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Posted in testing post styles Posted 6 years ago

test 2
Posted in testing post styles Posted 6 years ago


-rolls in- i just got home from work,
going out again cause cats need kitty litter.

happy thanksgiving to y'all in the states. :D
i saw mention of pecan pie. that's my faverite >w<

ah i got that tag, before it wouldn't work if there wasn't something on the same line.
guess that got changed o3o
i think they need the ":" cause some names have spaces
so if my name was zuzu kazoo and you tagged @zuzu kazoo how are you?
it wouldn't work cause the ":" would signify the end of the username.

it didn't tag me. i think you need the ":" and something after the ":"
so like a tag like this
might not work since there's nothing after ":" in the same line.

@Salem: That meme is a bit inaccurate, the blue wedge should be alot thinner. XD

i should be in bed soon but am still reading manga XD
netflix sounds like fun. i haven't watched anything on netflix in ages cause i am indecisive. :vanora_sweat:

oh cool, ye hangout first page is looking nicer. ovo

hi Salem, cool avie, we both have 4 arms :vanora_xd:

i'm just making avies, and reading comics and manga.
reading this series right now.

what are you up to?
Posted in How is your gift shopping going? Posted 6 years ago

i haven't even started as well XD

i gotta get gifts for my parents, brother, and the kid i babsit for and maybe something for his parents too.
i might bake cookies for everyone.
Posted in Word Association Posted 6 years ago


@Quoth the Raven: oi saw ye quote me.
also saw ye questions about witchcraft & how ya be gathering thoughts and input.

hmm well i'm a lazy witch, haven't done research or studying in ages and hath forgotten much.
used to be able to read runes and tarot cards but they gather dust now.
as to what i think about witches, i'd say they'd be in tune with nature and such.
maybe studying the use of different herbs.
also i hear wiccan celebrations center around phases of the moon and sun.
i figure astronomy is probably important to some.

sorry i couldn't elaborate too much, i feel like what oi told ye, ya probably already know. ^-^;
Posted in Which AAY do you like better? Posted 6 years ago


@Salem: here's some pictures of my cats :D


and a few of the pups at the house i babysit at:
chica when she was a puppy

she's not a puppy anymore but still so small

she like to climb

the other pup is called carlos

yeah it be sad to lose a pet, miss em all but most of them they lived long lives.
i love our current cats alot, princess is very fluffy and will purr n purr when i'm home.
sammy tho is an attention hog and she likes to steal my chair, only sits there when i'm home. XD

Apple sounds like my cat Princess. also Apple is such a cute name for a cat.
Eevee is also a good name, it's one of my fave pokemon after vulpix.