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Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint sighed and nodded, walking back to the table to open up the other bills that had arrived. "Yeah they did. They want to go out for drinks. I think they still believe we're college students who have nothing better to do than get wasted." He explained while making a neat little pile of trash. "I don't mind hanging out with them but we don't really hang out much now since I started working. I guess they just have more free time than I do or they're more fun than I am. I don't know." He said, shrugging his shoulders and glancing in her direction.
Posted in Goodbye everyone! [Selling everything] Posted 6 years ago

@rainbowpanda: I'm back! Umm, would it be okay to get Virgil's hair and surprise party for 1k volts please? A bear boozled and 2 ponds sailing that would be 15k. So a total of 16k if I did my math right. ; u ;
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
"Thank you." Mia said quietly before taking her seat and fiddling with the hem of her top. What should she do or say so that this wasn't awkward? She glanced toward Takashi who was dressed in a fine white suit fit for a prince. Quickly, she lowered her gaze. It was rude to stare back home and that was probably still true here. "Umm..d-do you always do this?" She asked quietly.

Hikaru blinked, "Me? Do something childish? I would never." He said with a smirk. Noting her body language, Hikaru wondered if she was uncomfortable with this whole thing. "You okay?" He asked. "I know this probably is a bit much isn't it?" He relaxed in his seat, trying to think of ways that he could make her more comfortable. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to Alice."
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko looked at him, surprised by his actions. He was wounded and yet he was comforting her. "It's my fault you're hurt...a-and.." She fought back a sob. "I k-know but what if...t-they find us h-here? What if t-they see us on our way out? Or..if they f-follow us back here?" She asked, trying to calm down and steady her breathing. What if he lost control and killed again? She knew he didn't do it on purpose though, but if someone had seen him kill that man they would have told someone and tried to kill him or hire someone to kill him. Don't you dare cry now Kaneko. Keep calm. Crying won't solve anything.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"Well, I can always just grab some drinks and go to your place." The female had suggested. Clint mentally cursed, that was true. She could just come over. But then she'd see Maddie and ask questions. He didn't want that. He didn't want anyone to see her. "W-well yeah...I suppose you can but like...I'm gonna make dinner right now and go to sleep after so I mean...I won't really be a-" He was cut off by a tap on his shoulder. He looked at Maddie and blushed when she smiled at him. "Uhh Jess, l-let me call you back yeah? I think someone's at the door." Clint said then hung up the phone. "H-hey..." He said to Maddie. " much did you hear?" He asked, giving her a small smile.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
((Hahah it's all good))

Mia looked up at the tall male, Takashi right? Her eyes stared at him for a bit too long before she snapped herself out of her daze and took his hand nervously. Was this normal behavior for these people? "Yes please." She said and wondered where his small cousin was. That's when she saw him stuffing his face full of sweets. How could he do that without getting sick?

Yes he did, and Honey was glad that he had kept his promise. "Are you enjoying the sweets too Usa-chan?" He asked the doll who just stared back at him. "Yes, the strawberry is my favorite part of the cake too." He agreed, nodding his head and continuing to eat.

"Come on then, let's grab a table." Haruhi said, heading over to one of the empty tables. "Here, this will do. I'll go and bring the tea and sweets. I'll need help carrying it all without dropping anything." She hinted, looking at the twins. "Any volunteers?" She asked. Kaoru nodded, "I'll help you Haruhi." He said, offering her a smile and following her to gather some sweets and sandwiches while she went to get the tea. Hikaru pulled out the chair for Alice to sit and smirk. "I won't pull it out from under you. I promise."
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko frowned, "But when my father shot you...he didn't have a magic bullet gun.." She commented quietly. How had this guy even gotten this weapon? Who made it for him and how many more were out there. She quickly made her way to his room and picked up a clean button up shirt then walked back and carefully helped him put it on. "There we go." She whispered, and knelt down beside him as she realized something. "Allen...we aren't safe here either are we?" She asked him and rubbed her eyes. Why couldn't they just leave them alone? She buried her face in her hands and felt a lump in her throat. She didn't want to cry though. All of this work, all of the running and hiding was for nothing. They knew where she was, and her father would probably send someone after them again.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
It was mostly junk mail and a few bills. Nothing of excitement of course. Bills were opened carefully and read in silence, the sound of his phone ringing grabbed his attention. Walking over, he picked it up and leaned against the wall as he read through his bill. "Hello?" He said. "Oh hey. Right now? Umm..." It was a friend from his college days calling if they could come over and hang out for a bit. He hadn't seen them in years though but they always made time to hang out whenever they could. "Gee, I'd love to Jess but uhh..I can't. I really can't. Why? W-well because I uhh.." A good excuse, what could he say? "I'm not dressed. W-well I mean I am. I mean, I'm not naked or anything no...but I'm not dressed to go have a drink. I have like...a ton of bills and stuff so I really can't go out Jess. Super sorry though. Maybe next time?" He said, hoping she'd believe him.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Well now Mia was left to figure this thing out on her own. They wanted to welcome then and wish them a good year. Okay, she got that much, but why the whole party? It was...strange. She wasn't used to things like this. A card would have been fine. It was nice though, and it showed that these people seemed to really care about making a good first impression. She looked over at the other girls present, they were dressed so nicely. It was fitting that they would be here with these men in white.

Honey ran back out in his white outfit and cheerfully hopped after Tamaki to a table covered in all sorts of fabulous sweets. "Thank-you Tamaki-sama!" He said then took a seat after making sure Usa-chan was seated first. "These all look delicious!" He cheered and began to dig in happily.


The twins and Haruhi clapped at the end of the speech. "Tamaki is always one for a good speech." Kaoru noted. "He liked to bask in the attention I think." Hikaru commented quietly, looking down at Alice when she bumped into him. "Surprised?" He asked her and smiled. "We should find a place to sit. I'm sure Alice would like some cake and tea. Or maybe she wants a sandwich." Haruhi hinted.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
"It smells like magic?" Kaneko repeated and sniffed it again. Was that what magic smelled like? How strange. "So this man that father sent must have known you would be here and he came prepared. Perhaps it didn't do more because it's so small and because me missed? I don't know, but I'm glad it didn't do much to you." She answered softly, setting it back down on the plate. "I wonder how it was even made and it has like a small little indent at the tip of it. Strange." Kaneko noted. She looked at Allen and blushed, seeing him so close. The gun, maybe she should have brought it with her so that no one else could get it, but there was no way she was stepping out there. Not after what had happened. She shuddered at the reminder. At least he was okay. "I should umm...g-get you a clean shirt." she said quietly, standing to her feet. "You just take a seat and relax okay?"
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"Oh right, the book. Enjoy!" he told her and watched her leave. She still reminded him of the little girl he first met out during recess. Good times. She wasn't much different though from then. All that changed was that she was older now but she was still a nice person. "Alright Clint, get to work. Just because you're done with work for the day doesn't mean you're done with all the work." He told himself and walked to the kitchen to wash up the dishes. It wasn't that many so it wasn't long before he was at the end of the hall tossing his clothes in the wash. He made sure to leave hers in the basket and not touch it. While the laundry was getting done, he stepped outside and grabbed the mail then came back and sat at the table to look through it.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey was humming happily as he skipped off to go get changed himself.

Mia watched them leave her and now she was alone in a place where she didn't know anyone. Well that was the basis of school but this was different. "Huh?" She looked at the person who spoke to her. "Oh...hi." she told the girl and smiled. "I'm Mia. It's nice to meet you too Alice." Mia said and shook her hand gently. "So I uhh...I guess you have no idea what any of this is either?" she asked.

Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
The pretend nurse nodded, "I do." She said quietly. She had pulled the aid kit closer to her and opened the metal box. Her free hand pulled out a few packets of disinfectant wipes which she used her teeth to tear the packets opened then removed the rag from his wound and began to clean up around it, being very careful. Kaneko started to hum softly as she worked. The trash was tossed to the floor for her to pick up later. Then she put a bit of disinfectant gel on her finger and gently applied it around the wound, hoping it didn't hurt him since she knew he hadn't liked it before but it was required and she only put on a very light layer. The wound was small so thankfully she didn't need the needle and thread this time. Opening another packet, larger this time, she pressed the two pieces of gauze pads on the wound then picked up a roll of gauze bandage and carefully wrapped it around him so that he was properly patched up. Lastly, she secured the bandage with two small metal clips. "There we go. Good as new." She told him then began to gather up the mess and left to throw it away then she washed her hands thoroughly. "Alright, let's take a look at this bullet." Kaneko said, walking back to the coffee table where it sat on a plate. She picked it up with the tweezers and looked at it closely. "Smells funny." She muttered. Like blood and something else but she couldn't figure out what.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
So she would come back. Would she come back alone? Or would she bring some of her followers to help her this time? Clint had to smile at how brave she sounded. It was admirable. She wasn't crying anymore, she didn't look or sound frightened. "That's more like it Mads. Let's not worry about her right now. Instead, I'm going to wash the dishes and do some laundry. Umm, do you want to do your own laundry first?" He asked her. He didn't mind. It would be a little strange if he were handling her clothes wouldn't it?