Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie just kept reading. This book was about a girl who had a 'imaginary' friend, though she had picked up that he was indeed a ghost. This girl wasn't like other girls, and she was sent off to a magic school. She wanted to help her friend regain his human form, if it was even possible, but first she had to get over her fear of her suppressed powers and learn to master them. It was quite interesting. Well, she tried to keep reading. She felt her eyelids growing heavy and soon drifted off to a light sleep, the book resting in her lap.
She didn't wake for a few hours and when she did wake, it was from a nightmare. The nightmare as before. Maddie was quite panicked and quickly started thinking of what Clint told her to do to calm down. Slow breaths. She needed something to think about to distract herself.
She didn't wake for a few hours and when she did wake, it was from a nightmare. The nightmare as before. Maddie was quite panicked and quickly started thinking of what Clint told her to do to calm down. Slow breaths. She needed something to think about to distract herself.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen tilted his head some. Cinnamon pancakes..? He continued to smile. "That sounds wonderful." He said, in regards to what she had made for them that morning. Chamomile was quite comforting on days like this. He couldn't believe a whole year had already gone by.. Allen lifted his head when she spoke about sitting by the fire, and nodded lightly. "I would like that.." He murmured, feeling a tad silly for acting somewhat childish today. He slowly unbundled himself fro the blankets and made his way over to the fireplace, sitting at a close yet safe distance from the flames. He was wearing warm clothes, but he could still feel the cold creeping up on him. They had lived here long enough for him to get his barrings and know his way around the cabin. Now, if you asked him to outside or stray from the cabin, not so much.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi offered the younger boy a small smirk when he seemed to have figured out what he meant by his words. and nodded to him. He easily lifted the his cousin up onto his shoulders and headed for the club. Tamaki always seemed to have something planned for the first day of school, kind of like a welcome party. Even with taking his time, it didn't take long for them to arrive and he set Mitsukuni down before oping the doors to the club.
Tamaki could be seen running about the host club in a fluster, rambling about what they could do for an activity after school. Kyoya was just sitting at the table, only partially listening to his best friend. The dark haired male sighed and looked up from his lunch. "Tamaki, we could just do something to welcome the new students. There's two of them this year, Mia Warren and Alice Winters." He spoke calmly. Tamaki paused and glanced at Kyoya, then a grin spread across his face. "Perfect!" He joined Kyoya at the table and began planning.
Alice blinked. Club? She glanced between in the twins with a confused set of pale lavender eyes. "You two..in a club? How did that happen?" She asked, undoubtedly surprised that the twins had even considered the idea of being in a club. They were so closed off to the world.. Well, some things change while others didn't, she supposed. At least their world was slowly expanding. Alice nodded when she heard her classmate speak, and lowered her eyes. "I didn't get to eat breakfast.. So let's hurry to the cafeteria, and then to this club." She said, agreeing with Hikaru.
Tamaki could be seen running about the host club in a fluster, rambling about what they could do for an activity after school. Kyoya was just sitting at the table, only partially listening to his best friend. The dark haired male sighed and looked up from his lunch. "Tamaki, we could just do something to welcome the new students. There's two of them this year, Mia Warren and Alice Winters." He spoke calmly. Tamaki paused and glanced at Kyoya, then a grin spread across his face. "Perfect!" He joined Kyoya at the table and began planning.
Alice blinked. Club? She glanced between in the twins with a confused set of pale lavender eyes. "You two..in a club? How did that happen?" She asked, undoubtedly surprised that the twins had even considered the idea of being in a club. They were so closed off to the world.. Well, some things change while others didn't, she supposed. At least their world was slowly expanding. Alice nodded when she heard her classmate speak, and lowered her eyes. "I didn't get to eat breakfast.. So let's hurry to the cafeteria, and then to this club." She said, agreeing with Hikaru.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi finished his lunch and got up to throw his trash away. They still had time to stop by the club before class started. He glanced at his cousin. "Mistukuni, we have time." He said, hoping the smaller boy would catch on. She
Alice blinked, and glanced at Hikaru briefly before looking over at Haruhi as they headed down to the cafeteria. Tamaki was here as well? Just the thought of it seemed to make her cheeks turn rosie. She was attending the same school as all three of her childhood friends. Her mom always favored Tamaki over the twins, and it kind of complicated her situation a little, but she'd manage. They were all important to her. She giggled Haruhi's tease, and the way the twins reacted. "I guess something's never change." Alice murmured.
Alice blinked, and glanced at Hikaru briefly before looking over at Haruhi as they headed down to the cafeteria. Tamaki was here as well? Just the thought of it seemed to make her cheeks turn rosie. She was attending the same school as all three of her childhood friends. Her mom always favored Tamaki over the twins, and it kind of complicated her situation a little, but she'd manage. They were all important to her. She giggled Haruhi's tease, and the way the twins reacted. "I guess something's never change." Alice murmured.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The scent of her cooking always got his attention when he first woke, unless she happened to still be in bed. He slowly sat up, being sure to keep wrapped up with in the blankets. "I slept well, thank you." He said casually, sniffing slightly. "Hmm.. Cinnamon?" He asked curiously, wondering what she had.made for breakfast this morning. It certainly smelled delicious. Of course, most of her cooking smelled delicious. Today though, he was a little reluctant to leaving the warmth of the blankets.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie managed to organize most of her hygiene stuff without taking more than a couple of hours, since apparently she was being OCD about it today. She had probably re-organized it three or four times because something looking out of place, or got moved by her moving something else. When she was finally satisfied, she went into the closet to look over her clothes that were neatly folded up on the shelves. After that she sat back down on her bed and went back to reading. There was nothing left to do until Clint got home, or if she got hungry later.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi glanced down at his cousin when he spoke, and focused on his food. "She's new." He murmured quietly, taking a bite from his lunch. He glanced at his cousin when he spoke again, and shrugged lightly. "Maybe." Takashi mused. The others never really are in the cafeteria, and to be frank, he wasn't even sure if the twins or Haruhi would be eating in the cafeteria.
