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I agree with Llama, I've always found dithering to be difficult to wrap my mind around when I try it.
But its such a satisfying look

awesome! I love the angle you went with.
that kind of dotty shading makes me think of crosshatching a bit, only with pixels haha

yay! I updated them into the front posts :D

Posted in posting youtube videos Posted 5 years ago

that sounds like a grand ol time lmao
silly youtube, causing problems!
thanks for the answer :D

Posted in shake a bag of coins for the new year! Posted 5 years ago

My best friend told me of this tradition his family does for new years. When midnight hits, they'd shake a bag of coins to bring financial luck in the new year.
I don't know if this is a normal tradition in his country or just something they do. most likely the latter I think. But I always found it charming.

My only consistent new year tradition was drinking sparkling white grape juice. but other activities differed.
My family doesn't take part in many traditional things when it comes to holidays, which might be why I have such a strong interest in making my own or checking out what others do! For myself, I always make sure to set a healthy mindset on new years day. I decide what that focus should be on eve usually, and just hold it in hopes to bring more positivity in my year. I also try to be productive with art or work.

Like Mousy's word of the year thread :D

Anyway, what traditions do you have/want to adopt? Or just find interesting

Posted in blin's Christmas Shop [open] Posted 5 years ago

Aha! Finally saved up enough :D
If you're not full up by the time you get to my post of course

username: Jolly
reference: My ffxiv character
base #: 1 tangled in lights
offer: 10k volts

@priestess of pie:
Right, and I love the concept of limiting yourself to a specific pallet. I think I've learned a lot from doing that in the past
should come in great handy for pixel art too

@priestess of pie:
I agree. I'd like to think I have that down for the most part (with normal illustration)? Of course, I could always improve with it xD
And I also rely a lot on layer modes and hue/sat sliders cause I get a bit color blind when I hand pick colors

Posted in testing things Posted 5 years ago


Posted in testing things Posted 5 years ago

cause I know ill forget this later



Posted in testing things Posted 5 years ago

test test

@priestess of pie:
I think thats what is most fun about learning pixel art. You have far smaller options to work with as opposed to my usual illustrations. You're just placing 2D blocks in a strategic manner.

@priestess of pie:
I imagine a bird would be a challenge. I wanna learn to do it myself, too, but I can barely draw animals in my normal style either.
I tend to shy away from trying.

Thank you! I think her name is Janet LOL cant even remember my own OCs..
But she's the other green haired guy's aunt

@priestess of pie:
AH I love it
I didn't realize you made your own signature art. Its so good <3
Let me know if you ever open up again, I would 100% pay you for pixels of my budgy and guppies :vanora_xd: