Jolly's posts
Posted in Who else is feeling burnout raise your hand
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah its a bit much xD online classes suck. But its working out in the end!
and thanks! I took a bunch more this week as well. About to start my LAST quarter of classes <33 twomonthsleft

Posted in Who else is feeling burnout raise your hand
Posted 5 years ago

I'm starting to feel burnout cause I've been focused on only college for like, 2-3 months now D;
nothing else to focus on cause it eats away my time.
job rejections are super disheartening after enough times. But keep at it, you'll get a yes!

Posted in I did ittttt!!
Posted 5 years ago

I ammmmm
I am so ready to spend a solid day doing nothing! Wont have another day off again until september |D

Posted in I did ittttt!!
Posted 5 years ago

@kitalpha hart:
Yeah that's pretty much the school's entire mood this year :vanora_xd:
But the feeling of accomplishment when you shove through the difficult and frustrating thigns in life is amazing. Even moreso when everyone involved is happy and sighing with relief when we reach this point.
I'm sure there will be more frustrations but it'll be 'aight. Just a little more wiggling!
Maybe once this quarantine craze has died down more, unless you like online classes xD
I'm excited though, I only have about 11 weeks left of classes! Then it'll be time to panic about national exams and all that fun stuff..

Posted in patatap - fun browser sounds
Posted 5 years ago

my volume was too loud i died

Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession)
Posted 5 years ago

I have a long one that is actually a shortened version of the story ;;
a guilt that I never got rid of for 4-ish years..
I have always carried a guilt for a person a few years ago. We were partners for 3 years, he treated me very well, then I started to go through this personal crisis. I also started to realize that even though we got along so well, that I didn't enjoy anything intimate with him, or anything like that. He was my best friend and by staying with him, I was stunting my own growth. There was much more that I wanted in my life, and I wasn't feeling right.
So the right idea was to be honest and talk with him about it. I was very transparent and he was very patient and understanding while I was figuring myself out. So, this was okay, and I still appreciate him so much for being so damn mature with me.
But what went wrong, was a third party. A coworker that fancied me. I found her attractive and a blast to be around, but I wasn't interested cause I had a partner.
Now, my partner knew of this, because we had that sort of transparent relationship. Crushing on someone is pretty natural, and for me its usually just the excitement of meeting a new person. I ALWAYS crush and then as I befriend the person, that crush just fades off to nothing, but I win a good friend in the end. My partner also has had these moments and we were chill about it, we trusted each other.
This coworker was malicious though. She wanted me, and she could sense I was having troubles. She was a manipulative person to get what she wants, and she managed to get me to spill the beans that I was having relationship trouble. Then she spent more time with me, acting like a supportive friend but she would always try to get closer and closer.
It was making me go crazy, cause I was already so confused with my emotions and I was getting frustrated with myself. I hated myself so much, thinking that if I hadn't met her, I wouldn't be feeling so troubled.
But I knew it was getting to a point where it was unfair to my partner that I was taking so long to figure out what I need. Unrelated to that coworker, cause I was still loyal to my partner, but I finally sat with him one more time and explained that I'm not getting any better. Somethings just off and I don't know what I'm doing. I did mention my feelings for that coworker are confusing me a lot as well, and its very unfair to everyone involved. I made the decision to leave him, and he responded kindly. Said he appreciated me and the transparency, that I handled it just fine.
But then my parents were infuriated so much, they wouldn't let me move back in with them. I would've been homeless, so my partner (ex partner) let me stay on the couch of our apartment for a bit.
This felt terrible. I felt invasive, even though he still spoke to me with so much kindness and empathy after the breakup. I apologized so much for my presence but he would always say its okay, "this was your home too"
One night that coworker called me, crying as if she had gotten hurt or something. Said she couldn't go home and made it sound as though her mother was physically abusing her. I look to my partner and he's like "of course, bring her here" even though he knew I was struggling with emotions between the two of them.
She came, I played video games with her to relax her and talked her through things, although she wouldn't open up much so I didn't pry.
She kept trying to get closer and closer and this is where I feel guilty because... I didn't try hard enough to stop her. She slept on the floor next to the couch that I slept on. But she was flirting so hard I kept getting frustrated because my ex was able to hear her.
When she was leaving the next day, she asked me to be her girlfriend.
I really hope he didn't hear her because I know how rotten that would feel. But I didn't tell her no, I just shushed her and pointed at his bedroom door (where he was, on his pc). I did end up dating her after this and had to move into her home because I felt I was overstaying my welcome at my apartment (even though he kept saying its okay, I know he's too nice)
I found out that this girl wasn't abused. At. All.
She was upset that night because her mom texted her something that sounded vaguely annoyed, becuase SHE GOT A DUI
This girl abuses her mom, and me, and it got so bad that it scarred me for a bit after the fact. Even though we didn't last long.
But I still feel like I did my partner dirty, even though I didn't intend to. I went through a lot of mental crisis shit for a year after that. Drinking and doing things I normally wouldn't. It got bad, my respect for myself died because the guilt was too much. I hurt myself thinking that I hurt another so much.
I hear he's only had abusive relationships since and it doesn't help.
Its true I wasn't in love with him, that we drifted for many reasons, but I feel that I could've kept a friend if I had enough of a backbone then to stand up and tell that coworker "No, give me space. give HIM space."
So the right idea was to be honest and talk with him about it. I was very transparent and he was very patient and understanding while I was figuring myself out. So, this was okay, and I still appreciate him so much for being so damn mature with me.
But what went wrong, was a third party. A coworker that fancied me. I found her attractive and a blast to be around, but I wasn't interested cause I had a partner.
Now, my partner knew of this, because we had that sort of transparent relationship. Crushing on someone is pretty natural, and for me its usually just the excitement of meeting a new person. I ALWAYS crush and then as I befriend the person, that crush just fades off to nothing, but I win a good friend in the end. My partner also has had these moments and we were chill about it, we trusted each other.
This coworker was malicious though. She wanted me, and she could sense I was having troubles. She was a manipulative person to get what she wants, and she managed to get me to spill the beans that I was having relationship trouble. Then she spent more time with me, acting like a supportive friend but she would always try to get closer and closer.
It was making me go crazy, cause I was already so confused with my emotions and I was getting frustrated with myself. I hated myself so much, thinking that if I hadn't met her, I wouldn't be feeling so troubled.
But I knew it was getting to a point where it was unfair to my partner that I was taking so long to figure out what I need. Unrelated to that coworker, cause I was still loyal to my partner, but I finally sat with him one more time and explained that I'm not getting any better. Somethings just off and I don't know what I'm doing. I did mention my feelings for that coworker are confusing me a lot as well, and its very unfair to everyone involved. I made the decision to leave him, and he responded kindly. Said he appreciated me and the transparency, that I handled it just fine.
But then my parents were infuriated so much, they wouldn't let me move back in with them. I would've been homeless, so my partner (ex partner) let me stay on the couch of our apartment for a bit.
This felt terrible. I felt invasive, even though he still spoke to me with so much kindness and empathy after the breakup. I apologized so much for my presence but he would always say its okay, "this was your home too"
One night that coworker called me, crying as if she had gotten hurt or something. Said she couldn't go home and made it sound as though her mother was physically abusing her. I look to my partner and he's like "of course, bring her here" even though he knew I was struggling with emotions between the two of them.
She came, I played video games with her to relax her and talked her through things, although she wouldn't open up much so I didn't pry.
She kept trying to get closer and closer and this is where I feel guilty because... I didn't try hard enough to stop her. She slept on the floor next to the couch that I slept on. But she was flirting so hard I kept getting frustrated because my ex was able to hear her.
When she was leaving the next day, she asked me to be her girlfriend.
I really hope he didn't hear her because I know how rotten that would feel. But I didn't tell her no, I just shushed her and pointed at his bedroom door (where he was, on his pc). I did end up dating her after this and had to move into her home because I felt I was overstaying my welcome at my apartment (even though he kept saying its okay, I know he's too nice)
I found out that this girl wasn't abused. At. All.
She was upset that night because her mom texted her something that sounded vaguely annoyed, becuase SHE GOT A DUI
This girl abuses her mom, and me, and it got so bad that it scarred me for a bit after the fact. Even though we didn't last long.
But I still feel like I did my partner dirty, even though I didn't intend to. I went through a lot of mental crisis shit for a year after that. Drinking and doing things I normally wouldn't. It got bad, my respect for myself died because the guilt was too much. I hurt myself thinking that I hurt another so much.
I hear he's only had abusive relationships since and it doesn't help.
Its true I wasn't in love with him, that we drifted for many reasons, but I feel that I could've kept a friend if I had enough of a backbone then to stand up and tell that coworker "No, give me space. give HIM space."
I still get recurring dreams or nightmares of this..

