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Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
Gregory just sighed.

"Neither do I." he replied.

"But it's... unnerving." he said.

"Like some unknown presence is constantly there now." he told her.

"But, for the life of me, I can't pinpoint what it is."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"" Gregory muttered.

"How can I put this...?" he mumbled further.

"All right, let's put it this way." he said. "Picture Levi on one of those video conversation programs on a computer." he told her. "Normally, all the dead would be crowded around the computer chair, trying to speak to him." he said further.

"Now, with his 'meds', all the dead are kicked out of the room, allowing us to speak with him, and things are more clear, because we're alone in the room." he went on.

"However... I get this... odd feeling that, when we're speaking with him... there's... something... watching from over our shoulders." he told her further.

"But... I don't see or sense anyone, or anything. Not even Emelie or Liz." he continued.

"I just get this weird feeling that we're not really alone when we're speaking with him."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"Hey." Gregory replied.

"Got you that cosmopolitan drink you like." he told her, gesturing to the drink on the table.

"Anyway." he muttered.

"That Levi kid is shutting off all other voices." he told her.

"Meaning that only WE should be there when we speak with him." he went on.

"But lately... I've been feeling that that's not the case."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"Elsewhere." Gregory replied.

"If you wanna tell him you're going, may as well do it now." he told her.

"I'm gonna head to that pocket dimension soul signpost area." he said.

"The bar, essentially." he clarified.

"That's a good place to speak about this."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
Gregory sighed.

"Yeah, yeah." he muttered.

He was then silent for a moment, and looked at Madison.

"...Madison." he addressed her.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"There's something... weird... going on with him. Or around him." he told her.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"....fair enough." Levi responded, as he started to take things out of the bags as well.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Gregory just growled.

"Damn that Rocky." he said.

"I heard what she said about me." he went on.

"I'm gonna lose my intimidation factor now." he continued.

"Bah. Well, it was fun while it lasted."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"Ah, right." Levi replied.

He then proceeded to continue to bring the bags to the kitchen, until everything had been taken in.

"Geez." he said.

"We'll be good for at LEAST a couple of months." he commented.

"Do we even have enough room for all this stuff?" he asked her.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"....that's impressive." Levi responded.

"Like, holy crap." he muttered, taking the bags to the kitchen, and coming back for more.

"I assume all of these will keep for a decent length of time as well." he went on.

"Frozen, boxed, cans, non-perishables?" he asked her, before pausing as he saw something.

" way!" he exclaimed.

"Blackberries and raspberries?" he asked, licking his lips.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
Levi hadn't had a chance to say anything, before Rocky vanished.

"........ah...." he stammered.

"Ooooooookaaaaay..." he mumbled.

He then put the tea away in a cupboard, before making his way to the front door.

"Holy crap." he said, when he saw the sheer number of bags.

"What, was there some kinda major sale going on?" he asked her as he grabbed a few of them.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
"I... well, I... I don't feel that way about her." Levi stammered.

"And I'm not... I'm not trying to get her to do anything like that." he assured her.

"But... okay then." he said further.

"At least I know I'm safe from him." he continued.

"That DOES help. Thank you." he thanked her, taking another drink of tea.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 6 years ago
Levi took a moment, and sent her a quick text, just so she would get his number, before answering.

"Both? Kinda?" he answered.

"Or, well, two, at least." he said.

"Madison moreso than Gregory." he went on.

"Madison says she's taken a liking to me, and Gregory keeps threatening me and warning me not to make any moves on her." he told her further.

" least I'm 70% sure he's joking now, and not scared stiff whenever I hear him." he then added.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
"...considering I'm someone that has the dead talk to me, and one that's having those that collect the dead talk to me, I don't think that'll be an issue." Levi replied.

"Being alive is less weird." he told her.

"But... yeah, sure." he said.

"That'd be pretty cool." he said further.

"What's your number?" he asked, taking out his cell phone.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Levi just nodded.

"Yeah." he said.

"It is." he agreed.

"But... I think I... can process this." he told her.

"Again, I've learned a lot lately." he continued.

"Discovering a world that I never knew existed." he went on.

"You must have a lot of cool stories and stuff."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Levi's jaw dropped.

"S-S-Salem!?" he exclaimed.

The w-witch trials!?"[/b] he asked.

"Oh! Oh, wow!" he said.

"That's... almost unbelievable." he told her.

"But I've seen and read so much, NOTHING seems impossible now." he then admitted with a sigh.