Jolly's posts
Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Ah yeah, that would be really difficult. I have learning disabilities so the homeschool part of my life was very challenging. And with a mother who was never home cause of work, I would be left to my own devices and end up not doing much work cause I couldn't figure it out. So I just told people I skipped 8th grade xD practically did!
I'd be graduating massage therapy school! Then I have a big ol' expensive test to take. Hope I pass the first time cause I think the school covers it first, then any time after its $200 a pop. I'm not anxious, nooooo lmao
maybe there are some traditional food items for new years?
also doesn't have to be chinese themed. wines and such can work too :D

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I wanted to be invisible but people sought me out to harass me for some reason. I think some of it was I was always the new kid. My family moved a lot cause of indecisiveness or financial flumps. So I had about 3 or 4 elementary schools that I hopped between multiple times, 1 middle school that I was pulled in and out of for homeschool, 2 highschools and then I dropped out at 16 and got my HSD at a community college. Kinda like the GED system but you take a different test for the HSD and basically bypass 2 years of public school. idk why this was a thing. xD
Going back to a school I previously attended was the absolute worst, and would get me beaten the most haha Like how dare I come back!
Exactly! at most I might do temp threads when I have breaks from classes, if I'm not loaded with hw haha
but I also just might wait until I graduate in 9 months

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Eww I hated kids like that. I saw that slave/friend trope a lot, and I was the kind of kid to call them out on it lmao I wasn't always nice about it though. Awkward kid full of pent up frustrations and all.
I also felt that I can force respect from people if I win (I was bullied hardcore) so I got in a few fights around middle school age xD It worked, but damn I was a psycho child. I still have a small scar on my knee from one incident, which resulted in this boy dropping on his knees to apologize to me. I felt so bad, I wanted to patch it up and be friends, but then I literally moved out of state a week later. Sad me.
I thought of having a pixel hangout on there too! I hesitate because I scarcely have time for one (still havent drawn the current new themes yet, but I will!), and I dont want to run something like this if I'm not gonna participate as well.

Posted in I can't stick to just one project! (A Gallery)
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in I can't stick to just one project! (A Gallery)
Posted 5 years ago
Six is his name! My bf's persona character. I'm finally making proper references for him, so I can start collecting art for a booklet I want to make in the future (just for our personal use to look at).

This is just one outfit. I have at least one more to dress him up with for right now. Would like to design more in the future <3

Posted 5 years ago

Posted in I can't stick to just one project! (A Gallery)
Posted 5 years ago
[Locked due to 6+ months of inactivity! If you'd like this thread unlocked to revive, bplease don't hesitate to PM a mod, or submit a support ticket. Thanks!]
In the moment, I thought it'd be fun to have a place where I can brain-barf my WIPs and ideas.
If I finish anything that I rattle on about in here I'll post it of course.
But if you'd like to see a cleaner, possibly more interesting or more boring gallery of my work, just follow me onto my twitter or DA accounts :vanora_xd:
@HallowSeoDraws or HallowSeo on DA
By the way, comments in this thread are totally awesome! But save conversations for my hangout thread. Its dead right now but I do check it haha
Anyway, get ready for some colorful scribbles!
In the moment, I thought it'd be fun to have a place where I can brain-barf my WIPs and ideas.
If I finish anything that I rattle on about in here I'll post it of course.
But if you'd like to see a cleaner, possibly more interesting or more boring gallery of my work, just follow me onto my twitter or DA accounts :vanora_xd:
@HallowSeoDraws or HallowSeo on DA
By the way, comments in this thread are totally awesome! But save conversations for my hangout thread. Its dead right now but I do check it haha
Anyway, get ready for some colorful scribbles!

Posted in Vday plotting!
Posted 5 years ago
Aw, I'm sorry for the loss. I'm sure I can speak for the site's community when I say we'll be here for you!
I do find that most people prefer more sentimental things. I always tell others they dont have to spend a dime on me. Draw something, write something, send me a photo of something, or just message me. I can feel if thought was put into something and holy poop, that makes me happier than anything. No matter how quick and small it is!

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Right? I dont think anyone has said that to me seriously, since I only had the one friend growing up.
now that I think about it, making friends was actually never easy LOL I'm good at contradicting myself.
Yeah I'm glad my bf is introverted too. We have strengths where the other has weakness when it comes to social situations, which works out very well. What one is too anxious to deal with, the other will handle it haha and at any point when his friends/family want to do something, I can trust him to listen if I'm like, not today plsss
I see a lot of the same people from here on there also. So I have to try not to make threads that kinda repeat themselves (not that I do that much on sites) xD gotta remind myself the audience is the same.

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
lmao no its okay! Im the same way, I get distracted really easily.
Yeah I used to get attached so quickly to others. I miss being a kid when it was so easy lol All I had to do was tell someone they had an awesome blanket in 3rd grade and bam. Best friends for-almost-ever. Not anymore but it was a good run lmao
Its awesome having someone you can just chill and be introverted with though <3
Yeah I like it on here. Coming to enjoy pantheon also!

Posted in Vday plotting!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Vday plotting!
Posted 5 years ago
Hahaha my sister is that way! I find its getting harder for me to keep secrets from him because I get so excited. And he also sucks at it and keeps giving gifts to me early lmao
Like christmas he had prepared months ahead of time and then was like.... do you want it.. now? :vanora_xd:
and my wishy washy butt is like "if you want me to want it now"
Thanks <3
its originally his idea, of course. Just been almost a year since he last mentioned it.
I love crafty things like these too, so I'll have fun helping with it over time

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago