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@MoodyBats: there's always something to learn when it comes to art. owo
you're doing great in that you're trying to learn.

while i'm sitting here being lazy XD
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: wanna know how i get people to not eat my icecream?
get super weird flavours. :D
i have some buco pandan icecream (coconut & screwpine) it has jelly bits in it.

@rolly joger: hmm i could make a winter theme avy next, earlier i made a germaphobe, a pyromaniac and a angel.
@Sabrina: hazek nut coffee with cinnamon & sugar sounds like a very yummy coffee.
@Salem: g'afternoon to ye.
@Little Crane: nice avy change little crane.
@MoodyBats: i've been skimming ye and unicorn's art convo, tis interesting.
drawing shapes is a good art tip. i need to practice more.

right now i'm stuck on a drawing, crossed arms is hard to draw without it looking weird =3=
Posted in Hiiiii everyone Posted 6 years ago

@Dread Pirate: i used to spend sooo much money on digital stuff.
tho i used to also buy little stuff, like buttons or stickers from etsy with leftover money,
so that i got something real too. but yeah it's hard not to buy stuff online when there's so much to buy.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

online cards is a good idea. i can probably draw something simple o3o
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

now i wanna make cards for y'all but i don't know if i can mail things out to everyone.
also i am a procrastinator on making things cause my energy is low.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

i have snowy glitter, but i also have neon glitters.
neon suits mdom so much :D
Posted in Hiiiii everyone Posted 6 years ago

@Dread Pirate: no worries, i try to limit myself to $20-30 per month on digital stuff.
be it voltra, love nikki app or sometimes gaia. o3o

i don't go overboard anymore. XD
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

include rainbows, glitter, and christmas watermelon pumpkin.
or should i do a christmas card like that and send it to mdom hmm
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

i kinda want to send christmas cards out but right now there's a postal strike in canada,
tho i haven't checked news on it in awhile so i dunno how that's going.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

oooh nice, tis great to get stuff on sale.

i got my dad's wallet for like $11 cause black friday sales,
also i chose the cheapest, nicely made, tri fold wallet oi could find XD

welcome back :D

i'm doing good, just lurking while making avatars o3o

trying to think of what theme i should base my next avatar on.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

I've only gotten gifts for my dad so far,
cause i knew what to get him, a new wallet cause his is worn out
and he wouldn't get around to buying a new one till the old one literally falls apart.

i dunno what to get my brother or mom, well my mom i kinda know what to get,
either art stuff or tea. for my brother tho, hmm cookies or something from the antique store.
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: aww thank you :vanora_smile: