Jolly's posts
Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
sorry I peaced out, my net got all funky xd
Thats a shame! at least you got to be there when it was good. Its seemingly hard to find good teachers anywhere you go, and harder to maintain them. Even my academy has some nut jobs. I cant even trust the dean lmao
It really is like I'm back in middleschool mentality again, only the teachers are just as bad as the students, so there's a lot of petty drama. a. lot.
and it is encouraged by some teachers
My class times are always disrupted by all the he-said-she-said drama and I'm just like, can we just move on to the subjects at hand please? Stay after if you want to gossip and whine.
I often come home and sit at my desk after my classes, and just put my head in my hands like what am I doing there

Posted in i think my printer killed my wifi
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in i think my printer killed my wifi
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
no i dont mind the story! that's interesting and dumb how things work that way. Honestly kinda sounds like something you'd read as part of a plot of some book or something thats meant to frustrate the reader and put them on edge xD
anyway, sounds like it worked out in the end? you guys got away from it all and were able to move on.
are charter schools the ones that students live in dorms?

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
that seems like a weird concept. I'd imagine there would be exceptions in the contract if someone's not doing the job properly. I'd count ethics as part of a teacher's job too! but I digress.
oh its okay, i dont think I mentioned it before. I'm from Florida originally. Homeschooled when I moved to northern Texas for a year, then back to Florida for the rest of it. Now I'm in Colorado xd
Plan to work my way back into the south though, I hate it here lmao

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
Haha its normal to come out sore afterwords. But like, a work-out soreness, cause your muscles are getting worked out. You probably have a lot of tension.
Or if its like, bad pain, like something feels like a problem. Then yeah you probably had someone who didn't know what they're doing. If you go to corporate massage places (ie massage envy) they're reputed to be... less than effective and also terrible to their therapists. But I'll not ramble xD
I will point out that Masseuse doesn't mean what you think. Its commonly mistaken, but a Masseuse is where "happy endings" come from, so it isn't the same thing as a Massage Therapist lmao

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I've come to realize I only want all the rare items I cant find/get/afford
Oh yeah? Mine was for the entire 8th grade, and mainly because I moved across the country for just that year xD
I always thought I'd be too academically slow for college cause I missed out on 2 years worth of HS from graduating early. But now that I'm IN college, I'm realizing just how very behind my schools were in general and that I probably wouldn't be any much more ahead than I am now. My bf already studied a LOT of what I'm currently learning when he was in his freshmen year of HS (he's younger than me, but also went to school in a totally different state) and my schools were stuck on middle school subjects.
Yeah there are practice tests I can take, so I'm not super worried. I took one already at the start of my course just for kicks and got 50% lmao
test is different for each time, but I hear its often full of common sense ethics

Posted in Art and Item questing
Posted 5 years ago
Item Quests
First thing
Sea Witch

Cause its got this thing

And legs are always cool

Dunno the value at the minute. Will edit once I find answers
Then there's this one, Oracle

cause that's pretty BA

cause that's pretty BA


I could have fun with this

Weather Witch

From my understanding, this one's rare. But I wants it


dont ask questions, I just want it

Magical Mystery

of COURSE this one says its the rarest. Of course I want it

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
@amber lynne:
Hopefully :D We'll see how it goes!
Interesting is the right word for it, for sure xD Its a private academy so pretty small and looooots of drama.
The massage part--the purpose--is pretty fun though! I can't wait to get into hot stones and such
Yes, of course! And I'll make sure to let you know if I make any real progress on it :D

Posted in Art and Item questing
Posted 5 years ago
Art Quests
I'm saving up to afford art of my favorite FFXIV boy <3

Zad Bardhyl
male, bi (art with your WOL or ffxiv charas is big <3 )
DRG - Dragoon
Weapon This is the best image reference of the Otegine Kai lance weapon that I like a lot. The image was found on Tumblr
Also White Oak Partisan is his most current weapon, the red version
Things to note:
Top roots of his hair are purple.
He has wiggly marks on his face under his eyes--significant to not be forgotten.
His right eye is a redorange color, left eye is green.
References to use:

If the armor is too much, you can feel free to remove the metal chunks and just replace them with gloves and cropped sleeves, or whatever might look fitting.
I also have this more simplistic outfit option:

If the armor is too much, you can feel free to remove the metal chunks and just replace them with gloves and cropped sleeves, or whatever might look fitting.
I also have this more simplistic outfit option:

Posted in Art and Item questing
Posted 5 years ago
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Cause I know I'll forget that I want these and then I'll pass them by in the shops cluelessly.
I gotta take some effort to write everything down, don't I? This site is full of my sticky notes, and here's another!
I'm adding art quest to this cause lets be honest, I'm always on the lookout for art of my OCs
whenever I have the funds for them
Cause I know I'll forget that I want these and then I'll pass them by in the shops cluelessly.
I gotta take some effort to write everything down, don't I? This site is full of my sticky notes, and here's another!
I'm adding art quest to this cause lets be honest, I'm always on the lookout for art of my OCs
whenever I have the funds for them

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago