Jolly's posts
Posted in I despise visitors..
Posted 5 years ago

If I KNOW a person, I don't mind them in my space a little bit, just with... supervision lol and not for loooong periods of time.
But I usually dont know/remember who these people are. When I DO know, it doesn't make it any better lmao
I tried sitting with them a moment ago and yeah they're... really the type of people who want to be the only ones talking. It's a peeve to get cut off so much you can't even contribute to a 1x1 conversation... P:

Posted in I despise visitors..
Posted 5 years ago

My parents have that "family is always welcome no matter what" idea which, sounds great until you realize your family sucks xD
Literally ever since I was a small child, every time they have a family member, old or young, come to stay with us for a night or more, THEY DO SOMETHING RUDE OR WEIRD.
I've had my blankets shredded, other items broken, shower curtains sliced repeatedly with clean cuts that we could only assume were from a knife once (which mom blamed on the cat even though they were above my head. We replaced the curtains and it happened again--then stopped after that person left lol)
I've had money stolen and found... gross things and stains in my bed that someone slept in. I was 15 at the time and a prude so I was extra pissed =__=
I've even had visitors that were so awful, I had to come and go through the window of my bedroom to go to work at the time cause if I passed by him he would harass me to hell.
This time its someone my parents haven't seen since they were kids.
My first impression was that they're kinda rude. They always have their backs to me and don't let me speak at all when I was trying to greet them for the first time. They act like I'm not even here lol When I leave for work or when I come back, they just act like no one is moving past them trying to wave to them.
The guy, I guess he's my mom's friend or something? idk if they're legit family or not.
He's using the jack and jill bathroom between my sis and my room (she isn't home so he goes through her room to get to it, plus I have less walking space cause I sleep on a floor mat lol).
and he like, rapidly locks the doors and just starts GROANING.
I'm thinking okayyy... maybe he's just struggling with moving around cause he's kinda older. Maybe late 50's, probably older if he takes after the family's young face syndrome. But this groaning continues, and continues, and in the shower it gets even weirder sounding and I'm just cringing. I want to DOUBT its what it sounded like but I never know.. My family has been known for doing the wrong things in the wrong times or places -___-
When he's done, he sprays axe on
I know its axe cause of the smell.
continuously spraying
for a solid minute
its seeping through the door and its burning my eyes IN THE NEXT ROOM ENTIRELY
Why are people so annoying.
I need to shower for work but god damn, if I can break through that cloud of chemicals just to pop open the window..

Posted in Artfight
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you! RPGs are kinda why I started drawing in the first place. Namely final fantasy :vanora_xd:
I still subconsciously get a lot of inspiration from them probably

Posted in Artfight
Posted 5 years ago

Yay! xD
yeah same here, I definitely know I wont have time for all the bookmarks I have.
man I'm really diggin your Rei character's design. I mean I like all of them but that greeen~

Posted in Shipping advice?
Posted 5 years ago

*edit* never mind I found advice elsewhere <3
I joined this mail-in sticker exchange that one of my favorite artists is hosting!
I already ordered my batch of stickers to send out. Figured I'd just wing it when it came to finding the best way of mailing them around the country.
But I have probably only dealt with postal services (outside of normal letters that inevitably get lost) once or twice so I'm a hella newb.
What would you recommend if you know the best manner of sending these things out, while also ensuring they reach their destination?
Like should I pack them in a normal envelope and (if its even a thing) pay extra for insurance on it?
Or should I buy some of those bubble-lined envelopes for better security of the stickers, and insurance on that?
do they even make those small enough for a simple 3" sticker :vanora_xd:
I'd ask my post office but people in my town more often tend to get cranky af, so the internet peeps are nicer..

