Jolly's posts
Posted in Some of the nastiest people...
Posted 5 years ago

... are coming out of the woodworks recently. I have no idea what's going on this weekend but the retail abuse has increased outta nowhere at my job. My coworkers have been having issues and my manager was addressed by a racist man yesterday.
I think I came pretty close to getting assaulted at the cash register today and I'm still aggravated af about it. People never cease to blow my mind wide open sometimes.
I need to stop thinking about it lol
tell me something good that's happening with you guys lately?

Posted in Sweet baby jesus dont do this
Posted 5 years ago

zinc in liquid form should NEVER try to bypass the whole add-it-to-your-food process.
My 3-hours-of-sleep ass is like "IT BE FASTER IF I JUST GULP NOW AND EAT LATER"
after a near-vomit experience I realize I'm a complete fool
don't be me
:vanora_xd: :vanora_tired:

Posted in Ouch.
Posted 5 years ago

Awww! If you were near me I could definitely do a massage for that! Sounds like some muscle overloading for catching your weight suddenly.
Try doing some stretching for the areas that hurt! And drink a lot of water, that helps muscles a lot with soreness c:

Posted in In hospital
Posted 5 years ago

Oh man, I'm so glad you've made it through so far! Colds and infections often can be underestimated for how severe they can affect a body. They're no joke!
I really hope that you're over the hill now and will be seeing yourself healthy again before too long <3

Posted in What do you do to cheer up?
Posted 5 years ago

I watch a lot of youtube to cheer myself up, particularly comedic channels. Helps me sort of disconnect but it isn't as lengthy as like, a normal tv show that I would just end up spacing out and not paying attention to. My sad-brain attention span is itty bitty.
I recently learned of WILTY? and it is my source of joy this week
buncha silly british comedians telling stories and they gotta determine if its a truth or a lie, but they're all entirely ridiculous

Posted in Requesting lock!
Posted 5 years ago

I fear if I continue the conversation, this might get more intense than I intended. But all of your opinions are very very valid and I respect you guys <3
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago

I forgot about FA! The community on there is always very friendly. I just don't use it much ;v;

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago

Pillowfort is quaint but, a little too quiet for me personally.
Artstation is one I see the bigshots using. not sure if its more aimed for commercial use or what.
You can also use free website domains like wix or weebly!

Posted in Requesting lock!
Posted 5 years ago

I'd like this thread to be locked. Thanks guys <3
(This thread was a debate about the witch hunt of teens doing racist bullcrap on social media, and whether they deserve their names and locations to be publicly displayed to risk their overall safety)

Posted in OK pc help ;;
Posted 5 years ago

I have to disappear for a few hours to do massages! Thanks so much for the help so far.
I'm really starting to wonder if it might be the lasers on the mice. the wireless one has a laser you cant see but I wonder if they might be wearing out simultaneously... the wired one IS 3 years old after all. dunno the age of the wireless one but its like a $10 mouse

Posted in OK pc help ;;
Posted 5 years ago

that was one of the first things I did, after checking the mouse speed settings. didn't make any difference. I'm having my mom test out the wireless mouse on her pc for a while to see if it acts up at all.
I fixed the RAM already when I did a PC reset yesterday. There was definitely a memory leak, i found.
What is NIC? I think killer series sounds familiar but I'm unsure!
In any case, RAM is no longer an issue, it's been staying between 20-30% since I reset, even when I have like 6 tabs open on chrome lol

Posted in OK pc help ;;
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah! I just mentioned that in the post above. I have been doing this every time it gets so bad my cursor wont function.
The usage levels are always chill (after I fixed other issues yesterday morning). nothing else going on lags at all either, if I have anything else running

Posted in OK pc help ;;
Posted 5 years ago

Before I reset my PC, my RAM was hitting 100 a lot and I kept getting errors when trying to update my video driver. Figured that was the problem, so I tried various things and ended up doing a full reset. Now everything is updating properly and good to go.
what @totalanimefan: says is also a possibility. Like maybe I'm not seeing the problem because its happening in spikes. I dont know how to detect thermal throtting but when my cursor is frozen/jittering and not working, I throw up my processes to see where they're at. CPU usage remains at about 2-3% and I've yet to see my memory usage jump over 30% since I reset yesterday. Also while I'm navigating using only my kb, everything is quick and functioning smoothly, no lags or anything. Its so weird lol
unless both my mice are breaking at the same time, which would be ironic but possible I guess

Posted in OK pc help ;;
Posted 5 years ago

Alienware Aurora R6
i7-7700 CPU, Geforce GTX 1070
16GB RAM, which is currently running at about 26% with google (biggest hog) and discord open at the moment.
oh and its Windows 10
I switched back to my wired mouse and at the moment, its working smoothly. But like I said above, any time I change something it'll work for a bit, then in hours or a day usually acts up again >> so idk how long this will last