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Yeah I should xd
make little story boards to work on later when I have more time. Might make my time there more fun.

Right, it sucks getting old. I used to spend all day in HS and come home with all this energy to do things. What gives, body D<
some of it is my poor diet though tbh. Id probably have more energy if I didn't live off of rice and ramen

You too!
and It really does D;
Most of my days are spent stuck on campus for 8-10 hours, then I'm too worn out when I get home to do anything useful (except hw).
I'm stuck there so much that I always think about how easily I could make a comic strip series about the place. lmao
Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now Posted 5 years ago

Choose a deck if you want: Wild Wood
Choose a spread: Odin's Eye
What is your question?: Is there something I could be doing to live better?
Any other details?: Idk how much context is needed for the question, but it just comes from a discomfort with my current lifestyle but not knowing what to do about it right now. Also I can chuck 1k at you cause these are super cool c:
Posted in PWYW - - - tomodachis Posted 5 years ago

You still accepting new orders?
I have an old OC if you felt like giving him a go c;

Posted in Scam callers are persistent Posted 5 years ago

I've had 15-20 spam calls in a day, every day for most of last year. I think the things that require my phone number, like car insurance and stuff like that (and cheap phone service company) give out my number or something, cause I definitely don't hand it out willy nilly. >>

Annoying thing is they may be the same spam caller, but they'll use a different number every time so I can't prevent it.

I mean if you guys want to make weapon bows, by all means xDD
it IS the same word
and fun also

sorry for vanishing so much guys, college is a pain in the butt. this week was a bit rough also, lots of crazy emotion things and also having to take my midterm for one class yesterday.
Im excited to pop in and see your pixels though <33 the thread still lives!
Posted in i dont know what to do Posted 5 years ago

im not asking for solutions cause i know there are no true ones for this kind of thing
i just need someone to cry to and virtual hugs or something
Posted in i dont know what to do Posted 5 years ago
nvm i was having a panic and had no one to talk to so i came here ;;
I'll delete though cause I'm calmer now. I'll get over it

I failed to keep up with the last theme due to college and video games.

This new theme will be bows! Any kind of bow, any style. I guess ribbons would be relevant as well. Have fun with it :D

ALSO with CNY passing and valentines day on it's way; the bonus theme is also changing respectively.
Anti-vday themes are also welcome if you're more into those :D

it probably has more to do with the population getting out of hand. I dont know, though, its colorado. everything is expensive here haha
Posted in I can't stick to just one project! (A Gallery) Posted 5 years ago

Annnnnnnd now I'm bringing back animation practice!

Learning how to use clip studio's timeline features

not even, actually. This is just one of the many reasons I hate living in northern CO xD
even moving to different cities the internet just kinda sucks or is too expensive

OH and i just looked into how much data is used by each of the things I primarily do online, and I shouldn't actually be that badly affected. I just have to be careful of game downloads and things like that.
Apparently I can go a couple hours of FFXIV without even hitting 1GB data xD but I'll probably cut it down anyways.

apparently it is here lol
ours is "unlimited" as in it wont shut off if we go over our data limit. But if we dooo go over, we get extra charges.
I guess this is some new update with comcast here. My mother just had to renew her plan and ended up faced with it. Even though her plan is already expensive >>
but there isn't much else to go with here