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Posted in Cleaned out the game closet-- Posted 5 years ago

Yes, far more important than a video game for sure <3
Posted in Tteokbokki? Posted 5 years ago

I'm sure that would be delicious! I hate fish also. I make sushi with chicken and veggies xD
Although I'll cook the chicken in a sauce first so it has a more complimented flavor. Like teriyaki!
Posted in Cleaned out the game closet-- Posted 5 years ago

As someone who used to work for the company... I can't really agree to many of the complaints I hear. A lot of it is where employees fail to make the trading/returning terms very clear up front, to that I can nod. But at the same time, when they try, no one listens anyways. So either way, no one understands the concept of business.
When you return a brand new game that you have played, no matter how long the gameplay is, you can't typically get a full refund because it is now a pre-owned game. Its illegal for them to sell it as new, so they have to take it in as trade value. It sucks but otherwise, the store would face a LOT of scams to return and repurchase new games for a lower price (which also takes money away from game companies), a loss of profit all around and on and so forth xD

sorry not meaning to rant, I mean well lmao
Posted in Cleaned out the game closet-- Posted 5 years ago

Probably a good idea to delay something like that. Its the same reason they stopped producing the special switches. I'm not sure if it was a total halt or just slowed a lot, but either way, I'd rather people stay healthy.

@kitalpha hart:
I think so, but they had to slow/halt the production of them due to the virus, so I can assume they'll make more later. If not, that's a bit of bologna since they initially planned to make more than they did xD Nintendo isn't known for making the best choices so I hope that that isn't the case!
I'll just see what happens
Posted in Cleaned out the game closet-- Posted 5 years ago

I couldn't be more excited <3
bf is getting it for my birthday ;v; He said he was going to get the console too, but they ran out cause of that production halt.

I agree! We do have some that are announced already for 2020, but I'm sure a lot of them seem to be sequels or continuations of previous games.
Posted in Cleaned out the game closet-- Posted 5 years ago

Haha I'm thinking about actually getting a sub to the switch (if I can through gamestop) to play animal crossing with others! Then saving the rest for that pretty AC switch when more come out <3

although I do love some rune factory in the past~
Posted in Cleaned out the game closet-- Posted 5 years ago

I decided I should do so, and sell what I don't see myself playing anymore. I used gamestop's website to calculate how much it'd all be worth, and I counted about $100
But I keep in mind not everything will be accepted, since some of it is for older consoles (360 and DS). So I go into the store with an open mind, let's see what I get!

-thumbs down the long ass scroll of receipt-

I got double

I'm so happy about this, I can afford to buy this game I want, AND save the rest for future times when more animal crossing switch consoles come out, and I can totally get one much cheaper this way <33
This is the most exciting thing that's happened this year that I had to share :vanora_xd:

It pays to clean up, guys!
Posted in OH my first zine contribution!! pix! Posted 5 years ago

@q t e a p o n:
Thank you! I'm still stoked about it ;v;
Honestly, it could've been worse! I don't really mind waiting as long as I have, so I'd definitely pursue zines all the same <3
when there's time for it anyway.

Haha thats pretty cool though! The last time I tried to fit in with a particular group, I ended up pissing them off by accident.. and then I was like forever shunned and ignored since. They probably forgot who I am by now but I wont bother lmaoo
Posted in OH my first zine contribution!! pix! Posted 5 years ago

ALSO what if there was a voltra zine, where if there are any extra costs, it could go towards a donation to the site? O:
That'd be soooo fun if we had enough people to pitch in, and money to gamble
Posted in OH my first zine contribution!! pix! Posted 5 years ago

Ohh thats awesome! Sometimes smaller communities are more fun if you get along with most of them. But also hard to keep up with since I get intimidated by cliques usually. xD
I think I come off weird online cause I forget how to blend in with others
Posted in OH my first zine contribution!! pix! Posted 5 years ago

Haha I wish I was invited to them |D no one knows me
That's still awesome <3 have you worked on any recently?
Posted in I caught the school microwave on fire Posted 5 years ago

Oh man, I haven't gone to white before, but I did have some walmart stylist try that in one go... even though I was going for a darker shade of green, she was trying to make it like pastel green :vanora_sweat: my hair is also dark brown. Not to black but yea

Only reason my hair isn't dyed currently is cause I'm in massage school--I have to lay on pristine white sheets a lot lol
Posted in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Posted 5 years ago

I advise getting a license in something! Go for a trade, something that takes less time in school, so less costly. Then you can make better earnings to put toward an education you might want more.
Posted in OH my first zine contribution!! pix! Posted 5 years ago

Saaaame, but I get it. But 100% same xD
I would love to make my own zine, but I don't have the money to invest right now, nor the following to pay it off with.