Jolly's posts
Posted in Riots?
Posted 5 years ago

They've happened in Denver already, which is about an hour/hour and a half from me (depending on which part of Denver it was, idk).
Usually what happens in Denver on the media, will end up happening where I live. Specifically in my job's shopping strip. And I work at Target, which everyone is, well, targetting. And Sunday nights are usually when it happens. And its Sunday, I work tonight...
itty bitty bit nervous lol I'm sure we'll be alright though. I think most people are more interested in peacefully protesting. I hope!

Posted in I forgot about this AT piece~
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks guys! bit late to see your comments xD
@count trashula:
Muaha you're welcome
I wonder if I have that old ernya avi saved somewhere, that'll be a trip

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

@my tea addiction:
omg if you do you must show me!!
@kda drew:
Haha yep! It was also recommended to me to go through this chinese company vograce, if you ever need them in a larger bulk. They are also of nicer quality and have sparkle options haha

Posted in My college officially reopened
Posted 5 years ago

I see, I could imagine that physiotherapy would be more intense. And yeah we usually call it physical therapy, but I hear it equally both ways in school. Our texts are pretty inconsistent with terminology xd
man though, I had a breath of relief when my dean said she wont push back my graduation even if I dont finish my internship hours on time. But then like, 3 days later she sent an email to all students that mentions graduations to be delayed until we finish internships. dsfkshdgk so now I'm panicking a bit cause I need 87 hours and no one will let me work on them for internships so far since we've been back ;v;;;

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

Didn't realize a second page had popped up!
Thank you guys!! I might still blow this design up to 2" just cause he does have some details in his robes that I want to bring out more
and the shiny lighting that is too tiny to see much of currently >>
Just gotta wait a couple pay checks and not buy a video game for a while lmao

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

Right, and I love quality so its a tough decision to start small with zap. I have a bit of that "all or nothing" attitude in life... but also I only have a weekend job to afford things with so XD
But I think if I make designs that are more appropriate for a 1" size in details, Zap will be perfectly fine anyways! I dont know if I could beat their prices for 50 1". Think it was just around $30 ish with free shipping. If I gain any sort of following that can help me invest in higher quality, thats a bonus~
@my tea addiction:
Zap creations! They have a very easy format to use, since I'm new to this also. If you wanted to just order a charm for yourself they also have an option of just ordering one peice :D

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

Ohh, I'll have to check that out then.
I sent them an email to ask about their ordering process though, since its new to me.
Fair enough, thanks for the advice! vograce might be a better option if I start selling at a convention or something like that, I think. I don't know if I could see myself selling bulk online successfully. Still, I'd like to see the price comparison to zap's just to get a good gauge for later. After I move I do plan on wiggling into cons once I get settled and can work out products

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

oooohhh I like sturdy and smooth. These look awesome <33
I assume you have to contact vograce directly to set up an order, cause there doesn't seem to be any buttons on the site for it. That's one bummer cause I do like the simplicity of filling out a form where I can see all my options and prices in one place, without making a commitment yet.
But if the quality is that good, I'd be happy to see what their pricing is like overall. Dunno if I am capable of selling a bulk amount of something while being brand new to this but I also don't believe in halfassing quality for a client XD if I can afford it.

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

I'm trying to figure out their pricing and such now. I really like their quality. Just by the photos you showed me in my last thread, the edges seem a bit smoother? Something I noticed when I compared my charms with a charm I got off etsy recently, their's felt smoother and a little more sturdy

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

omg, I was asking a discord server about it and someone in there pinged me to say "vograce!!" but I didn't understand what they were saying lmao
now it makes sense an hour later.
Thank you so much! I'll probably make a future thread to scream excitedly when I finally have them set up to sell XD takes about a month for production, if not longer.

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah? What do you use now? (sorry if I asked this before, I forget things lmao)
I'm really happy with these. I find the 25 2" option for these to be decently affordable, so might order some on my next pay check and see if they sell <3
I'm so excited

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

its so much more affordable than the 50 charm option, and makes more sense for an itty bitty artist like me
AH <3
didn't see this at first cause I'm blind

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
Yeah, that's why I tried the 1" charms cause they were much more affordable. The quality ain't too bad either!
I probably need a less detailed design to make it even better for the size.
But I don't have much of a following so I still need to be careful how much money I blow on things like this, that may never even make that money back lol

Posted in My charm samples arrived!~
Posted 5 years ago

Oh boy, now I realize why I ordered them so tiny. I was looking at the price tag for the 2" size
a mighty big jump from $30 for 1" to roughly $115 for 2" xD
dang materials being expensive