warm clothes to change into. She got undressed and began to change into her warm clothes. She put on a scarf and warm winter boots over her pants then put on a jacket and brushed out her hair until she thought it looked perfect. Looking in the mirror, she looked a little pale but that's what happened when you stayed out of the sun for so long. Making sure she grabbed what she needed, she walked back out to where Allen waited. "Allen, ready to dress warm?" She asked with a chuckle. "We can get you a nice scarf and a jacket to keep you warm from the harsh cold outside."
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
The smaller boy glanced up at his cousin. Be her friend? It couldn't be that simple could it? "W-what if she says no?" He pointed out. Rejection was always a possibility. However, Honey knew that the only way he'd know for sure was if he actually went out and asked himself. It was such a simple solution, he couldn't believe that was all that it would take to win this thing.


Hikaru was quiet, listening to every word she said. As much as he wanted to goof off and make her laugh, he knew that right now was not the right time to do that sort of stuff. A pacemaker...that was scary to think about, but if it helped that was good no? "When was this? How long ago?" He asked curiously. "I know it sounds scary, but if it will help you then don't you think it would be good to get it?" He asked her quietly, gently rubbing her arm now with his hand. She would be fine, she had to be. He didn't want to think that at any moment she could be taken from them.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"Of course I listened. Readings are serious business. Every time I go get a reading, I listen to what they tell me. If they tell me for example 'The month of June is going to be a bad month for you.' I take it very seriously. So if bad things happen in June, I don't get upset because I know that's what they told me. So yeah, whenever you want I'm all ears Mads. No problem." He told her honestly. He was a true believer, not a skeptic like most people were. His boss for one, didn't believe in that stuff and said it was the devil's work, so Clint stopped mentioning it to him. Clint smiled at her, "Now you worry about me eating too? How adorable. Yeah, I'll make myself a little something after my shower Mads. No worries. I'd hug you but I smell like oil, gasoline and just..gross so yeah, I'm going to go clean up now but I'll be out in a few." He told her and made his way to his room to pick out a clean change of clothes, then left to the bathroom to shower.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko felt herself relax at Allen's answer. She finished her tea before pouring herself some more and set the kettle down carefully. "I'm happy to hear that." She replied softly. Sometimes she did worry that she'd somehow forget something and mess up her cooking despite trying so hard not to. Continuing to eat, she was satisfied when she was done. Kaneko took this time to just sit and enjoy her fresh cup of tea. Chamomile was really good and it also helped her relax whenever she felt a little on the edge. The sounds of the crackling fire could be heard which only relaxed her further. If she were sleepy, she was sure that she'd fall to sleep right where she sat. Part of her was curious to know why today of all days did Allen want to step outside, but she hoped it wasn't anything bad.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey grinned. His cousin was going to help, three heads worked better than one. Now then, how could they lure the girl to this room? As he thought, the younger boy finished all the sweets he had brought to the table and looked pensive. To lure someone in, you had to use something that the person liked. What did she like though? Sweets? Tea? Dolls? His brown eyes looked to Usa-chan. No, he would not use his friend as bait. Not even for sweets? No, not even for sweets. What if she liked Usa-chan too much and didn't give him back? Honey didn't even want to imagine such a thing happening. Haruhi looked up from her lunch when the shouting began and frowned seeing Alice run off and Hikaru run after her. "I wonder if she's okay..." She said quietly.

"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she just doesn't want to be late to class?" Kaoru suggested with a worried look on his face. It was really strange since she hadn't said anything, she just bolted from the room. Did she not like it here? Hikaru reached her easily and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Alice...does it hurt?" He asked her but didn't wait for her to answer. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close then sat with her on the floor against the wall. "Just...try to relax." He whispered to her and frowned. He hadn't told anyone because he didn't think she'd want them all to know, so he couldn't blame Tamaki for making her feel this way.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Maddie was worried about him? That was surprising but it made him happy that she worried and he could feel his cheeks flush at this bit of information. "Aww, you worried about me? How sweet. Don't worry though, I promise to be careful but I do thank-you for letting me know about that engine. If it weren't for you, that engine would have blown and well...that wouldn't look good for business. That, and someone could have maybe gotten hurt and we don't want that. So...thanks Mads. Really." He said sheepishly before looking down at his filthy self. "I should probably go clean up. I can heat up the left over pasta for you afterwards. You didn't mention eating, I'm going to guess that you're probably hungry?"
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Seeing as how lunch was almost over, Mia gathered up her things and looked at her schedule to figure out where her next class was located. As much as she didn't want to, she knew she'd have to ask someone for directions. Since she couldn't bring herself to ask a fellow student, she decided to ask a teacher. Now, if only she could find one.

"Takashi, will you help me too? Maybe you can help me convince her to come here with us. I mean, you're always looking at her so maybe you have a good plan?" He asked innocently.