Posted in Artfight
Posted 5 years ago

ooo I quite like your characters! I'll have to book mark some if I'll have time to get to one!
I already bookmarked so many also. I can't wait

Posted in Artfight
Posted 5 years ago

@q t e a p o n:
I ended up choosing my theme this year. Although I don't really mind which one I land on, I got too excited to wait xd
chose sugar, for my soda addictions (and that ramune bottle <3 )
yay, I've followed you!
yeah I hope I can commit to it enough, I'm gonna be so busy with college lol
but I'm excited to try~

Posted in Artfight
Posted 5 years ago

@bearnas tyr:
Yay! I'm glad you can join! my artfight is here:

Posted in I'm feeling so happy today, have some
Posted 5 years ago

Besides a final I have to take online tonight (its open-book and not timed, so no stress), I have all of today to do NOTHING.
Its been so long,
It feels so good.
I keep having these moments where I want to habitually check the clock or my calendar. When I went to bed last night I actually lost my phone (and its perpetually on silent cause of my massage sessions) and I started to stress a little because I thought I needed the alarms. But. I didn't. xD
So I slept without knowing where my phone was and woke up needing to remind myself "ITS FINE I DONT NEED ALARM TODAY"
Then I realized I have time to read books so that's where my heart is ;v; <333
I feel so stable and comfortable today <3

Posted in This kid today
Posted 5 years ago

dude and then today this grown ass man is walking by my register
stops to tell me he likes my bangs, said it looks pretty. but he WASN'T hitting on me, he just kept walking but sincerely needed to make my day xD
my bangs are a dang mess, soaking up my breath that's pouring out of the side of my mask, they literally frizz out from it.
these compliments are catching me offffffff but it's very nice ;v;

Posted in This kid today
Posted 5 years ago

Hahaha yeah, I know right now when people say "I don't see color" it tends to have a more closed-minded meaning to it. When I say it, what I mean is that I'm not judging the colors, like how I view someone isn't changing based on that. I get more interested in the concept of energies and such xD
and yeah he is a good person, they still talk to this day!

Posted in This kid today
Posted 5 years ago

Yes, the order that he did it in meant a lot more too! Children have such innocent minds, they can really surprise me sometimes when I get so used to talking to grumpy adults at my job xD
Oh my god that's so precious <3
It's good for children to experience people who are different from their parents when growing up. Gives them that sense of normality before society can try and muddle it up for them lol
I remember when I was little, my dad had this band mate who was black. I think he was their singer, I can't remember. He had this energy about him that I fell in love with (little 4 or 5 year old me) so I would cling to him (literally, armlock lmao) and dubbed him as my uncle. I remember sitting on the couch with him while my parents were hanging out. And my mom looks at me weird like ".... why are you petting his arm?"
and I said something of the likes that his skin was very pretty. I probably thought he looked soft xD idk my parents must have been so worried that I'd say something rude, but this guy laughed so much and told me "you're not allowed to fall in love with any black boys"
I was EXTREMELY offended by this, enough that I can remember this moment over 20 years later XD I didn't understand his reasoning about behaviors or something, so I kept asking why a lot. He was black too so I also took it as rejection, like I wasn't allowed to love him as my uncle, which pissed little me off for so long. Growing up, any time anyone said I can't do something with or marry a black man, I'd be like BET

Posted in This kid today
Posted 5 years ago

This customer's kid suddenly blurted out that I was very beautiful today
He was probably like, 8 or something.
Then he asked me what my gender was. Very polite about it.
Like, regardless of my naturally effeminate looks that screams "female" and that I do identify as one also, it still warmed my little heart that this kid GETS IT. Rather than assuming, just ask. Whether I was a boy or a girl, his first concern was to pay a compliment regardless. His mom was giggling like "he's in a no-filter phase I'm sorry!"
but nah lady, you're teaching him a friendly mindset xD
idk, maybe this would make another person uncomfortable. It made me happy and amused though

Posted in Look what I found at my job!
Posted 5 years ago

I've been following this artist for SO so long <33 I managed to get the last book on the shelf too!
I don't really know who Kami Garcia is but I'm excited to discover their work through this as well <3
Doubly excited that I get a few days off this coming week that I actually have TIME to read!!