Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Calling all vegans!
Posted 4 years ago

I have been eating vegan (to the best of my ability and with the exception of free things that would otherwise go in the garbage, that is) since January as well. Lots yet to learn, and unfortunately I don't have much time to cook these days, but it's not hard to find recipes and there's always something new to try, so it's been kind of exciting in that regard. Sometimes I stare longingly at the offerings in my store, wishing I had just decided to be vegetarian instead, but I know I can either buy these things elsewhere or make them myself without the eggs/milk if I really wanted them that badly.
Combination being too busy for intensive cooking sessions and not wanting all my dinners to consist of red beans and rice (which is great btw and apparently a complete source of protein, but does get old after a few days), I rely pretty heavily on "fake meats" for my protein a lot of the time... but they're delicious and convenient and let me feel like I don't have to give up old favorites, so why not? Beyond sausages and Gardein breakfast bowls give me life. I actually discovered a while before making the switch that I like a lot of the "substitutes" better than the animal product versions anyway.
As a huge jerky fan, I was pleased to find that vegan jerky can easily be found online. Not so easily in stores, sadly, but it's out there and makes a great protein snack if you're sick of everything being sweet (idk why 99% of protein snacks are sweet, it's annoying) or just nuts (more than a little handful of those tends to make me sick).
And as more people cut back on animal products, I'm finding more and more vegan offerings in my local grocery stores, which makes shopping and cooking--or not cooking--SO much less of a hassle. Most of the time I don't even have to think about finding a new recipe. I can just get the vegan version of whatever food I have in mind and go on as normal.
Seitan, tofu, and tempeh are my best friends now. I can't believe how tasty and versatile they are tbh; you can put this stuff in anything and the recipes you can find are boundless.
I was never a huge fan of beans, but I'm coming around on them lately. Same with greens. It's funny how your whole diet can be plants and you can still struggle to get enough veggies, but that's about where I fall. But if I throw on some steak seasoning, brussels and broccoli suddenly become delicious. Who knew? I also discovered cooked spinach, kale, or turnip greens can be pretty good, whereas before this year you couldn't pay me to eat cooked greens. I'd eat them raw as a salad, but never cooked. Now I like them both ways, and cooked greens are pretty versatile. You can sneak them into anything, too.
As for recipes, I highly recommend It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken. Lots of easy-to-make recipes, very beginner-friendly and informative, and they offer a variety of email series with different themes. It's helped me out a lot; even if I'm not following the recipes exactly, seeing them gives me a better idea of what things I can use for what purpose, and just in general it opens me up to a lot of possibilities I might not have otherwise considered.
tl;dr: I'm so far from being limited to beans and salad that I have to actually remind myself to eat more beans and salad.
I'd complain about needing to take a supplement to make sure I'm not missing anything vital, but I had to do that anyway for health problems, so *shrug*.
Combination being too busy for intensive cooking sessions and not wanting all my dinners to consist of red beans and rice (which is great btw and apparently a complete source of protein, but does get old after a few days), I rely pretty heavily on "fake meats" for my protein a lot of the time... but they're delicious and convenient and let me feel like I don't have to give up old favorites, so why not? Beyond sausages and Gardein breakfast bowls give me life. I actually discovered a while before making the switch that I like a lot of the "substitutes" better than the animal product versions anyway.
As a huge jerky fan, I was pleased to find that vegan jerky can easily be found online. Not so easily in stores, sadly, but it's out there and makes a great protein snack if you're sick of everything being sweet (idk why 99% of protein snacks are sweet, it's annoying) or just nuts (more than a little handful of those tends to make me sick).
And as more people cut back on animal products, I'm finding more and more vegan offerings in my local grocery stores, which makes shopping and cooking--or not cooking--SO much less of a hassle. Most of the time I don't even have to think about finding a new recipe. I can just get the vegan version of whatever food I have in mind and go on as normal.
Seitan, tofu, and tempeh are my best friends now. I can't believe how tasty and versatile they are tbh; you can put this stuff in anything and the recipes you can find are boundless.
I was never a huge fan of beans, but I'm coming around on them lately. Same with greens. It's funny how your whole diet can be plants and you can still struggle to get enough veggies, but that's about where I fall. But if I throw on some steak seasoning, brussels and broccoli suddenly become delicious. Who knew? I also discovered cooked spinach, kale, or turnip greens can be pretty good, whereas before this year you couldn't pay me to eat cooked greens. I'd eat them raw as a salad, but never cooked. Now I like them both ways, and cooked greens are pretty versatile. You can sneak them into anything, too.
As for recipes, I highly recommend It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken. Lots of easy-to-make recipes, very beginner-friendly and informative, and they offer a variety of email series with different themes. It's helped me out a lot; even if I'm not following the recipes exactly, seeing them gives me a better idea of what things I can use for what purpose, and just in general it opens me up to a lot of possibilities I might not have otherwise considered.
tl;dr: I'm so far from being limited to beans and salad that I have to actually remind myself to eat more beans and salad.
I'd complain about needing to take a supplement to make sure I'm not missing anything vital, but I had to do that anyway for health problems, so *shrug*.

