Jolly's posts
Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I mean, Im the same way. The cold is one thing I love about colorado. BUT at the same time, I find that the cold here makes me more sick. If I'm walking outside too much I have to wear one of those cloth medical masks (so everyone thinks I'm either being a weeb or really ill) cause the cold gets in my lungs and throat and will quickly get me sick D;
So I decided I could suffer texas again. In the combined 5 years I lived there (cause I moved back later for 4 years before moving to CO) I wasn't sick once.

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
People in retail are just big babies. Most of them are fine and friendly, but the ones that aren't like to take it to the next level. Especially this month its like people are extra angry here xD
But yeah, I habitually feel like people are gonna be the same with RLC transactions but
only one time I've had a problem in all the several years I've been doing these.

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Its possible I'm just used to the heat xD grew up in florida after all!
but also possible that I just had good AC in the apartment I lived in at the time. I was only in lubbock for a year, and the complex also had THREE pools to play in during summer so I mostly remember that.
Huh, that kind of sounds like an allergy? I wonder if there's a material or something that is commonly in the air at an airport or in a plane that could be setting you off? Thats interesting. Do you like long car rides? Haha
Oh yeah? What are you working on today?

Posted in I can't stick to just one project! (A Gallery)
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
it might be possible. The last house we lived in wasn't an old house but it wasn't very well maintained before we got there. Current house was just built when we moved in, so mold is pretty unlikely yet
But there's also crazy altitude here compared to the sea level that I'm used to, which can cause a lot of issues. I hate it xD
I used to live in Lubbock, close to the panhandle. It was rural ish at the time, but by now its become like a small city I hear. You always hear about tornado warnings but they would always be out in the fields. Middle of nowhere land. In the cities its safe. I think the heat wasn't so bad either around there.
Now HOUSTON on the other hand
Step outside on a mid-summer day and its like walking into a brick wall. But that wall is made of pure humidity and heat.
I'd still take it over not being able to breathe here in colorado though xD Any time I fly out somewhere that has like, no altitude, I end up running a lot cause I can do that and its an amazing feeling. Cant do that here lmao
I also miss good food ;;
Ive never been to oregon

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Right? Like I know some of it is aging and lifestyles. But it really says something when my whole family, and myself, go most our lives being just fine. Then we come here and have a mountain of ER bills. Thankfully my own health hasn't sent me to the hospital yet but yeesh. Nearly lost everyone at one point or another lol
Anyway, darkness aside. I was happiest when I lived in texas. Despite its stereotypes, when I lived south of Houston I was surrounded by the most joyous types of people. First place I felt like I was at home man.
Anywhere youd wanna be?

Posted in i think my printer killed my wifi
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah Id like to find a state that I can live in comfortably. Then I can commit to a 2-4 year college without getting so much time anxiety haha
I always panic over how much time I waste in colorado, cause the longer I'm here the more my health keeps getting worse. My whole family is a bajillion times more ill since moving here, and all at the same time :vanora_stunned:

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
It is to most states, but not all. Only 2 states wont accept it last I checked. Nebraska and somewhere else thats irrelevant to me, but I cant remember which one.
I'd still have to make sure they accept me for the hours I put in, cause I THINK some states might require I have 1000 hours down for the education bit. I'm taking a 750 hour course.
Wouldn't really be a problem to me, just more academics.
After this I definitely might go back to college for something else. Something.. computery maybe. I just wanted a quick license to do something more than working in retail. Get on my feet and save more money. Not the most noble reason of wanting to get into massage therapy >>
also wrote this like, hours ago and forgot to finish and hit send so.. here im back

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
I finally got a RLC and accidentally sent the wrong email for my paypal. That email is to an old broken paypal account I forgot about.
So they've been charged (ive seen the confirmation) and I'm all dumbD:
I literally cant do anything today without messing up
ahhh even more embarrassment she went through trouble of trying to get it refunded to send it to me properly
bless this person
my retail customers would have me at the stake already

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Yes, story time is fun. xD
I used to be a huge chatterbox online, back in them ernya days.
I dont think they even noticed that they were still next to each other, to be honest. They've made so much of an uproar that they're planning on sitting that instructor down with the dean to go over it. And they're trying to get our other class instructor to talk to him about it too. Then they're also talking about dropping the class and retaking it with another instructor.
Somehow I always feel like I'm sitting in my peaceful bubble, and all around me are people shouting
I've thought of quitting so many times lmao
not just cause the school is like this, but I know people who are working in this business and it just seems to be the mentality around here.

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Right! Well, I'm only about 1/3rd of the way through my course. Its short but too long for me having to deal with bs every week xD
So a lot of the classes have the same students, same group. Just cause its a small school and all. I have these two classes every week that has this same group of 5 people who are a couple months newer than I am. In ONE of these classes we have an additional 2 students who I'm more familiar with from prior classes, they've been at the school as long as I have.
There's one day the week before last where the 5 newish students started to address to the instructor that the 2 students I mentioned are bothering them. This is during the class that the 2 aren't in with us. They're like "they keep whispering to each other, complaining about the class too much and doing their own thing and its highly distracting, we speak for all of us blablabla"
I never hear them making any sort of disturbance personally, cause the class is usually disrupted by the 5 students shouting in chaos for 4 hours. But I stayed out of it, just left the room cause idc. It was time to move on to the massage rooms anyway.
So last week in the other class, the instructor tells the 2 students to separate. He sees a complaint from the majority of the class, so he politely addresses it, shouldn't be a big deal I thought? Well, these students get real fussed, put up an argument about how "these are OUR seats". Class time is disrupted as usual. In the end, they moved seats like they were told, and were absolutely infuriated, throwing the energy off in the room, having a riot the next day in a different class about it.
I will tell you
All that happened was one of them moved from one chair
.. to a chair that was literally just on the other side of their friend.
They never separated in the end and they're so angry :vanora_xd:
THIS is how petty my school is. We all paid 20 grand to focus so much on what our neighbor students are doing, and to claim seats, and shout at each other. I feel like I'm the only level headed one there who just wants to read my text book!