Posted in I did ittttt!!
Posted 5 years ago

I got to take my Swedish [massage] final!! It's been postponed since early april cause of quarantine. Long story short, my instructor kept pushing it off since we came back on the 26th and wasn't gonna let us do it, but its required to get into the school clinic, which is required to graduate. So I had to spin a bunch of threads and FINALLY, I made it happen~
Broke through another large obstacle and this time I dragged 3 other students along with me! They were kinder to me than in the past so I assume that means they appreciate it lmao
But I'm kinda proud. They were like "I totally forgot about it, I was so stressed about internship hours. Then you messaged us!" and they seemed excited by the opportunity. Now they're spinning up their own plans to increase their odds for an on-time graduation.
Anyway, I've been working so hard, I feel crazy. This morning I was trying to find a spoon by looknig in the fridge for like 5 solid minutes, before I realized I was in the wrong place. My brain tired
But I'm a little ahead of my own schedule so I might be able to take 4 days off next week!
and other good news but I'll leave it at this

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

I was the same way for soooooooooooo long. I'm 28 and only got to be able to drive at all about 6 months ago ish. I also have a lot of driving anxiety and it felt impossible to get through it.. like, black out panics and such ;;
so yeah snow driving is a big nope for me! hahaha and I feel ya

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah its brutal for sure.
I hate the heat too. But at the same time I cant drive in the snow so... for the first time ever I hope this will be a long summer XD
No snow til I finish college! cause I have to drive a lot for that...(I had rides last winter)

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

yeah colder showers are better for your skin and hair and stuff. But I've always had hot ones, I feel uncomfortable with cold xD
oddly enough my burns never peel. This time it isn't either. My right shoulder is on the verge of blistering though, there's a spot that's a little swollen and the skin feels more rough. I taped a gentle cloth over it yesterday so I can go to work without it rubbing on my sleeve and honestly it healed a lot during that time
It has so far! and yeah I'm one that burns just in a short car ride sometimes xD
doesn't help where I live is like, almost 5k feet above sea level. The sun is like shining through a magnifying glass here so it burns faster.
Exactly! xD

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

Right, I don't get it either. It's like it doesn't make any difference I'll end up with skin cancer anyways D<
I like hiking once in a blue moon though. So it was still worth it

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I do. And I'm really pale in general, my skin doesn't hold a tan
I should get a parasol for next time I hike xD
look ridiculous but feel great
@kitalpha hart:
Yeah I've been bathing in aloe haha
Growing up in florida where I would constantly be burning, I use aloe soooooooooo much lol
its so good for the skin
Yea been taking lukewarm showers :T
stinks, I always get shivery if I'm not scalding my flesh off lmao /jk

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I hope so! Its more inflamed today than it was yesterday on my right side, which means its healing~
maybe it wont be tender tomorrow if I'm lucky xd

Posted in Sunburn!
Posted 5 years ago

Oh boy :vanora_xd:
One of my coworkers invited me to hike with her and her mom on friday
first proper day off since the start of quarantine! Only back then I was indoors, obv.
It was a bit of fun, even tho I'm the only one who didn't get cranky from exhaustion at the end /imusedtoit
I caked on sunscreen but my white ass shoulders still became lobsters.
Mostly mild but I think my right shoulder definitely would've become 2nd degree burn if I spent another hour out there. It got the worst of it.
This is a little problematic considering I have a bajillion massages to give, and at least one or two to receive, in the next couple days
this shoulder gonna be a bish to move around with :D
never was one for making great choices!