Posted in The president is gonna have to quarantine...
Posted 4 years ago

@Lilykin: probably not. some of them believe the whole thing is an extremely elaborate hoax with faked death certificates and everything. why they think that's being done i have no clue.

Posted in The president is gonna have to quarantine...
Posted 4 years ago

at first i was like "ha, karma" but then i was like "it's gonna be a mild case and everyone is gonna use it to fuel their 'virus is nbd' narrative" D^:

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

@Lilypoo: aight i don't know what you did but it worked! i finally see it

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

@Lilypoo: no ;A; i guess my mask drawer is broken

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

@Lilypoo: that's ok, thanks for the help!

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

I see it in hats ;v; at least it's in there now

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

OK I'm seeing it in my "inventory" but not in my "dressing room". So it's like I have it but can't equip it.

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

@Lilypoo: I just tried that; I'm still not seeing it on my end. Weird o_O

Posted in Can't find item in inventory
Posted 4 years ago

I got the Raver Mask (black bg) in Tangerine; it says in the shop that I already own this item. But it doesn't appear to be in my inventory when I go to equip it. I have one in another color and that one is in my inventory under "masks", but I don't see the new one there or in any other part of my inventory.

Posted in airbnbs piss me off
Posted 4 years ago

rent is a scam and landlords are scum, so sayeth i. but whaddayagonna do sometimes tbh; it's an unfortunate necessity for a lot of us. having your own home (or the money/resources to have MORE than one) is a privilege that certain poisonous snakes take advantage of.

Posted in Ever accidentally bought youtuber merch?
Posted 4 years ago

not something i've ever done or even considered was a possibility lol but i guess it's bound to happen nowadays.
I know some people are fine with wearing merchandise of things they're not actually into or knowledgeable about just because they like how it looks, and I think that's fine, but I'm kinda weird about it to the point of always wanting to double check any time I see a neat design that looks too suspiciously like it might be some kind of reference or logo ;v;
I know some people are fine with wearing merchandise of things they're not actually into or knowledgeable about just because they like how it looks, and I think that's fine, but I'm kinda weird about it to the point of always wanting to double check any time I see a neat design that looks too suspiciously like it might be some kind of reference or logo ;v;

Posted in Had an awkward wrong number
Posted 4 years ago

wow, oof.
tbh I'd have been too curious not to ask what was up with the person's sister and try to offer advice anyway lol
tbh I'd have been too curious not to ask what was up with the person's sister and try to offer advice anyway lol

Posted in What have you done to deserv your legs?
Posted 4 years ago

I just use mine to do my job and try to get by from one day to the next. I don't take them for granted; I've had plenty of thoughts/worries about what would happen if I weren't as able-bodied as I am (which is to say, enough to live normally but with less strength and energy than most people my age should have, due to health issues). I'm OK for the time being, but I've been through a period where I struggled to get from one end of the room to the next. I've been confined to a hospital bed and had to take to getting back on my feet slowly. And I know it could always happen again. I don't go out walking as often as I should now, and I'm certainly not about to run any marathons, but I think I've earned them well enough. I do what I can.