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Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: i babysit a 8yr old kid, the pups are a bonus XD

chica is my faverite, i tried not to get attached to her when they got her,
but who can't fall in love with this cutie :vanora_sweat:

^that was her when she was a puppy.^

g'luck on your job hunt. tis a good idea to have a stable job so ye can properly take care of ye pets. ^u^

@salem: that sucks that ye sunglasses got broke but at least they were only $4.

@moodybats: that dino top is cute and so are you. :D

@Lithium: love your avatar, what is that bandage top?

@Little Crane: are ye not feeling well? o .o

@xirin: blue hair is cool, i've always wanted to dye my hair blue
but my hair is too long, i'd need at least two boxes of dye XD

@deaa: going to a cafe with a friend? sounds like fun.
Posted in I bought a keyboard!!! Posted 6 years ago

i can play some instruments but not very well. i so need to practice but i can't really read music so i have to memorize stuff.

in my house we have lots of music instruments.

two upright pianos, one electric organ, 2-3 keyboard pianos, two-three flutes, two violins, zither, fife, pan flute, lap harpsicord,
kalimba, ektara, acoustic guitar, mandolin guitar, maracas, harmonicas, water warbler bird whistle, ocarina, bells, duck call if it counts etc
i'm probably forgetting a few, and some i don't even the name of. XD
Posted in Black Friday Finds Posted 6 years ago

ankle boots are nice. owo

i went shopping yesterday for black friday,
didn't buy much cause i'm trying to save my money.
got my dad a wallet for christmas, it was 30% off and i got it for about $11.
also got a extendable bendy screwdriver thing that was also 30% off. i think i paid $14.
got two cool necklaces for myself at spencers, buy one get one free on jewelery.

other stuff i bought wasn't on sale, mystery surprise bags from ardenes.
which has accessories n stuff in them.
also went to thrift and bought a nice long sleeve button up loose top that draped nicely on me and was long and the fabric soft.

i saw other sales and things i wanted to buy but i didn't want to spend all my money :vanora_sweat:

cool shades salem.

reminds me, i tried on some sunglasses at a eyeglass store recently o3o

i don't really use photobucket anymore since i think it costs money now, unless they made it free again.
but i heard they put big old 'proudly hosted on photobucket' watermarks on everything.

i tend to use nowadays

@Salem: indeed, homemade gifts are the nicest to receive, and the most fun to give. ^u^

@Salem: it was fun but expensive. i think i spent around $400.
half on ingredients and half on shipping boxes of cookies as gifts XD

a german bakery, that's so cool oAo

i'm good at making cookies but haven't really baked pies or cakes or breads etc
a couple years ago i made around 500 cookies for christmas.
8 different kinds of cookies. took me 8 hours. also i didn't have a mixer, just a wooden spoon.

never again XD
i limit myself to like 3-4 kinds now.

i like cooking and baking but never really have the energy for it.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: you're right about adventure, she's a feisty pup full of energy, i think she's about 2 years old now.
the other pup at the house i babysit at is older, he's probably 5-6 years old.
his name is carlos

i am a cat person tho, i has two cats at home. i don't really like dogs but those two chihuahuas are sweethearts.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: chica loves cuddles. she's a very fluffy adorable pup
she likes to climb. XD

Posted in Hello friends Posted 6 years ago

super tired i am but i have the day off so i can sleep in,
right now i'm having fun making voltra avies, i think i'm on my 144th avy
Posted in Cranberry Sauce Posted 6 years ago

canned cranberry sauce is the only kind of cranberry sauce i've ever tried.
i don't eat it that often, don't really get it for thanksgiving or christmas,
but i've had it a few times at the house i babysit/nanny at,
cause the mother likes it and opens up a can for dinner sometimes XD