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Posted in What mask designs should I make? Posted 5 years ago

Oh I'm just going to draw this digitally and submit it to Teepublic. They deal with printing it onto the template :D
(the base of it doesn't have to be black either, the edges are the only thing that stays black)

Posted in What mask designs should I make? Posted 5 years ago

I love all the ideas!!
I might do something with a mixture of them O:
geometric shapes, flowers, happy colors
galaxy textures but on light colors maybe...

maybe another version that fit galaxy color themes, making the rest of the design warm colors..
I think that'd look pretty cool if I could pull it off o vo
I'll show you all whenever I get it going!

Posted in What mask designs should I make? Posted 5 years ago

Roses could be nice, I haven't actually tried to seriously draw a rose (with any ounce of effort) in a really long time!

That'd be copyright infringement, since the designs belong to voltra O:
I'd have to ask them about it!

Posted in What mask designs should I make? Posted 5 years ago

based on Teepublic's design templates.
The borders remain black but I can toss my art on the rest of it.
My coworker keeps saying I should make my own mask design but my brain too tired to think of ideas xD

Aside from like
lower face region of my OC's
but thats something only I would get, and then I'd have to answer the same question about it all day xD noty

Posted in Starbucks is STEALING from us! Posted 5 years ago

Lol right, I honestly think these kinds of people are either on something (the lady tonight most likely was) or something psychological going on that they can't help. But still, not paid enough to deal with them so I just try to avoid engaging with them much and getting them out as quickly as I can xD

@kitalpha hart:
Haha it wasn't alcohol for sure, I can usually recognize that kind of intoxication. She just had something off about her (aside from being a karen) so I bet there were some drugs going on xD meth is pretty big around here apparently.
I didn't look at her much though, I have a (bad?) habit of never looking customers in the face. That's usually where I can see if someone's on something crazy or not though, usually affects their skin, eyes or teeth in a way

Posted in Starbucks is STEALING from us! Posted 5 years ago

@kitalpha hart:
she literally did, I had to turn it off before things got out of hand.
I wonder what substances she was on :vanora_xd:

Posted in Starbucks is STEALING from us! Posted 5 years ago

it seems worse recently
so many angry fussy people over the most... nonsensical things.
This one was just that certain kind of crazy that I couldn't get frustrated over it. Just lmao

Posted in Starbucks is STEALING from us! Posted 5 years ago

"They should not be allowed to sell this drink if they take away our spoons!! What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to eat this?"
//lady gestures at a tall cup with a straw in it//
"THIS IS WRONG, in fact I think it should be illegal! Starbucks is stealing from us and at a time like this. It's thievery, it is literally thievery, and there has been so much stealing from us lately I'm sick of it!"

This was my first customer of today, at my job
she was 10000000% seriously mad
that starbucks didn't have spoons out
because they aren't individually wrapped
and covid
so she bought a box of spoons and let everyone in the store along the way know
that Starbucks is a thief

I can't.

Oh yeah, she also had a fight with my counter because the belt kept moving when she'd place her items on it.

It sounds like he just doesn't want to deal with it. Any time someone comes back repeatedly with excuses like that to sound dumb, I find that its just laziness..

I get it though, I hate going out to deal with things like that too xD
but if it don't get done you wont get the benefit of a working phone again~

Posted in I've done it! (school talk) Posted 5 years ago

Thanks everyone <33
It's getting exciting the closer I get!
Although school work is getting harder this week cause I dont sleep enough, and I ran out of caffeine |D

@kitalpha hart:
46 hours = 46 people to massage. Thinking of it that way, its a lot more than it seems :vanora_sweat: its been almost impossible to get anyone to show up for bodywork. Especially with schedules being really tight for myself and most people I know xAx

But somehow I managed to get a schedule going with some people, so its really thanks to them! And my tired fingers xd

Posted in Armed robbery at my store Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for the kindness <3 I haven't spoken to my friend since I posted this, he stopped responding after a bit so probably became busy. He did say that he was given time out of work to get through the shock of it. So for that I'm glad, and I know he lives with a supportive family and everyone at work adores him too (cause he's a super sweet kid). So he'll be alright. Got a good support system!

I'll most likely see him tomorrow so I can check on him again. I don't doubt he'll be back to giggles by that point, our staff is full of tough cookies lol

Posted in I've done it! (school talk) Posted 5 years ago

I doooo!
.. unless government shuts us down again |D
but I think they're doing the opposite so I should make it

Posted in Armed robbery at my store Posted 5 years ago

Dude you know
when you just know
something bad is going to happen?
Like I could feel it in my heart of hearts all weekend.

I did see an unrelated incident on saturday night where a woman almost got attacked in my job's parking lot by these men pouring out of a big red truck (probably drunk for the holiday). I was in my car next to it and I pulled over to call our security. Wasn't about to wait and see if these guys actually get to this woman, but they're walking toward her car with their arms out in the "come at me" pose.
Well they saw me and shouted at me, but drove off. Probably saw my phone lol

But that wasn't it. My soul for the next couple days was still like "SOMETHING HAPPENING BRUH"

Monday I wasn't working but I just saw my coworkers posting the police report about this guy threatening to shoot up the store and everything. Stole a chromebook (of all things??? those kinda suck dude, not worth it)
Then I got a message from my coworker friend, this 18 year old kid that's the one who this crazy person was threatening! I don't know if the man actually had a gun, even if he was saying he did, but I can only imagine how scary this was for this kid. I feel so terrible that I wasn't there that day. At least I could've given him a hug :(
The man was saying "if you call the police I'll shoot up the place" according to the report, and one of the guys on our security team is like "jokes on that guy, HE didn't call the police ;D "

Thankfully no one got hurt and the man was captured at a hotel here, also having meth on him.
Based on what my other coworkers are saying, it sounds like our team did a great job handling the situation.

Posted in I've done it! (school talk) Posted 5 years ago

I was looking over my internship hours to help the clinic manager, since she's having some file issues. and it dawned on me that I'm not even half way through July yet and by the end of this week, I'll have 140 hours done! Out of the 186 hours that I need by September 19.
When I calculated everything I thought I'd be done a week or two before Sep 19, but I am SO ahead of my schedule that I might actually be done by August 18 :vanora_shock:

You know what that means?

I can sleep again soon!

That also means my graduation is guaranteed to be on time (assuming I don't flunk a class, but I'm at all A's so far lmao) which is something I had to fight real hard to even be able to do this. AND I get to rest a bit earlier than I thought! All my work is paying offffffff :vanora_cry: I'm so close!