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Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
Darrel nodded in response.

"Sure thing." he replied.

He then left her to do her thing, and made his way back to where Sammy was.

"Kelly's here, in case you didn't hear her earlier." he told her.

"She's making us up some... well... comfort food, really." he said further. "See if some generic food therapy can't help us calm down a little." he went on.

"Help us both de-stress some."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Well, I can't smell." Darrel said.

"And to a vampire, smell is what they live or die by." he told her.

"If I were a full vampire, I'd be a nervous wreck. Locked up somewhere, worried that enemies would be all around me." he explained further.

"Because... you know... smell blood, smell enemies, that sort of thing." he reasoned.

"My human side is keeping it at bay for now." he went on.

"But I don't know how to calm it down." he admitted with a sigh.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Well...." Darrel muttered.

"Hard to say for me." he said.

"I've always loved a nice mac-and-cheese bake, but my sense of smell is buggered right the hell up." he told her.

"Yet, oddly, I can still TASTE just fine." he muttered.

"And Sammy... well... she really likes the combination of sweet and sour when she's stressed." he told her further.

"And being blind, alongside worrying about Evan, has stressed her out."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
Darrel's ears perked up when he heard Kelly.

"Ah, guess Kelly's here." he said.

"Hang on a second, Sammy." he told his lover, before getting up and making his way to where he'd heard her.

"Yo!" he called back.

"Where are ya!?" he asked. "Kitchen!?"
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"All right." Darrel responded.

"Will do." he told her.

"Talk to you later, Alice." he then said. With that, the phone call ended, and he turned his attention back over towards Sammy.

"No worries." he said to her.

"Well... no more worries compounding upon worries." he clarified.

"Vicki essentially quarantined OLA to stop the spread of this." he explained. "So nothing's happened to Evan." he assured her, before pausing.

"...for better or for worse."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"....." Darrel was silent for a moment, taking that in.

"...I get the feeling death is something that this magic doesn't directly cause, but doesn't need to." he said.

"This is sensory deprivation." he went on. "It can cause people to do... drastic things, if it is sudden enough." he lamented quietly.

"Now, more than ever, we need to keep each other close. You're definitely right about that." he told her.

"But I'll be as careful as I can allow myself to be." he then assured the Fyrane.

"And I'll protect Sammy as well." he added.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Ah-yup." Darrel responded.

"But thanks for the info." he told her.

"I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing." he went on.

"Sorry to have bugged you." he apologized.

"And we'll let you know if WE find anything."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"" Darrel mumbled.

"Well, Luke's in OLA, so that won't help." he said.

"Could try and get ahold of Lily." he went on.

"Or Kelly, perhaps." he continued.

"Haven't heard anything from her since this started, and I know she has a few recipes that tend to calm people down." he went on.

"Apply food to the wound and all." he added with a light chuckle.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Yeah. We have." Darrel replied.

"She's gone blind, I can't smell a damn thing." he told her.

"And my vampire side wants to go on a paranoid scared rampage." he said further.

"Regardless, I'll tell Sammy." he went on.

"She was afraid that the worst could have happened."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"....Ah, I see." Darrel replied.

"So... hm." he mumbled.

"Must be a strong one." he said.

"Sammy suddenly felt the connection she has with Evan be severed." he commented.

"I assume that's the reason why?"
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"All right." Darrel nodded.

"I'll do that now." he told her.

With that, he grabbed his cell phone and dialled Alice's office number. It rang for a few seconds, before it was picked up.

"Hey, it's Darrel." he said when she answered.

"How are things going there?" he asked her.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"........" Darrel was silent as he heard that.

"Hm." he muttered.

"Well, I assume we'd have heard from Alice is there were any issues or complications." he said.

"Want to call?" he asked.

"Or want ME to call?" he asked further. "Make sure something hasn't happened?"
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
She was alone, but not for long.

Apparently Darrel had been nearby, as she heard his voice a few seconds after.

"Sammy?" he asked.

"Are you all right? I hear you cry out." he said.

"Is something wrong... like, moreso than usually for the moment?"
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
The director just sighed.

"Very well." he replied.

"I will defer to your judgement." he told her.

"You seem to know what's going on, so... it's the best option I have." he reasoned.

"...can you stop this?" he then asked her.