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Posted in How is your gift shopping going? Posted 6 years ago

yesterday i went black friday shopping,
got a couple gifts, mainly for my dad since he's a bit harder to shop for cause he's a grump.
found a cheap wallet and a extendable bendy screwdriver.
Posted in Who likes to cheat? Posted 6 years ago

i hate monopoly but i might give this version a try XD

@xirin: i like pastel colors, and now that i think about it, one of my wigs i guess can be considered a pastel,
tho it's a bit too light to be pastel, it's lilac but more on the light silver side. XD
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

That dick joke is pure poetry. XD
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: too bad you don't get an allowance for babysitting your siblings,
but if they're that cute then hugs and thanks yous are good pay too XD

i have a younger brother, but he's not cute anymore since he grew up lol
i don't remember ever having to babysit him but then he's only 2 years younger than me.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@rallaa: seeing a sapherna avy after so long feels weird since i've made over a hundred voltra avies.
tis probably the same weird feeling i'd get if i go on gaia cause the avies all feel so short :vanora_xd:

long day at work huh?

@xirin: i'm kinda jealous of my mom's blond hair, cause nowadays she dyes it all the time,
she used to do natural colors but now it's usually a blue, purple, teal, pastels, etc

@Little Crane: indeed, cats are too cute to get mad at. :vanora_xd:
at least when my cat notices i'm having trouble breathing she will reluctantly get off to cuddle up next to me XD
tho usually most of the time they can be oblivious little purring cuties lol
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: do ye not get paid for babysitting those seven kids? o .o
7 kids is alot of kids, i remember back when i was babysitting 3 kids i'd get more money.
tho i like my current job of babysitting just the one kid.

@xirin: short hair is definitely easier and cheaper to dye.
i probably need at least two boxes of dye, maybe three, one box for every foot of hair lol

plus i'd have to bleach it first, i kinda wish i had blond hair like my mom, but my dad had black hair,
and me and my brother got dark brown hair.

@Salem: shopping all day must be exhausting. hope it was fun and you found good things tho.

@Little Crane: ah my other guess as to not being able to breathe properly would've been the cat. :vanora_sweat:
i too find it hard to breathe when my cat Sammy sits on my chest, especially since she is a fat cat.

@Lithium: ah i think i remember seeing the bandages on the item frankie when i saw preview pics of it somewhere.
thanks ovo
Posted in I bought a keyboard!!! Posted 6 years ago

@sunny: nope not a music museum but a collector's house (nice way of saying hoarders lol)
i used to also have a tenor sax but it needed repairs and a uncle wanted it, he pawned it for drugs tho, so that sucks.

are ye having fun re-learning to play? i wanna learn piano but i should try my hand at violin.
both violins are mine, one my dad got me years ago and the other was my grandfathers.
Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

@Mousy: Thank you, >w< i like your avatar too, the midnight blue and seafoam is very ghosty. ovo