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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Angelus: thanks, i just got the plaid pants in a orb and had to use it :D

my cat princess will only curl up with me if i'm napping on the bed that basically became hers.
(spare bedroom/computer room) she's the only one that uses that bed lol

she doesn't come to see me when i'm in my own bed anymore cause the other cat took her spot.
they don't really get along. princess is a bit timid.
Posted in The Surge: Winter Plasma Orbs + New Emojis! Posted 6 years ago

I like all the items except toybox and snowman, guess what i got out of the orbs?
three snowman and two toyboxes XD

(the snowman and toyboxes are nice items but i have my eye on other stuff :vanora_sweat: )

that they are, tho i am somewhat at fault for falling into the trap,
if i didn't wrap myself in a blanket she would've curled up next to me in a way that i could've escaped if the blanket wasn't under her. xD

-curls up in a corner- i had a nap, wasn't planning on a nap but got trapped with a purring kitty sleeping on me. XD
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@mdom: i just made a rainbow punk :D

@Sabrina: i got mostly snowman and toyboxes but i did get a beanie doll out of a rig and i just made an avy with it :D

that sounds yummy.

i made myself scalloped cheesy potatoes,
wish i had some sourdough toast or my fave pretzel buns.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

i like the monochrome life but i should get some colour up here in my avy XD
@mdom: i made a brightly coloured avatar yesterday.

i like gloomy weather, but it does make time all weird when one doesn't see the sun for days on end XD
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

if i get rainbow items i shall send them over to ye cause i know you love em so much >3<
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: sure i shall send a trade in a moment ^u^

@Vladimir: sending ya a trade in a bit.

also btw ye two have nice avatars o3o
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@mdom: i feel your pain, i too also got things not rainbow. T^T
i got a bunch of snowmans and toyboxes. =3=

i rolled out of bed about an hour ago =w=
sun was just going down. it gets dark waay too early now that it's winter.
by 4:30pm it was completely dark.