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Posted in Gifts, pain, and transformation! Posted 5 years ago

sounds good on paper, but sometimes you spend your entire life in that pain despite doing everything in your power to escape it. then what? asking for a friend

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 5 years ago

updated with some new buying/selling stuff

Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago

@MoodyBats: I can only imagine fires making things that much worse ;A;

Posted in confirmation prompt before ignore/friend Posted 5 years ago

This happened to me a while back and I made a thread about it here. I thought it was dealt with already tbh.

Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago

When all else fails, do a rain dance.

The frequent thunderstorms and rain lately have been the only thing saving me. I have to go outside at work to clean/collect carts in this heat, while listening to whiny customers pretend they have medical conditions to get out of wearing masks. Y'all are getting to walk around at a leisurely pace in an air-conditioned store in your shorts and tank tops. I do NOT wanna hear about how a mask would make it hard for you to breathe while I'm standing there panting in the muggy heat in long pants and layered clothes for hours at a time. >:^(

Posted in Bonds/Friendship Posted 5 years ago

"Friend" is a strong word for me. For one, I don't really consider someone my friend until we talk on a frequent and mutual basis. If I'm the only one ever making the effort to communicate, I'll eventually just drop the person. If we don't have enough to talk about to keep things from getting dull every time we interact, or the other person doesn't show interest in talking outside of brief exchanges when we happen to cross paths, then they're just an acquaintance. I can be on good terms with people and not consider them part of my friend circle.

My friends are the ones who seek to actually stay in touch outside of the context in which we met. We exchange contact info, talk about more than just one subject, are at least somewhat comfortable enough to discuss serious or personal things and open up to each other (of course the degree of this will vary). We have things in common, share things we think the other would be interested in, and care about each other beyond meaningless things like memes and small talk. That's the bare minimum for me.

Posted in AH MY PRINTER Posted 5 years ago

@sunny: That'd be more trouble than it was worth for me tbh; I'll just use my phone's crappy camera until I can afford a new one.

Posted in AH MY PRINTER Posted 5 years ago

It just quit working out of the blue. No amount of fiddling with the cords has done any good; the thing seems to just be dead. So I went to look online for a replacement, and apparently the price of electronics has skyrocketed in the past few months to an utterly ridiculous degree. My friend said it's something to do with the virus. I just wanna scan my pictures and documents dammit, without paying literally 3x as much for the same quality of device.

SOS send printer/scanner pls i can't afford to live :'^(

Posted in Posting Format [Quick question] Posted 5 years ago

ngl it took me a minute to find it. i was looking for a header. they almost pulled a sneaky on us

Posted in New body hair issues Posted 5 years ago

@kiwi: excellent, thank you!

Posted in Posting Format [Quick question] Posted 5 years ago

It's on the Rules post at the very bottom of the page:
Images used on post styles must not exceed 300px in height. They must not exceed 200px in height for signatures. For all other images, the forums will auto resize them to the set limit of 906px width and 1080px height, and they are allowed as long as they are not constant, or stacked together in a single post. If you have various large images in a single posts, make use of the BBCode for Spoilers and hide them from the regular view.

Posted in New body hair issues Posted 5 years ago

Aight I am super excited to have body hair at last, so I rushed in to buy them all and try them on. Encountered these issues:

-"Thigh hair left" doesn't appear in the shop. I went down the line and opened each item in a new tab so I wouldn't lose track while buying... but when I went to my inventory, I had 2 of the Right one and no Left, so I went back to the shop to check and found that there was no Left one. Not sure if I managed to open 2 instances of the same tab the first time around or if it was there and somehow changed/disappeared, but regardless of what happened when I thought I was buying it, it's not in the shop now.

-"Bicep hair Left" seems to think it's a skin, as it removes my base when equipped (and vice versa), and doesn't disappear when I hit "unequip all".

-"Chest hair" does, well, this.

Posted in The Surge: August Commons! Posted 5 years ago

> body hair
[loud screeching]

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

I will say this, a lot of more recent CG cartoons look really good; they found a style that works well with the medium and that's fine. but I still miss good old hand-drawn stuff and wish we'd at least see some every now and then.
Live action movies, though, always kinda fail to impress when they rely too heavily on CG. The 80s was a good time for practical effects.