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Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
Gerard looked ready to say something, but stopped and just looked off to the side.

"She's probably off getting something to drink for him." Dianna told her.

"Or she's still in class." she went on.

"They have quite different schedules, I believe." she added, before pausing.

"...aren't you Doctor Fyrane?" she then asked.

"I read you were scheduled to be a guest speaker here today." she commented.

This caused Gerard to rise to attention once more, and looked panicked.

"Yes, Gerard, you made an ass of yourself in front of one of your idols." Dianna told him.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago
The male, Gerard, jumped when the woman suddenly spoke to them.

"Ah!" he exclaimed.

"What? What's there to say? He speaks to invisible boogeymen and mumbles nonsense to himself." he told her... before the female smacked him upside the head.

"Hey! What the hell, Dianna!?" he exclaimed.

"Shush." Dianna said sternly.

"His name's Levi." she then told the woman. "He spends most of his time alone, though he does seem to have a friend. Just one, at least..." she went on.

"...that's real..." Gerard muttered, which net a glare from Dianna.

"Most of the time, he keeps to himself, seeming to be talking to... people... around him, when he's alone." she told the woman further.

"From what I've heard, he was clinically diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He was given medication for it, but seeing as he still seems to suffer, it's been assumed that he doesn't take it." she added with a small sigh.
Posted in Tapping into The Abyss Posted 7 years ago

The water shot into the air from the small spout hidden with the marbled ceramic, creating a marvellous umbrella of liquid, that trickled and flowed down the various tiers and layers of the centrepiece, giving the area a classy and welcoming aura.

He, however, didn't notice this.

He was too wrapped up in his own affairs, even though he was sitting on the bench that was connected to the fountain.

He didn't even notice the people that walked by and looked over at him, their gazes lingering for longer than would be socially acceptable, meaning they were technically staring.

But he didn't notice. He was leaning forward some, his hands on his temples, as he muttered and mumbled to himself, as though talking to someone.

But nobody else was there.

"...stop staring at him." a female told the male she was with, as they walked past, and away from, him.

"If he's going to be crazy, then he deserves to be stared at." the male responded.

"Gerard!" the female snapped back in a whisper.

"They have medication for that." he retorted. "If he doesn't take it, then he suffers the consequences... mental, physical, AND social."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
Vito looked at the mark on the back of his hand, and nodded.

"Very well." he replied, before disappearing in a swirl of sand.

He then reappeared in front of Addison, who had gone to grab a drink, while Kelly was still helping with Lily. He hadn't managed to get to the fridge, when Vito appeared in front of him.

"Come on." he said, extending his hand. "I need your help in fixing this mess that the magic has created." he told him. "And we shouldn't waste time. Besides, it shouldn't take long." he added.

Addison was silent, before nodding and grabbing his hand. They both then vanished, and appeared where Darrel and Sammy were. Sammy had calmed down from the food that Kelly had made, and was now resting, while Darrel was watching over her, and looked over to where Vito and Addison were.

"Need your help in fixing this." Vito said. "Come on." he told him.

Darrel just nodded and stepped up to them, before they both disappeared in the same swirl of sand that was Vito's trademark, the three of them appearing in Evan's room.

Once they were there, Vito grabbed the book from the young feline hybrid, and looked through the tomes until he found what he was looking for. He opened them to their proper pages, and held each one open in each of his hands.

"You two need to alternate reading this." he told Darrel and Addison. "Darrel, you read from the book Evan found, Addison, you from the other one. Starting with Addison, it seems." he finished.

Addison and Darrel read over the books, before they looked at each other and nodded. They then read off the spell to the best of their abilities, before the magic spewing out from both books started to intertwine with each other, and then seemed to both be violently sucked back into the pages, causing a veritable storm of magic inside the room.

It lasted about 30 seconds, before the books shut on themselves, and fell to the floor.

"Did it work?" Darrel asked.

"Ughn..." Evan suddenly groaned, stirring for the first time in so long. "What...?" he asked, his eyes opening slowly.

"Yeah." Addison replied. "I think that worked."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
Again, Vito sighed.

"Well... hm." he muttered.

"When I left the Council to get the book, I could feel myself starting to go numb." he told her. "Was starting to lose nerve control due to no tactile feedback and all that." he prefaced.

"When I opened the book, it was reversed." he told her.

"I suddenly became aware of EVERY nerve and how it perceived touch." he said.

"Suffice to say, I nearly had a nervous mental breakdown from the sensory overload." he muttered. "And quickly shut the book." he added.

"That being said, what flowed from within didn't seem... malicious. Just kind of... smothering... but in a kind way. If that makes any sort of sense." he finished.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"....I have." Vito responded.

He then sighed, and proceeded to tell her what he told Alice.

"So we need both books." he said.

"And we also need a pure-aligned mage, and a tainted-aligned mage." he went on.

"But this does seem to be the answer."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Will do." he replied.

With that, they ended the phone call, and a few second later, he mana'd into her office.

And as soon as he did, Vicki could feel the magic from the book he had.

It felt completely opposite from OLA.

It was warm and forgiving... but still somewhat oppressive and vaguely ominous.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
A minute later, Vicki received a call.

"It's me." Vito said when she answered.

"I have a book that can end all this." he told her.

"Are you coming to me? Or am I coming to you? Or is the book coming to you?" he asked her.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
Vito was silent.

"I don't know." he then said.

"I just don't know." he repeated.

"I don't know why I went there. I don't know how I got it. I don't know why he even had it." he said further.

"But it worked. Somehow." he told her.

"Guess we just need to move on." he then said.

"I'm hanging up to call your sister." he finished.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Well, then I'll call her." Vito said.

"And I'll do it post-haste." he then said further.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Like, there anything else you want me to do or say?" he asked further.

"Because I really doubt that your brother likes or wants people in the private sector of his library."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Well, I'll let you figure it out for yourself. Or whatever Vicki thinks is best." Vito responded.

"She seems to know more about this than anyone else." he went on.

"Also, want me to bring the book there?" he asked.

"As in, to OLA?" he clarified.

"And... can I even GET in?" he asked further. "I know Vicki can put up some hella-strong barriers."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Gimme a second." Vito replied.

"" he mumbled.

"Ah! Ah-ha!" he exclaimed.

"Says here that this CAN be reversed. But the tomes need to be together." he told her.

"Also says you need one of the light, and one of the dark to read the joint incantation aloud." he said.

"Must mean someone that's pure aligned, and one that's tainted aligned."
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"Yep." Vito replied.

"Talk to you in a bit." he said, before they ended their conversation.

After that, about 2 hours at passed, before Alice received another call.

"Hey, it's me." Vito said when she answered.

"Might have found something." he told her.

"Looks like some kind of weird religious text that preaches healing and purity, and mentions a god by the name of Cylo, and how they were the answer to Gynx." he reported.

"Is that the book?" he asked her.
Posted in An Assault on the Senses Posted 7 years ago
"So it'll be a tactile thing." Vito replied.

"Guess I better get to it quick." he said.

"And I'll need to use my sand. Got it." he went on.

He was then silent for a moment, before sighing.

"Here's hoping this works." he commented.

"I'll call you if I find anything." he told her.

"So... just... yeah, try and stay close to your phone."