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Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Movie-wise what I want people to bring back is practical effects and hand drawn animation. I hate all this CGI crap we have now. It all looks the same, fake and un-expressive. There's no love or magic in it. It's OK to use a little, but practical should outweigh the CGI imo.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

People around here love they loud cars. And they love to zoom around the neighborhood in the middle of the night. Great combination.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

see-thru casuals >:U

this one actually looks really cool tbh

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

aight let's go
Clear phones are in the past; bring on the Invisible Boatmobile.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Too bad I have no desire to have a landline phone ever again. And see-thru smartphones wouldn't be as impressive. hmmmm...

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

I LOVED clear stuff growing up. I am ready. Bring it back.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

@eleven: I mean, that makes sense. One generation grows up and starts making things they like, which reflects what they grew up with.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

I've seen debate on whether vintage starts at 20 or 50 years, so maybe you still have time :^P

Heartbreak Hammer
I'm not a big fan of this one, but it's got some poses I like and will definitely use. The whole "giant hammer" thing is not really for me, and if indeed it is a copy of that Gaia item, I'm even less interested, and the K-pop vibe doesn't appeal to me personally. That said, I think the art on this one looks good and I like the color choices. I appreciate that the hat is big enough to be worn over the hair, but still look good without it. Until we get some kind of hair clipping, that would be something to keep in mind for any future hat items IMO. I like the shirt, though it feels a little plain for the item's theme and for a CI in general. The pants aren't my style, and I feel like we have a lot of puffy pants already. I appreciate getting more short hair, even if this one is also not particularly to my taste. It's "boyish" and suits the theme, and doesn't look like every other hair we tend to get. The floor pose with the roses is pretty versatile, and I hope to see more ground items in the future. Overall I feel like this one is just OK. I can get a lot of use out of it, and it's not too samey in relation to other recent items.

Heartbreak Coffin
This item also has some good poses, but overall I like it even less. I've been dying for a coffin, and while I am excited to have this one, I was kind of disappointed that there's no option to use it without the roses. They stand out pretty harshly to me and make the pose less versatile. Like with the other item, I appreciate that the hair in this one is not the same as all the other hairstyles we typically get, though it is not really to my personal taste. I could have done without more tiny-foot items, but I guess I'm in the minority there. I just don't see much difference between the legs/feet in this item and the other tiny footed legs we already have. Would have been more interesting for them to at least have some unique shoes/socks or be in a different position; I don't care for the way they're just standing their with the toes pointed inward. Almost looks like she has to pee, and I've seen this pose plenty before already. The shirt/arms look good, but I could have done without the gloves, or at least with an option that didn't have them. They also look a little jarring to me, and what I can only guess is the tip of the thumb on the hand closest to the face doesn't appear to be attached to anything.
I'm OK with having a matching CI set with one more masculine and one more feminine item, but I would still have liked to see more versatile clothing and pose options in this one.

Chrysaora Witch
I like the concept of this one more than the execution, though I don't really get what jellyfish and witches have to do with each other... but I appreciate the unique idea, assuming I'm not just missing some kind of reference. I'd have loved to see the jellyfish theming taken a little further, and for the jellyfish themselves to be a little more realistic. I feel like, without the jellyfish background pose (which I love), I would not have known what this item was supposed to be. I like the eyes, and I like that the colored lashes make them a bit different from our usual. I like the fact that the ponytail can be worn separately, but the hairstyle overall doesn't do much for me. It feels like more of the same. Would have appreciated some less feminine poses with this item, as well. The colors are hit and miss for me; I like the green and purplish one, and the blue/white/gold is OK, but I don't feel like black/red suits the theme and would like to have seen color schemes that remind me more of, well, jellyfish. Overall I like this item but probably won't get much use out of it.

This item is really cute, though that's exactly why it doesn't appeal to me (but a lot of people love more cutesy items, so there's nothing wrong with that). It gives me "classic avatar site" vibes, if that makes sense. Fun and unique, but not really practical. I like the rocket ship, and I have to appreciate the way the domes are made to look like bubbles in motion rather than just being round. That does make them less versatile, but I can't complain about a more interesting design that fits the theme. My biggest complaint about this item is that the poses all feel a little chunky and clumped together, for lack of better words. I would have liked to see more spread out background poses with it, and maybe a little more detail overall.

Posted in Post your Rants Posted 5 years ago

>:( It should be illegal to allow people's week-to-week schedules to back up against each other in such a way that they could end up working as much as 10+ days in a row with only a single day off before starting another work week. There are policies in place preventing people from having two back-to-back shifts with no time to sleep in between; you'd think it wouldn't be that much harder to check how their schedules interact from one work week to the next and move days around accordingly. And if it's that hard to manage, why don't we just have regular schedules in the first place? Always give us the same days on and off, that way giving someone their PTO or something doesn't affect everybody else's schedule. There are people who'd be happy to float around and take whatever shifts are available. But meh, what do I know? I'm not a manager; I'm sure everything is "easier said than done"... but everywhere that isn't retail seems to be able to handle schedules more efficiently than this. Bah.

Posted in Is PMing weird? Posted 5 years ago

Depends entirely on context. But generally it's not weird unless you make it weird. Personally I do better in one-on-one conversation than trying to pay attention and respond to a group discussion, but sometimes one-on-ones leave me not knowing what to say next and conversations may die more easily. Some people get a little anxiety over PMs, I guess because they can feel confrontational if they seem to come out of nowhere? But it is easier to actually make friends that way IMO.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Why ty UwU

and thank you Shrek for your bountiful blessings this event.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Breaker Beach Coming to a Close! Posted 5 years ago

Woohoo! Also I'm really glad the badges are increasing for a bit.