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Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
The demon was silent for a moment.

"....angel..." he said.

"Angel... angel approaching." he mumbled.

This was odd for her, because of what she knew... demons didn't FEAR angels. They didn't like them, but didn't FEAR them.

Azazel, meanwhile, just sighed.

"Yeah, I know what THAT means." he said quietly.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Azazel just sighed, and shrugged.

"Eh, don't worry about it." he told her.

"Believe me, they say God is in the details, but she really isn't." he said. "Quite frankly, the more you sweat the details, the worse off one is." he went on.

Then, before she could respond, she noticed her partner become... scared.

Honestly scared.

He looked like he was fearing his death, and started to shrink down a little, as though he wanted to disappear.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Azazel smirked when she asked her last bit.

"Did I say that?" he asked.

"Guess I did." he said.

"Oh well, no taking it back. Yep. She." he said further.

"The boss is a woman." he went on.

"...and her sister is the boss UPstairs." he added.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
"Well, there's two angles to answer that question." Azazel responded.

"One is the physical way. I'm a higher level 'tier' than your partner." he told her, making air quotes where appropriate. "I can come and go as I please." he said.

"That being said, normally I'm supposed to report back down to hell with my evil activities." he went on.

"But that'll never happen. I don't do anything evil. And in a rare showing of mercy, the boss decided that she would let me stay here on the surface, and not disassemble back into the aether I was formed from." he explained further.

"Provided I not show my face down there again. So I'm in exile, essentially." he continued.

"A fallen/risen demon." he said.

"A disgrace." Ally's partner spat.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
"She's in the lab." Azazel replied.

"It's downstairs." he told her.

"And yeah, this place DOES have a downstairs, even though it looks huge on the outside." he then said. "Mostly because... well... it IS huge." he admitted.

"We have a LOT of people here." he told her.

"And we get a sizeable budget from the government."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Azazel just sighed when he heard that.

"I DO have yellow eyes." he told her.

"That is the end of the similarities that I share with that... mental concoction... on that show." he went on.

"And, luckily, I know of that game you mentioned." he then said.

"....yes, that's more like me." he admitted quietly.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
" coincidental." Az responded.

"Lucky for you." he said to her 'partner'.

"Whatever. Shut up." was the response given.

"...she doesn't know?" Az replied.

"I said shut up, Azazel!" the demon snapped, using his full name.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
"There's no real set way." he replied.

"It's... situational." he admitted.

"Regardless, you seem to have... a companion." he then commented.

"Shut it..." her demon mumbled.

"That's a rarity." Az then said further.

"I'm sure there's a story behind that?"
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Jake just raised his eyebrows, before he looked and saw Azazel walking by.

"No, that's fine, Kiah." he then said to the machine.

"I'll have someone escort her down." he told her, before they ended the conversation.

"Az!" he then called out, causing the newcomer to approach... and then pause as he looked at Ally.

"....huh." he mumbled.

"You're in charge of taking her to see Kiah." Jake told him, before hitting a button, unlocking the door.

"Please enter." he told her.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Just as Jake was about to respond, he noticed that Allyssa looked to be confused.

"One second." he said.

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

What he didn't see, was that she was reacting to the reaction of a demon that only SHE could see, currently.

"....another demon." he said, looking around.

"A strong one. Well... stronger than me." he added.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
There was silence from the guard, before the paper was lowered some... and she saw reptilian-like eyes.

"Well, that DOES help your case..." he admitted.

"And.... fire gal." he went on.

"That... hmmm." he mumbled.

"One second." he said, before turning to a phone/comm machine that was beside him, and punching some numbers in. He waited for a moment, until it was answered.

"Yo." he said.

"You expecting someone here to see you to pick something up for a friend of hers?" he asked.

"I know that's vague, but just try and work with me here." he added.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
The person behind the newspaper was silent for a moment, before she heard a small 'sst'-like sound.

"That's not much info." he told her.

"Unless you have something more specific, or even proof that you are supposed to be at THIS building, then we might have an issue." he commented further.

"I can't let someone in on such vague information."
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Levi was silent again, and nodded.

"All right." he replied.

"Thanks again." he said.

He then watched as Madison faded away, and he no longer heard Gregory's voice, or anything like that. He looked at the work on his desk, was silent for a moment, and sighed.

"...I could use a break, anyway..." he reasoned with a small sigh.

He then opened the book, and started to read.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Levi laughed as well, but there was a distinct nervousness to it.

"All right." he said.

"Madison." Gregory then said, addressing the woman.

"You're needed." he told her.

"There was... a fire." he finished, letting out a heavy sigh.

"So... yeah... you're needed."