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Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: you're welcome and thank you for your purchase. ^u^
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

i should save up for lazer hair removal.
tho part of me kinda likes the ability to grow a goatee,
but the other part is embarrassed cause "society" deems facial hair on woman to be "ugly" >.>
f-society tho.
Posted in TFW Posted 6 years ago

i managed to get 3 snowman and 2 toyboxes :vanora_sweat:

but i did get lucky and get a beanie doll and candy cane lane.

hi unicorn how are ye? ovo
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

then we need two rainbow themes, one in bright solid colors the other in soft pastel rainbows. o3o

@Salem: i had wanted to make pancakes but oatmeal is quicker XD

@Salem: i'm making myself oatmeal cause i wanted something sweet XD

@Salem: a snack of sourdough after a night out at a bar drinking, sounds like the perfect way to end a day. o3o
Posted in New Voltie Post Your Pics Maybe ? Posted 6 years ago

Here's my most recent selfies:
trying on some glasses

and one with my own glasses on:

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but..... Posted 6 years ago

I don't know you and you don't know me but WELCOME BACK. :vanora_xd:

don't get too drunk :vanora_xd:
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Raxton: love ye avy and great idea.
maybe rainbow site themes can be suggested for pride month next year.
tho i'd rather rainbow sooner XD

@Salem: that's good that ye is having fun.

i only drink if i'm out to dinner. and one drink is enough cause i get full fast. XD

i've never been to a bar, but darts sounds like fun. o3o