The twins caught wind of this and chuckled. "My, My...Mori-senpai keeps looking at the new girl? I wonder why?" Hikaru teased. His brother only chuckled and shook his head. He knew Mori to be a very observant person. Maybe he already knew something about the new girl that none of them did. Kaoru was going to speak up again but at that time Alice was running off, out of the club. It left both twins and the rest of the members puzzled. "Alice!" Hikaru called out and ran after her. "Hikaru!" Kaoru called after his dear brother. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go check on her." Hikaru reassured and ran out of the room. "Alice wait!"
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko smiled. Cold weather was always her favorite because the clothing was just really comfortable and pretty looking. She already had an outfit in mind. Nothing fancy. Well...she did have fancy clothing still but most of her clothes were clothes anyone could afford to buy. The pancakes were really good! It was funny, she never really was taught how to cook growing up. Her mother wasn't around after a few years and her father never cared enough to teach her. Everything she knew was self taught so yes, a lot of food was burned or just tasted really gross when she was starting out. But what mattered was that she kept trying. At least her father never made a fuss about her food. Maybe he knew that she was trying. "Is the food okay?" She asked Allen before taking another bite of her pancakes and drowning them back with a bit of tea after blowing on it first. It felt so warm going down.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey was ecstatic. He was going to get all the sweets he wanted! Now he was on a mission to find this girl and somehow lure her to follow him here. He looked to his bunny, Usa-chan. "Usa-chan, you're going to have to help me bring her here okay?" He asked his doll even though he didn't get an answer back. The smaller boy continued to indulge in sweets and looked back at the door when it opened. He saw it was just the other members and a surprise guest. He didn't recognize the girl though so he went back to his sweets, happily planning a way to get Mia here in his head.


The three of them watched as Tamaki was quick to hug Alice. Haruhi glanced over at Takashi and smiled then looked at Honey who was eating sweets. It didn't surprise her though. What did surprise her was that he had never once complained about having a cavity even though all he ever ate were sweets. She couldn't think of a time where he ate actual food, it was always cakes and ice cream with him. Perhaps he did eat regular food when no one was watching and you couldn't ask Takashi since he hardly ever talked. "It's been too long I think." Hikaru said, pulling his brother by the arm to sit with him at a table and finish their lunch.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint raised a curious brow, "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He asked and leaned against the door frame. "Work was slow, just as we though and I made sure to check that engine like you told me to. I got a few looks but nothing bad happened so that was good. It was a good day. Fixed some engines, changed some oil, you know...boring stuff." He said and laughed softly. "How'd you hold up while I was gone? Anyone show up or call or anything like that?" He asked her.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Setting down the sweets in front of his bunny doll, Honey prepared to sit and eat but his attention was redirected to Tamaki who made a very promising deal. "My classmate?" The boy's eyes widened. How could he say no to this offer? Getting Mia to follow him shouldn't be too difficult. He had a lovable face after all right? Maybe if he mentioned sweets then she would come with him. But...he didn't want to do that because it meant he would have to share his sweets with her and he didn't want to do that. Tamaki had said if he did this he'd get all the sweets he wanted. In his mind, that meant never ending sweets. Well...never ending until his cousin decided it was time to stop. What to do? He glanced up at the blonde male, "So I just need to bring her here and then I'll get all the sweets?" He asked. He looked to his doll, wondering what Usa-Chan would do in this situation. "He nodded and looked back up at Tamaki. "Okay! I'll bring her here after school!" He agreed then sat down and began to enjoy his sweets, scarfing them down one after the other.


Haruhi tilted her head to the side, "Well...I think it's more of a shared custody between Tamaki and Kyoya." She answered with a shrug. Once Alice had her lunch in her hands, the group quickly made their way toward the club. Tamaki thought he was the one in charge, but well...Kyoya was usually the one coming up with ideas and helping Tamaki bring them to life. Tamaki was just the face of the club, the prince of the host club. The twins were already eating their lunches on their way to the club. When they reached two large ornate doors, the group came to a stop and both twins grinned at Alice before slowly opening the doors for her, revealing the club inside and the other members to her. "This is it." Haruhi said, taking a bite of her food. "Go on inside, they don't bite I assure you. Well...except honey-senpai. That's only if you try to take his sweets from him though." She explained.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint drove all the way home, traffic was pretty good. Sure a lot of people were getting home but it wasn't super congested like it was on festive days. Sometimes he hated driving because of that. When he arrived home, Clint stepped out, locked the doors and armed the alarm then walked to his front door. He inserted the key and unlocked the front door and stepped inside. "I'm home." He called after closing the door behind him and locking it again. He didn't hear anything, maybe Maddie was sleeping? "Hmm...should probably check.." He whispered to himself and quietly made his way over to her room. "Mads?" He said softly, lightly knocking on her door.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko began to cut out a piece of the little pancake stack she had and listened to Allen. He wanted to go outside? Her eyes darted to the window, it looked fine. Besides, it had been a year, surely they would be okay. "We can do that Allen. I would just need to dress properly, and you too sir." She said with a chuckle. "Wouldn't want anyone getting sick now would we?" She pointed out softly. Maybe some fresh air would do them some good, and the weather was pretty nice out right now. It wasn't storming, it would be nice to go out there and just take in the sights. She'd be sure to dress warmly and she'd bring along a blanket at well of Allen wanted to. It was pretty cold so it wouldn't look strange to carry a blanket around.
Posted in Goodbye everyone! [Selling everything] Posted 6 years ago

@rainbowpanda: Thanks for the items. I hope to chat with you again soon, we'll be here if you ever decide to return. *hugs*