Alice giggled some at their responses, then frowned a little and shook her head. "Mom got a job transfer, that's the only reason I got to come back. I don't know how long it'll last though." She admitted quietly, lowering her gaze. Alice nodded to the idea of sitting together at lunch and shared a 'fake' smile with the tree of them. "Yes, let's go get lunch and sit together." She agreed, allowing them to show her the way.
Alice giggled some at their responses, then frowned a little and shook her head. "Mom got a job transfer, that's the only reason I got to come back. I don't know how long it'll last though." She admitted quietly, lowering her gaze. Alice nodded to the idea of sitting together at lunch and shared a 'fake' smile with the tree of them. "Yes, let's go get lunch and sit together." She agreed, allowing them to show her the way.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi nodded to his cousin as he began to eat his own lunch. He seemed happy, which was enough for him. He glanced over across the table and noticed the his classmate. Mia..right? He likes to aware of his classmates in case they came by the club after classes.
Alice took a moment to calm.down before laughter reached her ears. One she remembered all too well. There stood the devilish duo, smiling at her like devious grade schoolers with their elbows resting on the shoulders of her classmate. "Hikaru.. Kaoru.." She murmured quietly as the two rested their elbows on her own shoulders. Alice smiled and shook her head before raising her arms to hug the twins. "I'm back. I missed you both so very, very much." She said to them.
Alice took a moment to calm.down before laughter reached her ears. One she remembered all too well. There stood the devilish duo, smiling at her like devious grade schoolers with their elbows resting on the shoulders of her classmate. "Hikaru.. Kaoru.." She murmured quietly as the two rested their elbows on her own shoulders. Alice smiled and shook her head before raising her arms to hug the twins. "I'm back. I missed you both so very, very much." She said to them.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie continued reading the book she had started reading early that morning. Part of her wondered how Clint was doing at work, while another figured he'd be fine. After a while of reading, she set the book aside and went busied herself with trying to organize her things, starting with her stuff in the bathroom.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen was still sleeping soundly by the time Kaneko woke. He had been doing a lot of that since they arrived here, and found their cozy cabin. That only made since, right? He was cold-blooded after all. His stiches had long since healed, and so far there hadn't been any unwanted visitors. Allen only shifted slightly when warmth left the bed, and he curled up in the blankets when Kaneko tucked.him in once more. Slowly opening his milky eyes, he smiled some at the sound of feet shuffling around the cabin floor. "Good morning, lady Kaneko." He greeted quietly before yawning.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi glanced at his younger cousin with a light smirk and easily lifted the small boy on to shoulders, as he listened to him ramble about cakes and tea. He offered Mitsukuni a small nod and a quiet grunt, knowing He would find a cake if they had it. He himself for whatever it was he normally got, and got a cake and tea for his cousin before picking somewhere random to sit and set their food down on the table. He picked up Mituskuni once more and put him down on the chair. She
Alice followed the other students until she felt a tap on her shoulder from behind. She blinked and turned around, quickly noticing her classmate. He needed help..opening a can of peanut brittle? She rose a suspicious eyebrow for a moment before nodding lightly and carefully taking the offered can. She slowly began to open the can. Once it was open, and the trick waiting inside popped out, she just about spazzed.
Alice followed the other students until she felt a tap on her shoulder from behind. She blinked and turned around, quickly noticing her classmate. He needed help..opening a can of peanut brittle? She rose a suspicious eyebrow for a moment before nodding lightly and carefully taking the offered can. She slowly began to open the can. Once it was open, and the trick waiting inside popped out, she just about spazzed.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie listened for.movement, and none was heard she slowly got up and went to take a shower. Taking a set of clothes with her. In the shower she thought about everything that had happened inn the last few days and examined the scars along her skin. She took her time in the shower and came out once she was ready, wrapping up in a towel and dried off before getting dressed in the set of pjs she now had. She found herself some cereal and got down a bowl and the milk, then sat down at the table. After she ate, she washed her dishes and put the other things away, before going back to her room and read her book.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smiled softly. She liked the idea of going up north. "We would be much safer there, than anywhere else." He murmured. Did she still have her phone? Allen slowly raised his head so she could see his milky eyes. "Somehow.. We'll find one." He was promising this to her. When they got up north, they would find a cabin. " the easiest way to travel will be by train. " He said with a smirk. Allen slowly shifted away from her so could he sit up, then did just that. He wasn't very hungry..but maybe he should eat? They had a long way to go once they left.
((I was wondering, since they're actually doing this.. Would you mind a timeskip to when they've found a place?))
((I was wondering, since they're actually doing this.. Would you mind a timeskip to when they've found a place?))

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
When the bell rang for lunch, Takashi gathered his things and followed after his younger cousin, who wasted no time in running off with his things. Granted, Takashi caught up to him with no effort and walked with him to the cafeteria.
Alice gathered her things and followed the other students out after the bell rang. She hadn't even noticed that she was sharing a class with the devious duo. She did wonder though, if she'd see them or Tamaki , or if they even remembered her. Seven years was a long time to not see someone..
Alice gathered her things and followed the other students out after the bell rang. She hadn't even noticed that she was sharing a class with the devious duo. She did wonder though, if she'd see them or Tamaki , or if they even remembered her. Seven years was a long time to not see someone..